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Craig Forsyth


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Ok.. You had a bloody nightmare today. 

Don't blame you for the first really. Second was poor but unlucky. Third... Err.. No excuses. 

But what the hell, we are safe!!!

Real warrior and nothing but respect for him returning to play again and again. 

Glad you aren't being blamed for our demise. 

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Very glad he didn’t end up responsible for us losing today

Probably not up to it at this level anymore but he has never ever put in less than maximum effort which is all I care about. Would’ve been a huge shame if we’d gone down today and he’d have been blamed for it, even though we’d have been relegated over the course of a season, not just today

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Nobody deserves singling out after this,  you do your best and that's all anyone can ask

I have not forgotten the countless times he saved a goal, and made one at the other end.

The fact is he gave his all for our club, and deserves credit for that!

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Love fozzy, has been a tremendous servant to the club 

but if we’re looking to progress thenfor me he has to go or at least be used sparingly 

today he had a mare ... it happens 

but he’s looked more and more off the pace every week, truth be told I think that last injury has lost him 5 yards of sharpness ... he just looks slower in everything he does atm, passing, marking, reacting 

Still totally respect what he’s done for the club though 

Not having a pop at the guy there’s been nothing Iv enjoyed more that watching him at full tilt with some of those delicious first time low crosses that are a forwards dream 

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Fozzy has been a solid servant to our football club, love him and hope he sees the rest of his career with us. 

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One day he’ll write a book about the highs and lows of Derby. He’s been there through all of it since clough. Seen managers come and go, seen the real superstars and more popular players of the Mac 1 era and beyond, like Martin, Keogh, Bryson, Bucko and Russell, come and go. Even seen the likes of Wissy and even Mac come and go, and come again (and in Macs case go again, and come again). He’s suffered horrific injuries, and come back and is still being picked by new managers to play important games. 

He’s clearly past his best, but he’s been an excellent servant for this club and built up plenty of goodwill in my book. 

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Should have been bombed out 3 years ago. Pre injuries an excellent championship defender. Post injuries, bang average league 1 player. Just glad he didn’t cost us today, he doesn’t deserve that. He has given his all for the club, alas his all just isn’t good enough anymore 

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Actually I correct myself ... thought his passing was as Sharp as it has been for quite sometime today, found the forwards are numerous occasions first half with some nice slick passes 

just had a mare at the back unfortunately 

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I hope he’s alright tonight, not dwelling on stuff. He’ll know he’s had a mare this afternoon and out of Mel Morris, Rooney and Craig, I wouldn’t like to say who’s the most relieved this evening. 

I don’t like all this “never want to see him in a Derby shirt again” s hit, short memories some people, he’s had more positive input to this club than negative.

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He’s done alright considering the amount of football that’s been played since covid happened. There wasn’t much of a rest last summer before starting again. He’ll need a proper summer off. 

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One thing I will say about foz Is he’s been written off so many times yet comes back to prove people wrong.

Might have been part of the collective blame for the Zamora goal at Wembley but he was outstanding in 13/14.

14/15 - also very good until his first ACL

15/16 - missed the season 

16/17 - Came back and was outstanding from the off until his second ACL under Pearson very early season.

17/18 - His worst season by some distance. Painful to watch. Had turning circle of a tank. So obvious he was thinking about his knee in everything he did. I thought he was finished

18/19 - Max Lowe started season and Lamps signed Malone for £3m. Fozzy displaced him to be number 1 left back - looked back to his very best until his third ACL!  Desperate luck.

19/20 - Did ok when he came back under Cocu 

20/21 - Again solid for most part but some very bad games in the run in, no more than today 

He’s not on a big contract. He’s a good solid honest pro. We definitely need to keep him IMO. Hope we can keep Buchanan, he is definitely first choice but Foz is a more than able deputy. The only survivor from Clough and a snip at £150k. Also inspired from Nige to turn him from a left midfielder to a left back 

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Been a good servant and on his day a great player for us but Id say it’s time for him to move on. We need to be ruthless in the rebuild, we have too many “ok on their day” players and need consistent performers. 

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14 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Been a good servant and on his day a great player for us but Id say it’s time for him to move on. We need to be ruthless in the rebuild, we have too many “ok on their day” players and need consistent performers. 

I am a Fozzy fan but I agree with this.

Our problem is that we are awful at replacing players. We either pay top dollar for players who are not as good or fail to even address it at all.

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Just now, RIMBAUD said:

I am a Fozzy fan but I agree with this.

Our problem is that we are awful at replacing players. We either pay top dollar for players who are not as good or fail to even address it at all.

You’d hope if we have new owners the first thing they’ll address is the recruitment team, but I agree we’ve let too many ok players go for worse and much more money, that’s one of the reasons we’re in the trouble we are. 

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