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1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

Your right.

Our political views will never be aligned.. Johnson and his Conservative colleagues have deliberately run down the NHS and Care system over a long period, cut jobs, beds, services, etc, to make it more profitable for private companies to take over. 

We'd struggle in a crises at any time, but with the whole system savaged by ideological cuts  a lot more people will die than otherwise would have done.


Not really the thread for it but if you put the demise of the NHS purely at the door of the Conservatives then I am afraid you're blinkered.

Maybe do a bit of research into how much the PFIs are costing the NHS.

One thing we will agree on though is that the NHS needs revitalising.

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1 hour ago, Van Cone De Head said:

Just took the dogs out and the pubs are as busy as usual locally,I don’t think expecting people to voluntarily do this social distancing will work unfortunately.

  If here is anything to go by until people are forced by law to stay at home then most will carry on as normal, and many will herd to try even when it is the law. I've seen o n the news people going jogging, cycling or just walking. I have seen videos and photo of all kinds of excuses for going into the street. People walking cuddly toy dogs. Even someone dressed as a dinosaur!

  The worst offenders are the ones who should least be going out. We're allowed to go to the shops for necessary items, but 4 out of every 5 you see are pensioners. Instead of getting a family member to do their shopping fo them they go themselves, knowing that they shouldn't but not wanting to spend so much time in their homes. I look out of my window and it's the same story no matter what time. Ten or eleven at night and there are 3 or 4 old people in the street.

  A friend of ours her father became a widow in the summer. He's already been told by the police to go home or he will be fined. His excuse, he's bored at home. His daughter has plenty of room in her flat, but he wants to sleep in his house (understandable but these aren't normal times). The last time I spoke to her she said that he would make the trips between homes during shopping hours, making the excuse that he had to buy something if stopped by the police.

  I'm now off work. My boss phoned me yesterday to say that we were being put on temporary suspension of contract at least for the next month. He'll be paying our social security and the government 70% of our wages. At least if I can't go out I can't spend ?. Being at home is a drag, and it's only been 4 days, we'll see how we are as a family in 4 weeks ?.

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25 minutes ago, richinspain said:

  If here is anything to go by until people are forced by law to stay at home then most will carry on as normal, and many will herd to try even when it is the law. I've seen o n the news people going jogging, cycling or just walking. I have seen videos and photo of all kinds of excuses for going into the street. People walking cuddly toy dogs. Even someone dressed as a dinosaur!

  The worst offenders are the ones who should least be going out. We're allowed to go to the shops for necessary items, but 4 out of every 5 you see are pensioners. Instead of getting a family member to do their shopping fo them they go themselves, knowing that they shouldn't but not wanting to spend so much time in their homes. I look out of my window and it's the same story no matter what time. Ten or eleven at night and there are 3 or 4 old people in the street.

  A friend of ours her father became a widow in the summer. He's already been told by the police to go home or he will be fined. His excuse, he's bored at home. His daughter has plenty of room in her flat, but he wants to sleep in his house (understandable but these aren't normal times). The last time I spoke to her she said that he would make the trips between homes during shopping hours, making the excuse that he had to buy something if stopped by the police.

  I'm now off work. My boss phoned me yesterday to say that we were being put on temporary suspension of contract at least for the next month. He'll be paying our social security and the government 70% of our wages. At least if I can't go out I can't spend ?. Being at home is a drag, and it's only been 4 days, we'll see how we are as a family in 4 weeks ?.

I saw a woman in Spain got arrested for sunbathing.

Puregym is staying open but limiting numbers to 100,I already froze my membership,it’s just mixed messages at the moment.

Either distance or not.

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1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

That was my guess ? I only said it because I had a rash emerging a day or so after I had a cough and sore throat. Now I’m even more uncertain if I had It or now ?

Yikes, sorry mate, can you get tested?

Definitely call in if you start bleeding from your eyes though.

Or put on goggles. One of the other.

