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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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40 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Anyone who starts the answer to a question with the phrase 'Hey, listen...'

Partly for the pedantic reason that clearly I am already...but mainly as it seems to signify they really think they are the last word on the subject...

Don't do it Angry.....

Hey L........ STOP

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57 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

'Vague' radio traffic reports that assume I have an encyclopedic knowledge of the motorway junctions. 

 eg I'm on M6 driving up to Liverpool...'we have word of a serious incident..police say the M62 motorway is closed at junction 15, with two hour delays please find an alternative route if possible'...cue panic in the car.

Just bloody clarify and say 'the M62 is closed at the junction 15... for LEEDS'..!!

Not that I live in the south east, but those reports of 'heavy congestion on the M25 between junctions 5 and 11 anti-clockwise' make my head spin.

Also, those road signs, often painted ion the road, in unfamiliar towns pointing to 'B5839 east'. Do I need to go east? Or is it North? Why can't they give the bloody place names?

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5 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

Not that I live in the south east, but those reports of 'heavy congestion on the M25 between junctions 5 and 11 anti-clockwise' make my head spin.

Also, those road signs, often painted ion the road, in unfamiliar towns pointing to 'B5839 east'. Do I need to go east? Or is it North? Why can't they give the bloody place names?

Well my wheels don't spin. It's a mare mate. I work at Heathrow and the M25 is crap. 

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19 hours ago, BondJovi said:

Exactly my thinking. Seems totally illogical to me, money would be better spent ensuring everyone in the country has decent internet connectivity. Job interviews, music lessons and so are already being done on Skype or the like so why spend billions saving 30 mins. All bollaeux to me.

HS2 is "jobs for boys". It's how the elite make their millions. They will just get cheap labour and materials to get maximum profit. Most of those who profit will be a few years from retirement by the time it's finished. A cushy retirement if it all goes to plan.

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Things people say and terms used:

i live in the real world - The fact that we cannot prove anything is real aside from energy makes this a silly statement

Get a life - What or earth does that mean?

He has too much time on his hands - There's no such thing as too much time

There's no smoke without fire - True enough but only in the context of smoke and fire

Everybody knows that - So if you don't know it, that makes you a nobody

Foreign investment - A foreign company sets up shop locally and ships it's proceeds offshore.  Where's the investment?

The international community - The west and their subordinates, others don't count

Collateral damage - Just say it, it's dead and injured people

Conspiracy theorist - Implies all conspiracies are imaginary and so two folks using the term is an act of conspiracy

Take your medication - For all you know, this is me on my medication

Normal - Nope, not a single one of you

Kick the can down the road - (American origin) When it comes to money, the road becomes an ever steepening hill

You're going to love this - Why?  Because you say so?

Extremist - i'm okay with the term but seek exact info on the line between a moderate and an extremist

Hate speech - No silly, it's called free speech and you gotta accept the good with what you call the bad

Regime - It's a fine word and all but what constitutes a regime?

War crime - Blowing people to bits and shooting them to pulps is allowed, gassing them however is a crime

Infomercial - Stop it, it's a commercial

This program was brought to you by..- No, it wasn't, i paid the subscription

Free market - If it's so free, why is it controlled?


And this is just what's been bugging me today










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On 28/11/2016 at 22:59, Phoenix said:

Got a peculiar problem manifested itself in my 2 year old car, in that the heater fan only runs on setting 4 (of 4 ). You would think that it would work on all four, or none at all.

I phoned the garage (a main dealer) to get it sorted. They told me they will run a diagnostic check. If it's a problem under the 5 year warranty, they'll fix it for free. If, however, it's deemed to be caused by me, I have to pay £50 for the diagnostic check.

How the f*** I could have caused it is beyond the wit of man. I refrained from venting my rage on the receptionist, who was probably reading from a script, but the service manager had better be on his best behaviour when I take it in.

£50? Try £168 if you have a Mini! That's for diagnostics. Robbery! They plug it into a bloody computer, something we all do with devices every day 

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Sound levels on Radio Derby. 

You end up messing with the volume all the time. Go to outside broadcast - so quiet what the hell is being said. Someone  on the phone - are they in a rainforest somewhere? Turn up the volume. Presenter comes back on and woah stop shouting!!! 

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FYI all you lot complaining about HS2 - the sim it isn't to save 30mins, but to release capacity on the lines that already exist to improve frequencies and stopping patterns on regional services for commuters etc. The fact that it saves 30mins on the existing situation is really just an additional benefit. the downside is that these capacity improvements will probably benefit mostly the North-West/West Midlands and North London. Perhaps a bit in the East Midlands, but suburban rail network isn't that developed around here.

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3 hours ago, alexxxxx said:

FYI all you lot complaining about HS2 - the sim it isn't to save 30mins, but to release capacity on the lines that already exist to improve frequencies and stopping patterns on regional services for commuters etc. The fact that it saves 30mins on the existing situation is really just an additional benefit. the downside is that these capacity improvements will probably benefit mostly the North-West/West Midlands and North London. Perhaps a bit in the East Midlands, but suburban rail network isn't that developed around here.

