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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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9 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It maybe didn't help that I knew about the most shocking scene before hand - having failed to avoid a spoiler, but that was in the good half of the film. After that it somehow changed direction and ended up like an old 80's B-Movie horror film.

I found both sides of the film, the scary bit and the funny bit really entertaining, I'm just not sure if it was for the right reasons. I enjoyed it regardless.

There were a lot of salty comments from people complaining they had their cinema experience ruined by antisocial barstewards laughing through moments they thought were tense. I'd have been one of those people.


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1 hour ago, reveldevil said:

3 billboards.

I can't really describe it, you have to watch it really, but it's quite brilliant.

Will Hughes/10.

Sorry to quote myself, but yesterday was my film pick, so we watched In Bruges, which I loved and the missus was meh about, today her pick was 3 billboards, which we both loved.

Didn't realise it was the same writer for both, or that Sam Rockwell was Dixon.

He was in one of my other favourite films, Moon, which is also excellent.

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20 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Anything with Mark Rylance in it tends to be superb, I can't take my eyes of anything he's in.

I even loved Wolf Hall, and that's a bloody costume series!


He was the Russian spy i presume,  very endearing character who was not on my radar before this, i'll look out for his films. I've taken to Christoph Waltz as well, fine actor. Ron Perlman is another i thought was brilliant,  so upsetting to lose him so young. 

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52 minutes ago, mozza said:

Turns out Ron Perlman is alive and well, news of his demise was a malicious hoax,  why would people think it clever to spread evil rumours. Pleased he's ok tho..


The like was for everything before Ron Perlman, I've got form for killing people off prematurely on here.

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17 hours ago, reveldevil said:

3 billboards.

I can't really describe it, you have to watch it really, but it's quite brilliant.

Will Hughes/10.

Got round to watching this on Sky last night and have to agree - it is very good without really fitting into any genre.  If I could describe it, it kinda starts in the middle, stuff happens, then ends in the middle, but the stuff that happens is neither predictable nor cliched.

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got forced into accompanying her to watch A Star is Born last night.

Hmmm, better than I expected, although there's a lot of singing in it, and I prefer dialogue. But it has some uplifting bits, some sad bits, but overall, it just highlights 2 things 1) Lady Gaga looks better "au naturelle", and 2) Bradley Cooper is a very talented man and can sing.

Mason Mount/10

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On 10/11/2018 at 10:21, maxjam said:

Got round to watching this on Sky last night and have to agree - it is very good without really fitting into any genre.  If I could describe it, it kinda starts in the middle, stuff happens, then ends in the middle, but the stuff that happens is neither predictable nor cliched.

Watched it on Saturday as well. Really good.

Funny, sad, black comedy, race issues, sexism, police brutality, death, dwarfism,  all rolled into one. 

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12 hours ago, Moist One said:

got forced into accompanying her to watch A Star is Born last night.

Hmmm, better than I expected, although there's a lot of singing in it, and I prefer dialogue. But it has some uplifting bits, some sad bits, but overall, it just highlights 2 things 1) Lady Gaga looks better "au naturelle", and 2) Bradley Cooper is a very talented man and can sing.

Mason Mount/10

Whoa there, I can't let this one go.

Are thee courting a lady?

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On 09/11/2018 at 16:58, reveldevil said:

3 billboards.

I can't really describe it

This was my attempt:

On 08/06/2018 at 01:04, Lambchop said:

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. 

Dark, violent and very funny, with some great performances. I can understand the criticisms - contrived, and doesn’t address the social issues it raises, but I enjoyed it. 8/10


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