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1 hour ago, BriggRam said:

I have been sceptical to say the least about this whole affair...but in light of some questions and dialogue I am looking at this more closely.....around 6-8 weeks ago I finished my night shift at 6am as normal, I had been fine all night no signs of illness at all, as I was walking home I started getting chest pains by the time I got home approx 6.15am I thought my chest was going to explode I honestly thought I was having heart problems, I was badly with flu like symptoms for around a week going on two weeks.....now I had never had flu so didn’t know what it felt like, I’d obviously heard about man flu and how bad it was so I was finally able to say I’d had it.......my lass thought it quite funny all the time I’d slagged people off about it then acting like a baby when I got struck down.....now it might well be that it was “flu” but I’m hearing more and more about people around the same time having the bug.....as I say maybe coincidence but as Corona hadn’t hit our shores “allegedly” at that time I certainly didn’t add that to the equation.......also the reality is hitting home, my sister has a small cleaning company, she has lost dozens of customers due to this as they are mainly older people and not wanting or unable to have her come round, financially effecting her badly, so I apologise to anyone I may have provoked or upset with my previous manner to the situation x

I think it's a character trait of our nation to be sceptical, and make light of things, so that's nothing needing apologising for.

Stay safe, I hope your sisters business gets the help it needs, and you and yours emerge relatively unscathed.


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16 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Yikes, sorry mate, can you get tested?

Definitely call in if you start bleeding from your eyes though.

Or put on goggles. One of the other.

The coughs gone, the sore throat has almost completely gone (replaced by a dry mouth even after drinking a lot of water). I think they’d turn me away if I asked to be tested when I only have a rash ?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not really the thread for it but if you put the demise of the NHS purely at the door of the Conservatives then I am afraid you're blinkered.

Maybe do a bit of research into how much the PFIs are costing the NHS.

One thing we will agree on though is that the NHS needs revitalising.

Yep, wrong thread, my apologies.

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I mostly work for a local university.

We closed all face to face teaching today and are trying to get online resources sorted. Earlier today I visited a local school to see a trainee on placement. While waiting in the foyer seven kids were sent home with symptoms and their parents contacted and told to self isolate.

We've since withdrawn all trainees from schools.

I think this is all unavoidable, but as to whether schools stay open or close I'm conflicted. Part of me thinks that they should stay open, not as schools but as large places where kids can be looked after.

Dunno. Anyone?

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9 minutes ago, dog said:

I mostly work for a local university.

We closed all face to face teaching today and are trying to get online resources sorted. Earlier today I visited a local school to see a trainee on placement. While waiting in the foyer seven kids were sent home with symptoms and their parents contacted and told to self isolate.

We've since withdrawn all trainees from schools.

I think this is all unavoidable, but as to whether schools stay open or close I'm conflicted. Part of me thinks that they should stay open, not as schools but as large places where kids can be looked after.

Dunno. Anyone?

I've heard/seen that mooted elsewhere.

My thoughts are, if they are to get kids to attend a school building, so they can be looked after (to allow parents to continue to go to work etc), why not use someone who is used to looking after kids, to look after them... Oh I don't know... Teachers perhaps?

...Oh... and hey... why not teach them stuff, whilst they're there!

It seems too good an opportunity to miss, in my mind!   ?‍♂️

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We've been told to work from home for the forseeable. 

Its starting to hit the construction industry due to people self isolating and not having enough employees at the customer facing end to fulfil orders. 

All big spend projects have been put on hold, cash is king even more than normal. 


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2 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

University is effectively shut, exams are cancelled and I've been given an automatic pass for the year

UoM have shut down pretty much all facilities and moved to online teaching. Cancelled exams would be the dream, but I'd still be delighted if they just made them open book (online).

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1 minute ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

UoM have shut down pretty much all facilities and moved to online teaching. Cancelled exams would be the dream, but I'd still be delighted if they just made them open book (online).

Same for my lad at UCL. He seems quite chuffed to be fair.

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14 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

UoM have shut down pretty much all facilities and moved to online teaching. Cancelled exams would be the dream, but I'd still be delighted if they just made them open book (online).

With your course that’s probably more of a possibility to be fair - very difficult to do an online maths exam. I’d be spending all day working out how to type all the symbols! 

That said, it’s a university wide thing for us, across all years apart from the final year. So I wouldn’t rule out the same at Manc - you’d think there would be consistency along the major unis.

EDIT: Probably should add that we still have to learn the content online and complete all coursework... not sure what the plan is there

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Still set to have an accountancy exam on Thursday 

It’s in the same place they do driving theory tests, don’t really fancy it as three or four people will have already been using the same mouse and keyboard that I will be that morning. Feels like a bit of a farce it’s still going ahead 

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