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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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8 hours ago, maxjam said:

Because the double vaxxed can still spread delta therefore its a flawed concept to begin with.

Am I right in assuming that you haven't been vaccinated?

I must emphasise here that in no way do I support vaccine passports in any way, shape or form, yet you seem to be determined to pick an argument with me over this.


Edited by Eddie
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I am starting sick and tired of cov19 9r new bloody strain of it. One moment saying you have to self aslite next thing they are saying as long doing tests things you dont have too. So why cant football players do this or just get bloody injections so life can go on as normal as possible not that hardly anybody wearing masks even through they should be.

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For me they still not learned there lesson of first one if they had not let people of that damn ship we would not have got it and those first 2 cases of new strain they should said no your not coming back until systems have gone and now it had spread like mad and damn kids are spreading it.

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A local pediatrician claims it is the civic duty of all parents to have their children jabbed, because non jabbed kids are the main spreaders of the new variant, (a claim he cannot back up with peer reviewed studies) but then says it's only for the health of the children, the scoundrel.

Meanwhile Fauci threatens to forcibly jab every non jabbed American.


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Why is anyone still listening to Mengele, I mean Fauci? He's a big pharma pimp and has been for his entire career. He was very big on rushing through approval for zidovudine as a treatment for HIV in the 80's. A very expensive drug that seemed to reduce mortality initially, albeit with pretty awful side effects, until the virus quickly became resistant.

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6 hours ago, ramit said:

A local pediatrician claims it is the civic duty of all parents to have their children jabbed, because non jabbed kids are the main spreaders of the new variant, (a claim he cannot back up with peer reviewed studies) but then says it's only for the health of the children, the scoundrel.

Meanwhile Fauci threatens to forcibly jab every non jabbed American.


A couple of things.

Fauci doesn't have that power and he didn't threaten to have people forcibly jabbed. He said he would prefer that to happen, so there's no real need for your inflammatory language. 

I *presume* he's just sick of people dying and new variants kicking it all off again (especially as he predicted this back in the beginning) when if everybody had been vaxxed from he get-go it would almost certainly totally under control by now.

I'm not in favour of mandating vaccinations now. I wasn't in favour 18 months ago, but in hindsight, it would probably been wise from a public health standpoint.

Civil liberties are fluid at best.

We have to pay taxes, we drink water with fluoride added to it whether we like it or not, we must wear a seat belt in a car, we cannot smoke inside public buildings, we have to obey laws or risk having our freedom taken away, certain people cannot do certain jobs without having certain vaccinations.

If were we at war with France and this virus was being used by them to infect the British people prior to an invasion, would a mandatory vaccination program be ok then? I mean, you probably wouldn't need it because I doubt there'd be so much pushback, but it's something to ponder.

Nothing is clear cut.


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5 hours ago, Anon said:

Why is anyone still listening to Mengele, I mean Fauci? He's a big pharma pimp and has been for his entire career. He was very big on rushing through approval for zidovudine as a treatment for HIV in the 80's. A very expensive drug that seemed to reduce mortality initially, albeit with pretty awful side effects, until the virus quickly became resistant.


You clearly know a lot about him.

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15 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

...when if everybody had been vaxxed from he get-go it would almost certainly totally under control by now.

Out of interest, how is this so?


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51 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

when if everybody had been vaxxed from he get-go it would almost certainly totally under control by now.

I’m not so sure that’s factual, we seem to be reacting and implementing actions to the “pandemic” based on positive cases. The vaccination doesn’t stop you getting it, however it does (as data has shown) lessen the impact of you do. Until we stop reacting to positive case count we will never be out of this. 

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44 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Out of interest, how is this so?



7 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I’m not so sure that’s factual, we seem to be reacting and implementing actions to the “pandemic” based on positive cases. The vaccination doesn’t stop you getting it, however it does (as data has shown) lessen the impact of you do. Until we stop reacting to positive case count we will never be out of this. 

Fauci warned of variants way back at the beginning and the need to build herd immunity through vaccinations QUICKLY.

But that horse has left the stable, settled down with a hot filly, had foals and is now looking to retire.

It appears that with each variant  the vaccine has proved less effective in fighting off the virus entirely.

To the point now, with omicron, where it seems to be posing little resistance to catching the virus, but *appears* to be effective in reducing the seriousness.

So it's still important, but this variant is coming to get us all I think.

From my understanding, the vaccine absolutely did massively reduce your chances of catching Covid when it was rolled out, just that every subsequent variant has reduced its efficacy.

The early variants struggled in getting past the vaccine more than a drunken Dalek struggled to get up a flight of stairs.

Delta bought a chair lift, but Omicron be like 'dude hold my beer I've got this, there's a backdoor they left open - follow me"

I will go on record as saying the vaccine now appears to be useless in slowing the spread. It's still valuable in stopping people dying and helping the NHS though.

My views and opinions tend to change as science and new information changes.

Get this guys - I think vaccine passports are largely window dressing. I do think they can have value (can't be arsed to explain why as I have a client in 15 minutes).

This is aimed at @G STAR RAM rather than you @TexasRam - I look for information that contradicts what I already believe from reputable sources.

I then make the best judgment call I can as a layperson.

As such, my opinion fluctuates with new information .

That's why I think there may now be a case of just letting this thing rip IF they unequivocally can show the NHS wouldn't be more seriously impacted than it would with this dragging on year after year. 

