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The Politics Thread 2019


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6 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

It will end up being someone like Dan Jarvis. Labour needs a leader that accepts Brexit is a done thing and is pragmatic about immigration. 

He's someone capable of commanding a vote share into the 40's and a large majority. 

If labour had a leader that accepts Brexit and was pragmatic about immigration, he or she would still be slaughtered by the right wing press if they wanted a publically owned NHS.


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8 hours ago, King Kevin said:

Good memory ,True I am very passionate about looking after the old ,disadvantaged etc but can't stand the feckless idle tossers who I would starve back to work.   

I also share the same passions.

Not sure about starving the feckless idlers back to work but a way does need to be found, to how they can become useful members of society. The one doubt I do have is who decides when someone is a feckless idler and not someone who due to unfortunate circumstances as been unable to find gainful employment. Hope it's not the same company who decides when a person is or isn't disabled enough to receive benefit payments.

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16 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yeah but you actually just further underlined the point. If "terrorist sympathiser" and "anti-semite" are the best things you can come up with about why Corbyn is worse than Johnson - apart from the fact that neither of these things are actually true in any real sense - just slurs extrapolated from twisted media stories. The point is that all the stuff pinned on Johnson is proveable fact and he doesn't care, just double's down or laughs it off. Never mind Corbyn whataboutery - this is on us as a society. Why have we lost our minds like this?

Until people like you start accepting that politicians on both sides lie and have their faults, I doubt many will take your views on Johnson too seriously. 

If you dont think someone calling Hamas and Hezbollah our friends, is a provable fact that they are a terrorist sympathiser, but is just a slur, then you really are showing how blinkered you are.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:


Are we sure that it is underfunding that is crippling the NHS?

I (amongst others) made that point over the weekend and the early part of this week and despite some people insinuating that there were racist undertones and having to spend a day replying to @SchtivePesley questioning, when I asked him a question in return in went un-answered. 

I'll be choosing what I say and who I reply to more carefully in future as it seems that discussion only occurs one way and answers are only accepted if they are the ones they agree with. 

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18 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I (amongst others) made that point over the weekend and the early part of this week and despite some people insinuating that there were racist undertones and having to spend a day replying to @SchtivePesley questioning, when I asked him a question in return in went un-answered. 

I'll be choosing what I say and who I reply to more carefully in future as it seems that discussion only occurs one way and answers are only accepted if they are the ones they agree with. 

They are probably still waiting for us to tell them any potential benefits of Brexit ?

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8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

If labour had a leader that accepts Brexit and was pragmatic about immigration, he or she would still be slaughtered by the right wing press if they wanted a publically owned NHS.


Was it the right wing press that announced massive increases to national debt?

Is it the right wing press that wants to implement the kind of socialist policies that have failed & caused huge economic damage elsewhere?

Is it the right wing press that took 3 years to come up with a Brexit policy and even now can't agree on whether it would support remain or not?

Is it the right wing press that says that, if under imminent threat of nuclear attack, would have a meeting about it and make a joint decision (Quote from Emily Thornberry last weekend) - while hopefully the country around them isn't in cinders?.

Nope. That's Labour under Corbyn.

It's nothing to do with the right wing press. Just crap policies by a bloke who's incapable of actually leading and making a decision.


It's a shame, because we're left then with Boris and I actually liked most of the Labour workplace reforms that were listed the other day.

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16 hours ago, Uptherams said:

What do people think about no one paying national insurance until they earn £12,000 and income tax until they earn £12,500?

When I was a young nipper I worked at the Fine Fare on Cavendish roundabout. Just ten hours a week to help pay for my college studies (actually it was for beer money in The Vines but still). Nearly forty years later I did a pension statement analysis and was pleasantly surprised to see that those three years earned me three years of state pension due to the NI contributions I made. 

So, for me, I would worry that low earners will not earn enough to have state pension contributions recognised.

As for income tax, if it is a blanket adjustment then all you do is move that money that would have been paid in tax over to the profits of the employers. Wages will not be adjusted, which is the point, and while there may be short term benefit to the employee this will get inflated away quickly through reduced pay rises in coming years because we will all see the same impact - you could maybe argue lower paid workers will see it more but, again, I would argue not for long.

