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  1. Like
    Ramrob got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Rav Morrison   
    Think he said in his Radio Derby interview after the game that he’d had Covid and had since struggled with his fitness. Only now feeling 100%. So that might explain a few things. 
  2. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Alty_Ram in Is it back on then?   
    Of course, it's entirely possible (and arguably probable) that we will come up short but as for the whole season we have had a mountain to climb and nothing has really changed in that regard but we still have a shot at this and for a team so decimated by the situation off the field it has been a stirring, heroic effort whichever way it ends. We're likely need playoff form in the run in to do it and other teams have games in hand plus fixtures like Peterborough vs Barnsley which will give somebody points but we have kept ourselves in an unlikely chase with a team that nobody would have given a prayer to at the start of the season so I really can't think what else Rooney would need to do to impress some people.
    Whether you think we will come up short or not I don't understand how you can fail to be impressed by the spirit and pride shown by this team and their manager. It's been a while since I was so proud of our team, not as some all conquering force at the top of the table but as a team that has simply refused to lie down despite the utterly impossible situation behind the scenes. No small credit to the fans either whose support has been unstinting and outstanding. You can tell the players walk taller with the backing.
  3. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Comrade 86 in Rav Morrison   
    Found a home hasn't he? A few folk are still saying he needs got rid of. Fair enough, that's clearly their opinion. Why anyone would be repeatedly saying that when there's 10 games remaining in the most difficult season in decades, I'll not dwell on any further, but I do wonder why he has not been judged by the same metrics as some of our other players. He's always worked hard for Derby, he's tried to settle, he's all about the team and especially mindful of the young'uns and to a degree, he has already succeeded when he's failed so often before. Clearly, he absolutely loves the club, the coaching team and us fans, so whilst he's not and should not be exempt from criticism, it's hard to fathom why some choose to single him out so often.
    In fairness and for balance, for a player with such outrageous technical ability, he's not shown enough consistently as yet. The coaches will be talking to him no doubt and I'm sure Rav himself has high expectations of himself and would admit that some strong early performances seemed to give way to a 'safety first' mindset and yet despite his age, I do wonder whether with Rav, it's simply a case of confidence and being made to feel welcome and appreciated. We all know he's made mistakes in the past and some will understandably argue that he's been given chances to redeem himself before now, but why should we care about that? Surely it's only his work ethic at Derby with which we should be concerned?
    Looking to the future and with his first full season under his belt, I do wonder what we might have on our hands if he stays. Whilst some still say he should be first out the door, I think he might well have silenced them before end of season. Most doubters will be genuinely happy to admit he's worth a slot if he does, I've no doubt of that. We can be hard to please but for the most part, we're not an unfair bunch. One or two, not so much, but you can't please everyone. A very small minority need someone to dislike and sadly for Rav, he fits their bill. He may silence them, but he'll never be loved by them in the same way as some other players, even those with far less potential upside. Alas, such is life and perhaps Rav himself will need to accept that fact if he is to complete the most unlikely of renaissances, but what a story that would make. That's the message I'd be drilling home.
    For my part, if his growing confidence over the last few games maintains an upward curve, which I believe it will, I wonder whether Rav might not prove the most unlikely of heroes should his goals and assists ultimately help keep us in this league? The way I see it, the issue then would not be whether or not he stays, but rather whether or not we can keep hold of him. I guarantee that he'll be interesting one or two now that he seem to have dealt with his demons, but I hope the love he's been shown by the club and the majority of us fans would be enough to convince him that Derby is his true home and that he can still become a legend, though not perhaps in the fashion he once envisaged.
    Food for thought?
    In the interim, here's his message to us:
  4. COYR
    Ramrob reacted to Zag zig in Is it back on then?   
    If anyone had said before the season started, you’re going into administration, then lose -21 points, I mean 21 POINTS, half your senior pro’s and however many kids just to survive BUT be within 5 points of safety with 10 games left.....
    Of course, it’s still on,........we’re Derby County and we fight until the end ?
  5. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Archied in Matchday Thread: Derby County vs. Barnsley   
    This ducking season is going to be the death of me ,,,,,,, if only we had nicked a win in the last three losses ??‍♂️,,
    We were just fantastic today ,result and performance, if we can get a win over the next two games and reading don’t then it’s really on ,
    rooney approaching god like status at derby 
  6. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Rich84 in Matchday Thread: Derby County vs. Barnsley   
    Pulled this from the predictions thread as should discuss it here.....
    IIMO this is one of our major issues, we have a few players like Knight, Bird, Morrison,  Bielik, Thomson (Joz previously) even Festy, Byrne, Buchanan that do a decent job but none really look like they are going to score regularly (or chip in at all) we have desperately needed those in the supporting roles to pose a threat, get the odd goal, but it just isn't there, and when we get in good positions (Cardiff away) we just don't shoot enough.
    Only Lawrence and Sibley have that in their locker, we can debate all day every day about Sibley but he is a goal threat, oh to blend him with Knight's temperament and he would make a massive difference. In the meantime he really needs to be given more time on the pitch, he gets us playing further forwards which would help the likes of Knight, as I said, IMO though, and that matters not a jot, only WR32's opinion does.
