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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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16 hours ago, i-Ram said:

Off to Bournemouth tomorrow - yes I do travel - to watch Fontaines DC with my lad (29). This will be our 5th gig together in 5 weeks.  So great to be out experiencing live music, having a few beers and a jig, and enjoying a social life again with young, happy people. Now I know at 60 I am taking some risks, but I am double jabbed and this virus is not going away for some time yet. So a bit of unmasked moshing will be undertaken again, but rest easy as I will be crossing my fingers for protection. 

The band will open with the song below, which is a great toe tapper about things you should do in life, for your overall betterment, and so your life doesn’t feel empty.  In particular there is a line And don't sacrifice your life for your health. That resonates greatly with me. Now, in a few weeks or months my Mrs might come on here and inform you I passed with COVID, and how foolish might these comments seem then?  Well very foolish, but do let her know that life is for living and not hiding behind masks, doors and walls, and also tell her that I hoped she would be very happy with the milkman. She thinks I don’t know. Silly cow.


Luke loved Fontaines a few weeks back, so should be good.

We're off to see Suede on Bonfire Night, ironically with tickets given to us by someone who's too concerned about Covid to go.

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22 hours ago, Archied said:

Time and personal experience will hopefully sort things out , for me there’s something in the middle of the all out fear/ hysteria mongering and the all out conspiracy fake line and I believe there’s a virus we have to be wary of and treat with respect 

Agree with your last point, Archied. We keep driving the 'r' number down and then just as the situation starts to improve we drop our guard possibly turbo charging another wave.

Many people in this country in poor and marginalised communities are in a worse position than the more fortunate of us if they are infected ,due to poverty and overcrowding, not to mention those with existing health problems, the elderly and the vulnerable.

I'm not advocating draconian law making, just agreeing with your point that we should all be wary of this virus and treat it with respect for the sake of the health of everyone.


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On 25/10/2021 at 22:11, i-Ram said:

Off to Bournemouth tomorrow - yes I do travel - to watch Fontaines DC with my lad (29). This will be our 5th gig together in 5 weeks.  So great to be out experiencing live music, having a few beers and a jig, and enjoying a social life again with young, happy people. Now I know at 60 I am taking some risks, but I am double jabbed and this virus is not going away for some time yet. So a bit of unmasked moshing will be undertaken again, but rest easy as I will be crossing my fingers for protection. 

The band will open with the song below, which is a great toe tapper about things you should do in life, for your overall betterment, and so your life doesn’t feel empty.  In particular there is a line And don't sacrifice your life for your health. That resonates greatly with me. Now, in a few weeks or months my Mrs might come on here and inform you I passed with COVID, and how foolish might these comments seem then?  Well very foolish, but do let her know that life is for living and not hiding behind masks, doors and walls, and also tell her that I hoped she would be very happy with the milkman. She thinks I don’t know. Silly cow.


I’m gob smacked. I really don’t know what to say and I’m not sure you’re telling the truth about your wife.

Do you still have a milkman deliver your milk? ?

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Correlation <> Causation

For instance...


Just going with the numbers ,oops forgot ,this is the bit where we no longer go with the numbers we just say imagine how much worse it would be if they didn’t have a mask mandate and work from home recommendations ,,,, they now warn they may have to introduce even more draconian measures ,you couldn’t make this stuff up??‍♂️

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Big day tomorrow my wife and I will be receiving our covid booster jab.

This means due to where the vaccination is being carried out, we will be in Derby earlier than normal on a match day.  So after much deliberation we have come to the difficult decision to spend that time in the partaking of various refreshments at the Brunswick Inn.

Well I suppose one has to make sacrifices when doing their bit in safeguarding the community

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I read another article elsewhere earlier this week that suggested having the vaccine followed by catching covid provided the absolute best protection going forwards - which seems plausible imo.

I'm hoping this to be the case being double jabbed and wearing a mask at work and shopping etc but tested positive today and feeling a bit poo but suppose I'd feel worse not being jabbed.

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On 25/10/2021 at 20:44, Eddie said:

On the one hand, every single scientist who has anything to do with virology says that mask-wearing and social distancing is an effective way to prevent the spread of this virus, and every single study backs this.

On the other hand, a person having zero knowledge of the subject posting on a football messageboard disagrees.

50:50 then.

Judging by the current figures it would appear that not wearing masks and not social distancing is equally effective at reducing cases.

Its almost as if there is something else now that is controlling the spread, if only we could put our finger on what it was.

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On 29/10/2021 at 20:14, RoyMac5 said:

Are they causing harm?

Why do you bother buddy? Medical professionals having been using masks to prevent the spread of infection since the 1800's but Dave, tyre-fitter from Essex reckons they don't work.

Just accept that 'Dave' selects the part of the curve that confirms his bias and move on. You're wasting your time ?

Edited by 86 Hair Islands
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1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Why do you bother buddy? Medical professionals having been using masks to prevent the spread of infection since the 1800's but Dave, tyre-fitter from Essex reckons they don't work.

Just accept that 'Dave' selects the part of the curve that confirms his bias and move on. You're wasting your time ?

Yes far better to go with Henry and Henryetta from Islington, let’s raise a glass of elderberry wine / craft beer from the superior sham pain heartlands where they have a finger on the pulse ????
oh how the aspiring middle class believe they’re haughty superiority complex

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Judging by the current figures it would appear that not wearing masks and not social distancing is equally effective at reducing cases.

Its almost as if there is something else now that is controlling the spread, if only we could put our finger on what it was.

Don’t you realise Figures can only be used if they support your opinion , if not they are to be ignored , denied , adjusted twisted ??‍♂️

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25 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yes far better to go with Henry and Henryetta from Islington, let’s raise a glass of elderberry wine / craft beer from the superior sham pain heartlands where they have a finger on the pulse ????
oh how the aspiring middle class believe they’re haughty superiority complex

Way to go with the working class hero ********. The comment was average Joe vs medical expert but of course you've gone and shown yourself unable to interpret even the simplest of 'data' once again with your desperate classist nonsense. 


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16 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Way to go with the working class hero ********. The comment was average Joe vs medical expert but of course you've gone and shown yourself unable to interpret even the simplest of 'data' once again with your desperate classist nonsense. 


Nope you showed your disdain to those considered below you and were pulled up on it , Dave the tyre fitter may well be quite a bright ,sensible , engaged and fairly read and informed fella ,,, oops my mistake he’s obviously a vote leave type ????
interesting you didn’t see Dave as a teacher or an accountant,, hmmmm systemic classism ?..

Edited by Archied
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