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3 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

When I was a young nipper I worked at the Fine Fare on Cavendish roundabout. Just ten hours a week to help pay for my college studies (actually it was for beer money in The Vines but still). Nearly forty years later I did a pension statement analysis and was pleasantly surprised to see that those three years earned me three years of state pension due to the NI contributions I made. 

So, for me, I would worry that low earners will not earn enough to have state pension contributions recognised.

Same here - except I was a Saturday/Holidays worker at Sainsburys in the Eagle Centre. I never expected those wages to count towards my NI contributions. Taking more low paid part-time workers out of NI will indeed give them a state pension issue in later life


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22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

What was the answer to this out of interest? 

Think the posters answers must be blocked to me.

Question was about who introduced PFI. I didn't see the link between war and the question, so didn't even try to respond. Maybe others felt the same?

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17 hours ago, King Kevin said:

Good memory ,True I am very passionate about looking after the old ,disadvantaged etc but can't stand the feckless idle tossers who I would starve back to work.   

Last night I went out for dinner with the family. We ordered too much and got some boxed up to take home. On the way back to the car I saw a young girl sleeping on the street so offered her the box, which she was grateful for. I don't know what happened to her to end up there last night on the street but I can assure you it was piggin' cold and she most certainly was not there because she was one of your fecking idle tossers.

Our problem, on both sides, is that we are divided by stereotypes. You can quote Benefits Street to me all day long, and I can post charts showing the lost taxes from global company outstripping benefits paid, or the contributions of immigrants compared to NHS payments they draw (I know you weren't referring to immigrants but still). 

My point is that both sides let the headline take them. I don't know you KK but I really don't believe you want to starve people back to work, no matter what quip you might throw back as reply to this. And I don't really want Boris dead in a ditch, though looking for a new job would be acceptable.

Surely we have to get to a place where we are not scared to care for those who have fallen on harder times, as you say the old and disadvantaged, or maybe not had the opportunities we have all had (whether because it is where they are born, families they come from or - God forbid - mistakes they may have made in their lives). Surely?

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14 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Question was about who introduced PFI. I didn't see the link between war and the question, so didn't even try to respond. Maybe others felt the same?

The poster stated that Thatcher was behind an illegal war, and was then asked which war it was? 

Or is this just another instance of where statements are made but dont have to be backed up?

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25 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

When I was a young nipper I worked at the Fine Fare on Cavendish roundabout. Just ten hours a week to help pay for my college studies (actually it was for beer money in The Vines but still). Nearly forty years later I did a pension statement analysis and was pleasantly surprised to see that those three years earned me three years of state pension due to the NI contributions I made. 

So, for me, I would worry that low earners will not earn enough to have state pension contributions recognised.

As for income tax, if it is a blanket adjustment then all you do is move that money that would have been paid in tax over to the profits of the employers. Wages will not be adjusted, which is the point, and while there may be short term benefit to the employee this will get inflated away quickly through reduced pay rises in coming years because we will all see the same impact - you could maybe argue lower paid workers will see it more but, again, I would argue not for long.

If I've not been blocked, could you explain your logic behind this?

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29 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

Surely we have to get to a place where we are not scared to care for those who have fallen on harder times, as you say the old and disadvantaged, or maybe not had the opportunities we have all had (whether because it is where they are born, families they come from or - God forbid - mistakes they may have made in their lives). Surely?

Helping people who have fallen on hard times is one thing & I don't think anyone on here would begrudge helping those who need a bit of help to get back on their feet - or examples like the homeless girl you mentioned.

What you've chosen to ignore is that there are a large number of people who are quite content doing nothing & accepting everything they are "entitled to" and these are the ones who need the stick rather than the carrott. Not everyone is an opressed victim.

I've never seen Benefits Street but see plenty of it with my own eyes and especially through Mrs Wolfie's line of work (Social Worker)

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23 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The poster stated that Thatcher was behind an illegal war, and was then asked which war it was? 

You are right. Agree with the rest of the statement about Blair continuing Thatcher's policies such as PFI. Can't say Thatcher carried out any illegal wars. Immoral maybe (see the sinking of the Belgrano) but not illegal.

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