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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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1 hour ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Lads who call their girlfriends 'babe'.

Alright babe?

Sickening, cringey and embarrassing. :p

Could be worse...try spending sometime in nottingham, the lads there call their girlfriends 'sis'

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3 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Emulsioning a ceiling with the same colour that was there previously and not being able to see the bits I've done. I try and use reflection off the ceiling light but the bloody paint dries so quickly it becomes impossible and some parts get 3 or 4 coats whilst others just the one so it ends up being patchy. 

Any company which comes up with paint that is significantly different in the 'wet' state compared with when it's dried off will get my business, small though that might be.

Yes I know you can get white emulsion which comes out of the tin pink but I'm colour blind so that's not a great help. But the missus isn't colour blind so I can't use, say, a very pale grey and call it white!!!

Paint the ceiling black first, then it will be obvious which bits you've missed.

Any more tips I'm always on hand, no need for thanks!

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4 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Emulsioning a ceiling with the same colour that was there previously and not being able to see the bits I've done. I try and use reflection off the ceiling light but the bloody paint dries so quickly it becomes impossible and some parts get 3 or 4 coats whilst others just the one so it ends up being patchy. 

Any company which comes up with paint that is significantly different in the 'wet' state compared with when it's dried off will get my business, small though that might be.

Yes I know you can get white emulsion which comes out of the tin pink but I'm colour blind so that's not a great help. But the missus isn't colour blind so I can't use, say, a very pale grey and call it white!!!

Get the missus to paint it. You don't keep a dog and bark yourself, as the saying goes.

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On 05/12/2016 at 11:58, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I'm complaining about it purely based on the fact that a bit like the London Olympics, there are higher priorities that need money chucking them than HS2.

Such as homeless, the hungry, the ill, the disabled, the poor, the hard working but poor, the schools, the hospitals, local services, mental health budgets that bizarrely have been slashed despite mental health certain to get worse as social media takes over the planet.

Anyway, love the explosions avatar. Has to be their finest album.



Oh I agree that there are big social problems in the country and a real review of capital expenditure should be made to see if it is really worth it against other priorities, however working in the transportation industry it just irritates me when people say 'oh it only saves 20mins what's the point.' :angry:

It is a fantastic album... just wish they toured the UK a bit more as I missed the last couple... :(



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Stupid f**kin click-bait as on the DET saying that Harrison Foard/Michael Jordan/Mel Gibson has given up on his so,n or you wouldn't believe what Richard Hammond/Macauley Culkin/Paris Hilton's net worth is!!!  Surely they don't pay the DET to have their spam filled/virus ridden sites advertised on there so why ar they thee?!?!?!?!?

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37 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Stupid f**kin click-bait as on the DET saying that Harrison Foard/Michael Jordan/Mel Gibson has given up on his so,n or you wouldn't believe what Richard Hammond/Macauley Culkin/Paris Hilton's net worth is!!!  Surely they don't pay the DET to have their spam filled/virus ridden sites advertised on there so why ar they thee?!?!?!?!?

Agreed - I hate those things so much, only clickbait robot on twitter can make it better!


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17 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

Stupid f**kin click-bait as on the DET saying that Harrison Foard/Michael Jordan/Mel Gibson has given up on his so,n or you wouldn't believe what Richard Hammond/Macauley Culkin/Paris Hilton's net worth is!!!  Surely they don't pay the DET to have their spam filled/virus ridden sites advertised on there so why ar they thee?!?!?!?!?

Absolutely everything annoys me about the DET; the instrusive ads, the clickbait headlines, the poor qulaty of the journalism, reporting social media opinion as news, the constantly negative one sided articles (essentially clickbait dressed up as news), the comments from the same five miserable, right wing, ignorant posters who make the same comments on everything, the anti-derby view they take on everything, the ads (again), the lack of context or explanation they put into stories, the fact they don't own a thesaurus for the words 'angered' and 'outraged' (although, to be fair, Derbiens don't need an excuse to moan)... the whole thing is one huge travesty. I hate it.

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2 hours ago, LazloW said:

Absolutely everything annoys me about the DET; the instrusive ads, the clickbait headlines, the poor qulaty of the journalism, reporting social media opinion as news, the constantly negative one sided articles (essentially clickbait dressed up as news), the comments from the same five miserable, right wing, ignorant posters who make the same comments on everything, the anti-derby view they take on everything, the ads (again), the lack of context or explanation they put into stories, the fact they don't own a thesaurus for the words 'angered' and 'outraged' (although, to be fair, Derbiens don't need an excuse to moan)... the whole thing is one huge travesty. I hate it.

Don't forget those bloody surveys

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When you pick up your work mug, only to see someone has wrote 'I love c0ck' on the underneath in black marker!

You change it to I love DCFC, only to find it reads 'I love D1ck' next break!

Knowing who the culprit is, you pick up his Stainless steel thermos mug, and realising it has a black bottom decide to write the most offensive sexual swear word on the bottom in Tipp-Ex, only to watch in horror as the female company secretary picks the mug up and walks back to the office with it!

I should add, this was in response to me writing 'You Rams' on the bottom of the works director's Florest mug earlier in the week, so I only have myself to blame for my pending unemployment!

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10 hours ago, rynny said:

Don't forget those bloody surveys

You won't believe how good your memory for bloody surveys can become, just by following this one simple trick.



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On 09/12/2016 at 07:47, LazloW said:

Absolutely everything annoys me about the DET; the instrusive ads, the clickbait headlines, the poor qulaty of the journalism, reporting social media opinion as news, the constantly negative one sided articles (essentially clickbait dressed up as news), the comments from the same five miserable, right wing, ignorant posters who make the same comments on everything, the anti-derby view they take on everything, the ads (again), the lack of context or explanation they put into stories, the fact they don't own a thesaurus for the words 'angered' and 'outraged' (although, to be fair, Derbiens don't need an excuse to moan)... the whole thing is one huge travesty. I hate it.

Yet you seem to go back for more? Just sayin.. :)

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Just now, LesterRam said:

around the airport is atrocious, speed limits of 40mph when its empty and the inside lane opens and shuts at will.

I've been have 3 traffic jams a day this week. There were 4 x 3-car outside lane pile-ups on my commute home yesterday

It's taking me over 2 hours to do a 60mile trip :'( 

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