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Dean Saunders jailed for 10 weeks


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8 hours ago, Spanish said:

do you know whether 10 weeks normal for this type of offence? 

My ex got one and a half years driving ban for being twice over the limit so I’d imagine a ban and a sentence for 10 weeks for failing to take a breathalyser is fair 

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17 hours ago, Tombo said:

Well after exploiting Brian Clough's alcoholism for that daft made up story he told everywhere and probably made a few bob from, I can't say I'm gutted for him.

In fact, I'm laughing at him and the karmic justice of this.

As said above, complete tool.

That’s pretty much all I remember him for since leaving us, though remember feeling gutted when him and Ooh Mark Wright where on match of the day with Liverpool for some time after.

Daft thing is, this episode will probably boost his media profile somewhat, if he can find it in himself to be a bit contrite, he’ll probably get more airtime.

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Sith Happens
21 minutes ago, Mick Brolly said:

released today doesn't time fly by it only seems like yesterday he was jailed for ten minutes. 


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Just for once when I saw a decent punishment, money gets him a temporary escape. Let’s hope the appeal is unsuccessful.

I also hope Talksport drop him. I think he’s thick as two short planks when I hear him and don’t enjoy listening. I often think to myself “Shut up Saunders.’

McCoist is my favourite, hands down.

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He’s the after dinner speaker at a sporting lunch I’m going to on 27th September. I was expecting him to either miss it or appear on video link from Pentonville, but I wonder if he’ll have the front to turn up now. Should be some interesting questions for him if he does show!

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everybody seems to hate him because he got bladdered and then got behind the wheel of a powerful car and then didn't co-operate with the Police, and then refused to give a sample of his breath. But its not always easy to be rational when you're pissed, especially if you're trying to remember which is the clutch and which is the accelerator, and if its even your car.

Great player though.

One of the best we've had.


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