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Nottingham Forest v Derby County


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20 hours ago, GenBr said:

Considering they scored about 15 seconds before the final whistle those few seconds of hold up play could have made all the difference.

Get your point....but the day I complain about a player not running down the clock at the corner flag well enough is the day I realise my priorites are all wrong!

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1 hour ago, rynny said:

To be fair the official ruling is;

A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball when:

the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds accidentally from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save

holding the ball in the outstretched open hand

bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air

A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hands.

The same law states:

"A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences against an opponent in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:


jumps at

kicks or attempts to kick


strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt)

tackles or challenges

trips or attempts to trip

If an offence involves contact it is penalised by a direct free kick or penalty kick."

Johnson did none of the above. The keeper fell into him. No attempt to challenge the keeper or dispossess him in any way. That's why I don't see it as a foul personally.

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3 hours ago, sage said:

Johnson was standing still. He didnt knock the ball out of Smith's hands as he was inert. Smith fell on him. Never a foul. 


The goalkeeper has literally dropped the ball on Johnson.

If the keeper had banged into Johnson's head and the ball had been knocked out of his hands I could understand the decision, and I guess this is what the ref has guessed happened.

In slow motion though, I think he drops the ball before banging into Johnson. 

Granted, I am wearing some new glasses so might be talking out of my rear end.

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41 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Much as I like Bryson.....and, I thought he did have a good game yesterday....just watched the highlights back and I cannot understand why he didn't track Clough's run for the opening goal.

I'm taking a wild guess he thought it was being picked up by someone else....but then so did everybody.

He was back to something like his best yesterday.

He did a Forest player a favour in the first half. He got kicked in the face going for a 50/50 and bounced up straight away looking to take the free kick. 

If that was the premier league, the player would of been rolling around for ages trying to get a booking or sending off. 

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Very rare that I think the match day thread hasn't captured the real story yesterday:

alluded to it earlier but what I saw was a new and real fierce desire from pretty much the entire set of midfield and forward players. Johnson looked premier league class and was involved in both goals and should have had his own. Nugent and Vydra were just terrifying dynamos; Ince scarily skillful confident and menacing; Russell focused direct and Bryson a total engine; and he did deflect that goalbound shot that ricocheted off the crossbar. I want Hughes in there but Bryson Johnson Vydra Nugent Ince and Russell should keep their places and that group made us look like a brand new team. The fact that under GR they showed that amount of energy and focus that they could just flick of a switch alter their team strategy half way through to crippling effect on Forest was amazing. 

I think we've got a real special thing about to happen at DCFC if what we saw yesterday wasn't some sort of fluke.

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That Johnson disallowed goal is exactly why football needs video replays available to the ref. In that situation, it would have been so easy for the ref to wander off and have a look at a replay then make a decision rather than having to make a snap judgement that turned out to be wrong. The play had stopped anyway, you're not slowing down the game enough to justify nit utilising technology to make the correct decision.

Strugglung to find a sport that doesn't utliise video technology now it's available widely but somehow the biggest sport on the planet doesn't have it, it's embarrassing.

It's alright though because we've got vanishing spray <_<


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8 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Very rare that I think the match day thread hasn't captured the real story yesterday:

alluded to it earlier but what I saw was a new and real fierce desire from pretty much the entire set of midfield and forward players. Johnson looked premier league class and was involved in both goals and should have had his own. Nugent and Vydra were just terrifying dynamos; Ince scarily skillful confident and menacing; Russell focused direct and Bryson a total engine; and he did deflect that goalbound shot that ricocheted off the crossbar. I want Hughes in there but Bryson Johnson Vydra Nugent Ince and Russell should keep their places and that group made us look like a brand new team. The fact that under GR they showed that amount of energy and focus that they could just flick of a switch alter their team strategy half way through to crippling effect on Forest was amazing. 

I think we've got a real special thing about to happen at DCFC if what we saw yesterday wasn't some sort of fluke.

Yeah but all that desire and prem quality and we drew to bottom 3 fodder. 

I didn't see that. I saw a mid table championship side with good potential.

Your hatred for Steve makes you spin everything to prove a point. Just like with Martin.

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2 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

i am with you, i think it was the right call......but only because i have a vested interest in Jordan making it to the top as a goalie....he is the first pro goalie to wear out Glu Pro gloves. ((if anyone else knows any goalies let me know)

Horses for courses.

How many do they have to boil per pair of gloves?

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12 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Very rare that I think the match day thread hasn't captured the real story yesterday:

alluded to it earlier but what I saw was a new and real fierce desire from pretty much the entire set of midfield and forward players. Johnson looked premier league class and was involved in both goals and should have had his own. Nugent and Vydra were just terrifying dynamos; Ince scarily skillful confident and menacing; Russell focused direct and Bryson a total engine; and he did deflect that goalbound shot that ricocheted off the crossbar. I want Hughes in there but Bryson Johnson Vydra Nugent Ince and Russell should keep their places and that group made us look like a brand new team. The fact that under GR they showed that amount of energy and focus that they could just flick of a switch alter their team strategy half way through to crippling effect on Forest was amazing. 

