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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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Red Sparrow - currently only £1.99 on Amazon Video

Jennifer Lawrence plays a Russian ballerina who gets injured and then ends up being recruited as a spy/seductress & tasked with targeting CIA agent Joel Edgerton to identify a Russian mole.

Gruesome in places but enjoyed it a lot.


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watched Top Dog on Netflix the other night, having read the book about 5-6 years ago. I didn't think it possible to be worse than the book, and watched out of some curious interest that "action" and acting would give some substance to a quite puerile story! How wrong I was! Absolutely abject. Stinking film. 1/10!

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1 hour ago, BurtonRam7 said:

The Purge:

Frank Lampard/10 - An amazing premise that didn't quite live up to initial hopes but still did/is doing a solid job.

I like the second one mainly as I really like Frank Grillo. He reminds me of Micahel Biehn for some reason. 

There's a telly programme now as well.

Edited by StringerBell
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It's currently the London Film Festival. I went to see Duplicate yesterday, which is a film about two brothers living in the same apartment, passing messages back and forth yet never meeting for some reason. 

A clever concept movie but hard to maintain interest, especially after the big reveal, and despite the presence of Suki Waterhouse. A little oddly, the film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival called Jonathan (who's one of the brothers). 

Definitely interesting but would have been better as a "short". Maybe 5.5/10.

Looking forward to Assassination Nation on Friday! A modern day take on the Salem witch trials. 

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Ghost Stories

British film with Martin Freeman & Paul Whitehouse. Adapted from popular west end play.

Supernatural sceptic & ghost de-bunker sets about investigating three "real" ghost experiences.

Some creepy bits but, for me, the ending ruined it.



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Mother - watched this as part of the UHD Halloween selection in SkyQ.

What a bizarre film. I couldn't for the life of me, work out what was going on or what would happen. Literally lay there last night trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

Worth a watch.

Away point at Middlesbro/10

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Wanted to watch this at the cinema but missed it. Finally got the Mrs to watch it the other night (she doesn’t like scary films). Wished I hadn’t bothered.

Why people are claiming this is the best horror of the year is anyone’s guess. Started off weird and quite atmospheric, then descended into stupidity and a truly awful ending. At no point was it even scary. The fact I’m a Toni Collette fan just made it worse.

Big disappointment


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Bohemian Rhapsody

I know a fair bit about the Queen story and didn't learn anything new. Outstanding performances from the four actors - Brian May and John Deacon actors were the spitting image. Also enjoyed the Mike Myers cameo and knowing lines.

Pretty frothy, top level stuff, doesn't go into much detail on anything. Odd point to end. But the Live Aid stuff is incredible.


Routine 2-1 win over Blackburn, but with a wonderstrike thrown in for one of our goals.

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On 22/10/2018 at 08:47, Wolfie said:

Ghost Stories

British film with Martin Freeman & Paul Whitehouse. Adapted from popular west end play.

Supernatural sceptic & ghost de-bunker sets about investigating three "real" ghost experiences.

Some creepy bits but, for me, the ending ruined it.



How did it end?

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:


Wanted to watch this at the cinema but missed it. Finally got the Mrs to watch it the other night (she doesn’t like scary films). Wished I hadn’t bothered.

Why people are claiming this is the best horror of the year is anyone’s guess. Started off weird and quite atmospheric, then descended into stupidity and a truly awful ending. At no point was it even scary. The fact I’m a Toni Collette fan just made it worse.

Big disappointment


I thought it was pretty scary. Mostly hilarious though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Limehouse Golem

In Victorian London, a Scotland Yard inspector (Bill Nighy) hunts down the sadistic killer behind a series of gory, Jack the Ripper-Like murders.

Entertaining, though I was annoyed with myself that I didn't see the twist coming.


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On 30/10/2018 at 19:49, StringerBell said:

I thought it was pretty scary. Mostly hilarious though.

It maybe didn't help that I knew about the most shocking scene before hand - having failed to avoid a spoiler, but that was in the good half of the film. After that it somehow changed direction and ended up like an old 80's B-Movie horror film.

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John Wick 2

Not normally a film I'd choose to watch, but I was stuck on a flight with limited options. The director has achieved something amazing in that this film is at once an all out assault on the senses whilst being one of the most dull and turgid experiences I've ever endured (and I had a season ticket when Phil Brown was in charge). The plot toes the line between paper thin and non existent. The action scenes are spectacular, but there's no weight to them when they occur every 5 minutes. The film seems to want to have it's cake and eat it in that Wick is nominally an assassin, but displays 0 finesse in any encounter, leaving a trail of destruction of biblical proportions every single time. If I wanted to watch a film about an assassin I'd watch Leon, if I wanted balls to the wall action I'd watch Crank. The plot of John Wick is laughably stupid, but the film has absolutely none of the self awareness and humour required to pull it off. It's a sad indictment of modern film audiences that this bull semen is rated so highly.

Giles Barnes/10 Technically proficient, but thinks it's about a million times better than it actually is.

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