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Harry Redknapp

Gap tooth ram

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Not a bad move so long as it's more a "consultancy" type thing. Wassall so obviously could do with some experienced coaches - if you look at the current staff it's him, Phillips, Zuberbuhler, Short. None of whom have much experience as coaches. Hate him or not Redknapp has been pretty successful, he could be reasonably valuable in the run-in.

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First described as a Director of football, then described as 'on the coaching staff', then ,an advisor to Darren.

fkn making it up as they go along.

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Ok, after having a listen to Mr Rush, and he quickly mentioning 'Arry won't be doing any transfer dealings I'm still non-plused.  Why him??? Why not someone like Curbishly or Hoddle??? Someone who's actually well regarded as a coach??? It was always Joe Jordan doing the coaching at his previous clubs, and didn't QPR's form nosedive after our very own Schteve left his coaching staff???

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That was very funny Ramnut although there is quite a lot that is just appearance related . Could we have your assessment as to whether gritty scot is good or what about effite southerner. Barrow Boy ? .. Plain speaking northerner or a been there done that Brummie ? And what about class ..  Aging G and T man or Foaming Pint elbow against the bar or Vintage Burgundy ? 

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The other day i said that appointing darren wassall was reminiscent of when we appointed colin murphy.

now we're going for the modern day version of his successor - harry redknapp / wheeler and dealer / tommy docherty?

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Had his talks with the Derby board and asked for 24hrs to think it over. This seems like we have approached him and he wants to create a better deal for himself, that's why he is stalling.  Or is he giving himself time to create another swiss bank account to put in his dogs name. Oh well its Mel's money !!

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39 minutes ago, eddie said:

Harry's face looks a bit nutsacky anyway. He's clean-shaven, so be careful.

(Fails to resist temptation to make jokes about South American imports - especially Brazilians)

Yes- though the best bit is that slowly Jamie is morphing facially into his dad.

Poor Louise- not sure that was part of the deal when they hitched up.

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