I think we've got a real special thing about to happen at DCFC if what we saw yesterday wasn't some sort of fluke.

I pretty much agree with everything (for the second half display) apart from the highlighted. I actually thought it was something of a Jekyll and Hyde performance from Johnson. For the majority of the game his distribution was abysmal (his passing accuracy was 55% yesterday), he was frequently giving up possession cheaply and was sole the reason a lot of moves ending up breaking down. With that said his off the ball work was ok and he has to take a lot of credit for his contribution in the two goals, particularly the second which was a top class ball. It's what frustrates me about Johnson so much, sometimes he produces a wonder ball the next he can make a simple 5 yard pass.

Personally I would want to drop him but ultimately I think he has to play for his physicality, which is lacking in the other midfielders. 

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Just now, brady1993 said:

I pretty much agree with everything (for the second half display) apart from the highlighted. I actually thought it was something of a Jekyll and Hyde performance from Johnson. For the majority of the game his distribution was abysmal (his passing accuracy was 55% yesterday), he was frequently giving up possession cheaply and was sole the reason a lot of moves ending up breaking down. With that said his off the ball work was ok and he has to take a lot of credit for his contribution in the two goals, particularly the second which was a top class ball. It's what frustrates me about Johnson so much, sometimes he produces a wonder ball the next he can make a simple 5 yard pass.

Personally I would want to drop him but ultimately I think he has to play for his physicality, which is lacking in the other midfielders. 

Excellent analysis.

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19 minutes ago, Gypsy Ram said:

Yeah but all that desire and prem quality and we drew to bottom 3 fodder. 

I didn't see that. I saw a mid table championship side with good potential.

Your hatred for Steve makes you spin everything to prove a point. Just like with Martin.

Mid table ? Maybe our defence let us down but you didn't see a team really playing with some conviction and clearly brought alive by their new manager? Mcclaren yes is a clown and he'd clearly lost the players. Just go listen to the Nugent interview where he lambasts the negative sideways possession approach.

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6 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Mid table ? Maybe our defence let us down but you didn't see a team really playing with some conviction and clearly brought alive by their new manager? Mcclaren yes is a clown and he'd clearly lost the players. Just go listen to the Nugent interview where he lambasts the negative sideways possession approach.

Wasn't he brought in to produce possession football? 

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Sounds to me a very positive result

After the Brighton game I was really worried about what might happen against Forest. We looked feeble, jaded and running on empty. Would have been more than happy with a draw before k off.

At Half Time it was equally worrying. And The BBC Radio 5 live reporter described us then "as drab as the weather". Again, would have been more than happy to have been given a draw at that point.

But the second half sounded superb, all credit to the Manager and players in what was not an easy environment to completely turn it around. They were unlucky not to win.

Personally I cannot see the point of spending hours debating over one isolated disallowed goal incident that may or may not have affected the overall result . I suspect Forest fans could point to several of their own isolated incidents that they felt should have done the same, including hitting the woodwork I understand

And the goal conceded at the death was hardly a surprise. Its indicative of the lack of team ethos and nous that we have long been aware of (and of which we are regularly reminded by unbiased external footy commentators ). And a reminder that we are one of the physically smallest teams around - until that changes we will always suffer from set pieces.

But, that second half should give plenty of encouragement - and GR is now well aware of the issues we face.

Four points out of six against Forest, BC Trophy in safe keeping at PP for at least another six months. Whats the problem ?

To me it underlines again what good timing the change of manager has been. End of season and it would have been too late and every chance of another awful start to the next season, irrespective of who was in charge.

Well done Mel.

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ninos,lets be honest,yesterday was no different to a mcclaren match...first half shoddy,second half bollocking administered equaled an improvement then the customary defending deep leading to a late goal.

rowett may lead to an improvement but its more likely that he will have the same troubles with this side for the rest of the season that mac,a much more experienced and successful manager,had.

now,ill back rowett to the hilt as derby manager but id be careful about polishing him up to much or knocking mac down unreasonably until we see more from the new man........it could come back and bite you on the ass otherwise.

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8 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Mid table ? Maybe our defence let us down but you didn't see a team really playing with some conviction and clearly brought alive by their new manager? Mcclaren yes is a clown and he'd clearly lost the players. Just go listen to the Nugent interview where he lambasts the negative sideways possession approach.

Player power then... Nugent been here 5 minutes and lambasting the manager that brought him in shows a distinct lack of class.

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1 hour ago, Gypsy Ram said:

Yeah but all that desire and prem quality and we drew to bottom 3 fodder. 

I didn't see that. I saw a mid table championship side with good potential.

Your hatred for Steve makes you spin everything to prove a point. Just like with Martin.

I actually thought johnson had a very mixed afternoon, 

did very well on the first goal to pick up the second ball and keep his composure to slip it into JRs stride and obviously was a lovely hanging ball that nugent did brilliantly to generate the power and direction to turn home

But there was many a time i was yelling profanities at the screen at his cheap distribution, not all the time and as i said he had a mixed afternoon and did some things well but my god we need a better level of consistency during a game in the middle of the park to succeed

* think i may have quoted the wrong post lol, oops

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