Most people (me included when I'm posting here) in this thread are looking to persuade rather than learn. If we all  were told that we'd be given £5,000 if we could create a compelling argument for the position we currently do not hold, most of us probably could.

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9 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

A couple of things.

Fauci doesn't have that power and he didn't threaten to have people forcibly jabbed. He said he would prefer that to happen, so there's no real need for your inflammatory language. 

I *presume* he's just sick of people dying and new variants kicking it all off again (especially as he predicted this back in the beginning) when if everybody had been vaxxed from he get-go it would almost certainly totally under control by now.

I'm not in favour of mandating vaccinations now. I wasn't in favour 18 months ago, but in hindsight, it would probably been wise from a public health standpoint.

Civil liberties are fluid at best.

We have to pay taxes, we drink water with fluoride added to it whether we like it or not, we must wear a seat belt in a car, we cannot smoke inside public buildings, we have to obey laws or risk having our freedom taken away, certain people cannot do certain jobs without having certain vaccinations.

If were we at war with France and this virus was being used by them to infect the British people prior to an invasion, would a mandatory vaccination program be ok then? I mean, you probably wouldn't need it because I doubt there'd be so much pushback, but it's something to ponder.

Nothing is clear cut.


Listen again.  Fauci said he would prefer people got voluntarily vaccinated but if they're not going to do that, sometimes you've got to do things that are unpopular but that clearly supersede individual choices.  i think i know a threat when i hear one and i don't need your approval to call things as i see them.

So, you are not in favour of mandating vaccinations, but think it would have been a good idea.  Right, gotcha.

It will be a cold day in Iceland when we declare war on France, but no it would not be okay, not without informed consent.


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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:


Fauci warned of variants way back at the beginning and the need to build herd immunity through vaccinations QUICKLY.

But that horse has left the stable, settled down with a hot filly, had foals and is now looking to retire.

It appears that with each variant  the vaccine has proved less effective in fighting off the virus entirely.

To the point now, with omicron, where it seems to be posing little resistance to catching the virus, but *appears* to be effective in reducing the seriousness.

So it's still important, but this variant is coming to get us all I think.

From my understanding, the vaccine absolutely did massively reduce your chances of catching Covid when it was rolled out, just that every subsequent variant has reduced its efficacy.

The early variants struggled in getting past the vaccine more than a drunken Dalek struggled to get up a flight of stairs.

Delta bought a chair lift, but Omicron be like 'dude hold my beer I've got this, there's a backdoor they left open - follow me"

I will go on record as saying the vaccine now appears to be useless in slowing the spread. It's still valuable in stopping people dying and helping the NHS though.

My views and opinions tend to change as science and new information changes.

Get this guys - I think vaccine passports are largely window dressing. I do think they can have value (can't be arsed to explain why as I have a client in 15 minutes).

This is aimed at @G STAR RAM rather than you @TexasRam - I look for information that contradicts what I already believe from reputable sources.

I then make the best judgment call I can as a layperson.

As such, my opinion fluctuates with new information .

That's why I think there may now be a case of just letting this thing rip IF they unequivocally can show the NHS wouldn't be more seriously impacted than it would with this dragging on year after year. 

Most people (me included when I'm posting here) in this thread are looking to persuade rather than learn. If we all  were told that we'd be given £5,000 if we could create a compelling argument for the position we currently do not hold, most of us probably could.

The vaccine was effective at stopping the virus spread until real world figures showed it wasn’t , is the virus less likely to mutate in vaccinated people catching it singular or multiple times than non vaccinated?

no boosters for me , my choice , now if the vaccine stopped me catching and spreading it and or stopped mutatations I would have a different view regards my choice ??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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23 minutes ago, Archied said:

The vaccine was effective at stopping the virus spread until real world figures showed it wasn’t , is the virus less likely to mutate in vaccinated people catching it singular or multiple times than non vaccinated?

no boosters for me , my choice , now if the vaccine stopped me catching and spreading it and or stopped mutatations I would have a different view regards my choice ??‍♂️

Please get the booster mate

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I'm resigned to the very high probability that we won't all be getting together this Christmas, what with how fast Omicron is spreading.

I already know far more people who have tested positive this week, than at any previous stage in the pandemic. Only a matter of time before some of the 10 people (3 households) due to ours for Christmas day get it.

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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

Well, that's me caught up

... and I can't believe people are advocating warming up last night's pizza in a bloody microwave!
Get it wrapped in foil, and bung it in the oven!

Let's put a stop to floppy pizza!    ?

Not if you have a thick crust ? ?

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14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm resigned to the very high probability that we won't all be getting together this Christmas, what with how fast Omicron is spreading.

I already know far more people who have tested positive this week, than at any previous stage in the pandemic. Only a matter of time before some of the 10 people (3 households) due to ours for Christmas day get it.


My sister and fella have tested positive this week, they are out of isolation on the 23rd but with 3 kids in the house, matter of days now until one of those tests positive and pushes the isolation period over Christmas.

Looking like me and the missus will be staying at home again this year.

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50 minutes ago, BrudeRAM said:

Please get the booster mate

Very kind of you to say that ( I get the impression it’s genuine concern) but I have various reasons for not wanting to go down the route of constant boosters at this point , some would be considered anecdotal so no point putting them on here,

covid may get me but so may many many things and I’m choosing to try to live as normally as I can 

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