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Greta Thunberg & Extinction Rebellion


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42 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Is she opening anyones eyes? 

Who is she targeting with her message? 

I assume China is her first port of call?

That's the hard part.

How can we in the Western world demand China, India, etc curb their emissions when we've grown rich with no such demands placed upon us, yet ask them to reign in emissions while catching up with the western world?

Personally I don't think allowing them to cause a proportionate amount of damage to the environment is a solution the planet can take, so maybe we have to be smarter and financially incentivise developing countries to tread lighter on the planet than us.





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Thing is, the Western world is starting to make steps in the right direction with renewable energy, but it doesn't happen overnight. The Eastern countries that are still developing are the main problem currently but it would be hypocritical for us to ask them not to pollute after we did so much in the past. It's not as simple as she makes it sound.

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She is wonderful.  Doing more than anyone in the world to raise public awareness of the foremost existential crises facing humanity. 

She is Swedish so naturally she started by protesting outside the Swedish parliament.  From there things have gained momentum and now she is a global figure.

It's hardly her responsibility if the Chinese government aren't listening. Although I'm sure they have noticed.  What exactly do people expect her to do?  Do people really think she'll be given an invitation to speak directly to the Chinese government?

So what's our response here?  If Xi/Trump/Putin aren't listening right now, we should all just shrug our shoulders and give up,  That's our plan?

She's doing a lot more good than any member of this forum has ever done.  Present company included I'm sure.  ?  Well done her, she deserves our applause and respect. 


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8 hours ago, maxjam said:

But when 10 rivers contribute to over 90% of the crap in our oceans, she is talking to the wrong people...


Hmm...she did speak to the right people.


Greta Thunberg told world leaders that her generation would never forgive them if they failed to combat climate change.

Unfortunately we have idiots in charge, or if you are a defunct, uneconomic, environmentally damaging coal miner in the USA, then you have the best leader ever.

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46 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Hmm...she did speak to the right people.


Greta Thunberg told world leaders that her generation would never forgive them if they failed to combat climate change.

Unfortunately we have idiots in charge, or if you are a defunct, uneconomic, environmentally damaging coal miner in the USA, then you have the best leader ever.

The point I was making was the US and the EU could reduce polution to 0% and it would barely register. 

Sky ran a save the oceans campaign on tv a while back but 93% of the polution comes from 10 rivers, 8 in Asia, 2 in Africa - they are running the campaign on the wrong continent!  And if you want to talk about coal lets discuss the 300-500 new coal stations China is building. 


Or the fact that China used more concrete in 3 years than the US did during the 20th century;


I admire what she's trying to do but unless China and Africa are onboard, its pointless.

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12 minutes ago, maxjam said:

The point I was making was the US and the EU could reduce polution to 0% and it would barely register. 

Sky ran a save the oceans campaign on tv a while back but 93% of the polution comes from 10 rivers, 8 in Asia, 2 in Africa - they are running the campaign on the wrong continent!  And if you want to talk about coal lets discuss the 300-500 new coal stations China is building. 


Or the fact that China used more concrete in 3 years than the US did during the 20th century;


I admire what she's trying to do but unless China and Africa are onboard, its pointless.

Fair point, but it’s a bit unfair to say ‘buck your ideas up Greta, I’ll only take you seriously when you’ve sorted china out.’ I’m sure it’s on her to do list. 
my daughter asked a pertinent question the other day, ‘why is there so much plastic in the ocean?’ And I realised I wasn’t entirely sure about the answer (a disturbing and unfamiliar situation for me). If I chuck a plastic straw in the bin, I assumed it ends up in landfill. The bin lorries don’t just empty out into the river do they? So how is me having a cardboard straw in McDonald’s helping anything? So is it the fact that all this plastic in the oceans comes from countries who do just dump it in the sea?

I’ve got solar panels, and a few other things, and I like to think in doing my bit. But then you realise that it makes Barely any difference compared to what the big industries churn out. It losses me off that the big wigs at the top make billions and billions, and they couldn’t afford to just sacrifice a few percent of their profits to make their industries more efficient and environmentally friendly (which would ironically probably increase profits in the long run). How do people get so rich by being so stupid?!

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9 hours ago, maxjam said:

But when 10 rivers contribute to over 90% of the crap in our oceans, she is talking to the wrong people...


You really think she's picking and choosing who the message is for?

This is the equivalent of 'he started it'.

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