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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

Yeah i didnt like that either, it sort of smacks of paying too much attention to what people are saying, if your confident in your job get on with it and dont worry about it. I think it was fair to ask about warnock, gone from captain to not even on the bench in the space if 2 or 3 weeks, so ask the question, the decision to drop him may be right and thats fine but i see no issue in asking thise questions.

My neither. I think DW got off quite lightly after the MK game so a few challenging questions hear and there won't do him any harm. One thing I did like with the selection yesterday was the attacking options on the bench. It use to drive me mad when we would have Baird, Warnock, Shotton all on the bench. 

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Bradley did fine and he asked legitimate questions. There have been and still are issues at the club and journalists are entitled to ask awkward questions. Wassall dealt with these in a professional way.

The comment "80% of the listeners are Derby fans and don't want to know the answers to the questions" suggests Derby fans are thick muppets without the ability to think for ourselves, though Mel and his spin would probably like it that way.

Bradley's last interview with Clement was important - doubt if the interviewer expected to get the responses he got and they told us more about Clement's approach than any posh, sycophantic interview in the likes of the Guardian.

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32 minutes ago, jono said:

But they weren't "tough questions" .. They were more like " sir sir Stephen Warnock is eating chewing gum in class" or "it's not fair sir Darren Bent has already had a go" ... Now if he'd asked a proper question like ... What are you going to do in training so that we can turn more of our chances in to goals .. Then I'd be interested.   

jono - I had to go back and re-listen to review all the questions and I don't see anything Owen did wrong. Not a thing.  It was DW who kept banging on about the word "delighted" and he never did answer the question about Warnock revealing himself to not be playing - if players doing that is an issue. Prob took DW by surprise there but it was right to ask the question.

I agree that he could have asked more about the formation and player selection (why Ince out why Butterfield + hendrick) but DW did reveal he wanted to shake it up a bit and that bent and Hanson played because they were outstanding in the u21 game.

Your idea for a question was good but again and again DW pointed repeatedly to fitness as a factor in what they're doing differently, and that prob pre-empted that question. The interview was fine. 

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9 hours ago, Mafiabob said:

Just think he could do with a week off in the Canaries... Come back fresh and ready to go... But if sunshine etc.... Not saying he done owt wrong mind!

He was due to go to Dubai, but Mel demanded Radio Derby cancel it.

He bust into the gents when the editor was having a crap and gave him a good a good old fashioned carpeting.

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On the topic of Darren Wassell swerving the Warnock question, surely he did this because he hadn't seen the tweet and therefore didn't want to make a judgement call on it? 

I am sure if he thinks Warnock was a bit naughty (which I think he was, really) he will sort it out one to one with the player. 

I also like that DW has a sense of humour - yes he over-egged the delighted joke but the first time he said it, it was funny. He'll learn when he's had a few more than three post-match interviews.

As for Owen Bradley, there's nothing wrong with him that switching off his twitter feed won't cure!

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I've sort of had my grumpy rant now. I still think the Bent / Warnock questions were limp and added little to the interview.

As fans we don't want sycophancy but there has to be some reining in of negativity for its own sake. I know what you are saying Ninos and yours is a valid angle but at the moment it just doesn't sit easily with me. 

for me it's perfectly obvious what the Warnock tweet deserves, in private. Hey Steven .. Just be careful son we don't want to give the game away. Not OB trying to get DW to Bolok a player in public after a relief giving victory. It wasn't a tough question it was mischief making.

anyway moan over .. Onwards to Blackburn 

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Tom Loakes and Colin Gibson are employees of Derby County. Effectively, they are cheerleaders for the club. Owen Bradley isn't, and never should be. He's a journalist working for BBC Radio Derby. He's in a privileged position in having access to Derby County's manager/head coach straight after a match. It's his job to ask difficult questions. In my opinion he does it very well. His interviews are often informative and help us fans get a deeper insight into the club.

I think as Derby fans were lucky with our local coverage. Radio Derby does a good job, as does the Derby Telegraph - shame about the website though. We al;so have to remember that Owen Bradley, and Steve Nicholson have to be a little careful as their jobs depend on having access to the club. If they upset too many people at Derby County they could be denied access. I reckon that they push as hard as they can under the circumstances.

I like Owen a lot. He's always wiling to interact with fans. He's also great fun to wind up as he often fails to spot when he's being teased. Last week he got very self-righteous when I suggested that he'd got Paul Clement fired.

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Just now, CornwallRam said:

Tom Loakes and Colin Gibson are employees of Derby County. Effectively, they are cheerleaders for the club. Owen Bradley isn't, and never should be. He's a journalist working for BBC Radio Derby. He's in a privileged position in having access to Derby County's manager/head coach straight after a match. It's his job to ask difficult questions. In my opinion he does it very well. His interviews are often informative and help us fans get a deeper insight into the club.

I think as Derby fans were lucky with our local coverage. Radio Derby does a good job, as does the Derby Telegraph - shame about the website though. We al;so have to remember that Owen Bradley, and Steve Nicholson have to be a little careful as their jobs depend on having access to the club. If they upset too many people at Derby County they could be denied access. I reckon that they push as hard as they can under the circumstances.

I like Owen a lot. He's always wiling to interact with fans. He's also great fun to wind up as he often fails to spot when he's being teased. Last week he got very self-righteous when I suggested that he'd got Paul Clement fired.

  Absolutely spot on mate! Owen Bradley is an absolute gem of reporter. He asks the questions that fans want to here. I cant quite believe how people are slating him..... it could be worse we could have Burton's coverage.

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He has a job to do but after such a performance he seemed to be trying to rock the ship, worse was the papering over cracks line which he attributed to Darren and then immediately backtracked and said someone else had said it. Very odd to behave like that. Poor effort, disappointing really. He absolutely should be critical where needs be but using quotes he hasn't confirmed and trying to put a downer on that result with a nothing story isn't a smart move. 

In general he has the platform to ask tough questions but today wasn't a time for them, particularly when they're so minimal. I was flabbergasted when Theo was thrown out of the squad for his tweet, same with any suggested uproar about Warnock. You bring them in next week, tell them to be aware of the other team knowing details and carry on. It's really not an issue of any kind, at least in our position with those games in mind.

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Is Tom Loakes the bloke that answers the question within his own question? 

Despite losing you must be pleased with the performance and is it just a case of moving onto the next game?

I'm disappointed we lost but we can take positives from the performance and we need to take that into the next game.

That guy?

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10 hours ago, rhysbeck said:

Tbh wasn't interested at first, but now that this topic has somehow veered into "on a rugged handsome scale of 1 [safe] to 10 [dangerous], how would you rate Owen Bradley?" territory, I'm definitely interested.

Welcome to the club my friend

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The question regarding Bent is entirely reasonable. He didn't see nearly enough possession and that will be an issue against better and more clinical opponents.

The Warnock question is lazy journalism in my opinion. I don't care about social media BBC! Stop reporting tweets as if they're news.

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