I'm complaining about it purely based on the fact that a bit like the London Olympics, there are higher priorities that need money chucking them than HS2.

Such as homeless, the hungry, the ill, the disabled, the poor, the hard working but poor, the schools, the hospitals, local services, mental health budgets that bizarrely have been slashed despite mental health certain to get worse as social media takes over the planet.

Anyway, love the explosions avatar. Has to be their finest album.



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2 hours ago, StivePesley said:

People who stand/sit at the bar in pubs, meaning that you have to shout your drinks order over their shoulders from 6 foot away from the barman. We get that you're a "regular" but you're annoying

This annoys me too, pubs should make an area of the bar for serving only, or come and serve me at my table.


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With all the woe in the world I am almost embarrassed to add things to this moan thread but Inam going to.

All at once moments .. Murphy's law 

currently ... Boiler on the blink, new heat exchanger needed and just out of warranty even though it's already had one replacement .. So a war with manufacturers is on the cards. Dishwasher on strike and repair man been twice and can't find problem. New specs collected today but lense is wonky even though it seemed OK when fitted. Wife all fretful because we found a rucksack in the back garden full of pilfered tablets. And this is a week after the dog lost her collar and then we found it in the garden sliced through 

none of these are that serious or life threatening but bloomin eck we need to beat forest to reset the safety valve :blink:

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22 minutes ago, jono said:

With all the woe in the world I am almost embarrassed to add things to this moan thread but Inam going to.

All at once moments .. Murphy's law 

currently ... Boiler on the blink, new heat exchanger needed and just out of warranty even though it's already had one replacement .. So a war with manufacturers is on the cards. Dishwasher on strike and repair man been twice and can't find problem. New specs collected today but lense is wonky even though it seemed OK when fitted. Wife all fretful because we found a rucksack in the back garden full of pilfered tablets. And this is a week after the dog lost her collar and then we found it in the garden sliced through 

none of these are that serious or life threatening but bloomin eck we need to beat forest to reset the safety valve :blink:

Pawn the tablets to pay for the boiler/dishwasher...

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14 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Sunday morning Tour De France wannabes who insist of sitting three abreast of each other so you have to sit behind their day-glo, lycra clad arses for a mile while they practice their slip streaming.  Utter tossers!!!

Drivers who drive right up behind you as you are trying to enjoy a leisurely Sunday morning ride with your friends.  Utter tossers!!!

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13 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Pawn the tablets to pay for the boiler/dishwasher...

Very sensibly (or not !) and being an upstanding sort of bloke I did as the police advised and took them to the police station ( or "enquiry centre" as they now seem to be called.) .. I now learn that the 100 or so blue tablets are designed to help gentlemen with a problem in the nooky department and were worth a fiver each .. Which as you say would probably cover the boiler repair .. Dang it why am I so proper ! ;)

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3 hours ago, jono said:

Very sensibly (or not !) and being an upstanding sort of bloke I did as the police advised and took them to the police station ( or "enquiry centre" as they now seem to be called.) .. I now learn that the 100 or so blue tablets are designed to help gentlemen with a problem in the nooky department and were worth a fiver each .. Which as you say would probably cover the boiler repair .. Dang it why am I so proper ! ;)

The boys down at the station remember their friends :thumbsup:


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4 hours ago, jono said:

With all the woe in the world I am almost embarrassed to add things to this moan thread but Inam going to.

All at once moments .. Murphy's law 

currently ... Boiler on the blink, new heat exchanger needed and just out of warranty even though it's already had one replacement .. So a war with manufacturers is on the cards. Dishwasher on strike and repair man been twice and can't find problem. New specs collected today but lense is wonky even though it seemed OK when fitted. Wife all fretful because we found a rucksack in the back garden full of pilfered tablets. And this is a week after the dog lost her collar and then we found it in the garden sliced through 

none of these are that serious or life threatening but bloomin eck we need to beat forest to reset the safety valve :blink:

Jeez your garden sounds a well dodgy place to be! :lol:

I know what you mean though, everything seems to pile up at once sometimes and it's tough. You're not alone, it happens to us all if it's any consolation. Hope things pick up for you jono.


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4 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

Sunday morning Tour De France wannabes who insist of sitting three abreast of each other so you have to sit behind their day-glo, lycra clad arses for a mile while they practice their slip streaming.  Utter tossers!!!

Even more annoying is when you kindly point out this transgression they get all defensive and abusive and staggeringly they fail to understand your (perfectly reasonable ) point of view!

I wonder what cyclists think when it's them driving the car and they get idiots cycling three abreast.

Sometimes it's only the one cyclist but instead of hugging the roadside he's halfway across the bleedin' road! How stupid are these people?!!

Fact. Of all the cyclists I have politely commented to during my motoring escapades, I have not yet encountered one who responds in a civil manner. They all gave me abuse and hand gestures. All of them.

Rudest, most selfish people on the planet.

One day I might just get out of my car and give one a serious pasting. For now though I try and chill and just ignore them. They aren't worth the hassle.

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