    Need to be positive today, I expect Lawrence to shoot on sight and most go wayward, but it's what we need, a lucky deflection,  a rebound falling for us, resulting corner that we score from, anything to pose a threat.
  7. Sad
    Ramrob reacted to Bob The Badger in Shane Warne - RIP   
    Genius cricketer who I *hated* when playing for Australia from the moment he sent down *that* ball.
    His last tweet from yesterday is a gut puncher.

  8. Sad
    Ramrob reacted to Ambitious in The State Of The Squad   
    Aside from the academy players, we are we down to four established players past this summer: Knight, Bielik, Bird & SIbley. I expect all of whom to be sold. 
    What a wild 24 months we've endured. 
  9. Haha
    Ramrob reacted to WhiteHorseRam in The Administration Thread   

  10. COYR
    Ramrob reacted to B4ev6is in To derby players keep head up and keep fighting till the end   
    Well lads you been really really unlucky last few games like luton and last night at cardiff you did not desevse did not desevse to lose that game and you must keep fighting if we are go down keep fighting only reason we are down there is because efl have put us down there. To young players you have been fanstic all season. You are leaving everything on the pitch.
    Now to Rooney we all have been fighting for our great club you are doing great job considering that you have not been  allowed to spend money or give new contracts out to players that you wanted to give and all because efl gave us stupid transfear embargo and all this nearly is nearly coming to an end.
    You have all whole city of derby right behind you and also the players.
    I just want to let you know I will and derby fans have been fighting for you tooth and nail and we shall keep doing this until the stupid efl final sees that they cant win this war and they shall not dived us.
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Ramrob reacted to SBW in A refereeing conspiracy?   
    Not logged in for a while and just continued to read from afar, as I couldn't be bothered with the same few shooting down objectivity and the notion that Q have been performing below par and not in the interests of DCFC long-term.
    However, reading this thread I felt compelled to log in and comment.
    Conspiracy? don't be daft.
    I've played football most my life, at varying levels including a good standard at Amateur level.  I've played in the FA Cup, FA Vase, Derbyshire Cup Final and been refereed by all sorts.  There are some nobs about, and I do think referees hold a grudge for individuals.  Of course they do, because they're human beings.  They also make mistakes and see things differently.  Remember they get to see it once, at full speed and are officiating in a world when teams now continually try to pull the wool over their eyes with players diving, exaggerating and trying to win decisions.
    Last night was nothing to do with a conspiracy.  Firstly, I don't think it was a foul on Festy and secondly, Davies had his arms all around their forward, he just lost the duel.  In any game, watch Davies before the ball makes it to him/his forward, he is all over them, always uses his arms.  Not saying it's wrong, you'll see the same with opposition defenders.  But just think more objectivity is required when watching.  There's definitely been some poor decisions over the season, but there are every season, there's also plenty that have benefited too, but it's human nature not to pay attention to those ones. 
    So no, no conspiracy, the referees aren't seeking to relegate DCFC and Rooney's comments were a little embarrassing to be honest.  But I think we can forgive him, as I can only imagine the stress and frustration he is experiencing and it's come out after a game that should have been won, really, but sadly wasn't.  I suspect he regrets his comments in private, but it's happened now.  Just hope he doesn't get a touchline ban for them, it never goes down well when a manager essentially accuses an official of cheating.  Hopefully his frustration/inexperience is seen and acknowledged and it's just a slap on the wrists.  
  13. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Asanovic70 in A refereeing conspiracy?   
    I agree with your comment about incompetence, I do think we exaggerate the flow of a football game though, there are plenty of stoppages, sometimes the ball is only in play for 20+ minutes in a half. 
    Rooney's outburst: I am not going to judge him, he is perhaps cutting an increasingly desperate & forlorn figure. He reminds me of Clough during the long, awful spells, like '10-'11 (winter). He is obviously human & lets his emotions get the better of him, as can happen to all of us.
    I thought Steve Morison was magnanimous. He could afford to be after a late win. He praised the way we played. Unfortunately, we lack a cutting edge, the lack of depth, quality & experience are now all too evident. The January window really damaged us. It is reminiscent of 2008/11pts. A squad on its knees, desperate for assistance & the in-coming players didn't make much of an impact, due to our position in attracting players & lack of finances. New signings can boost a team, offer alternatives (tactics) & allow other players to rest/recover from injuries instead of rushing them back. Instead, we lost some vital experience in Jagielka & Shinnie.
  14. COYR
    Ramrob reacted to Jourdan in Matchday Thread v CARDIFF CITY (AWAY)   
    It’s been a really tough seven days with three agonising results. But I’d be disappointed if we threw the towel in now.
    Yes, we are running out of games and yes, it will take something extra special especially if Reading find a positive result or two from somewhere.
    But we have to believe, until the very end.
    The Barnsley game holds the key - a win and the return of Lawrence could breathe new life into the season.
    I don’t like to talk about must win games but to be honest, that’s what every game at PP is now. The away form is a huge concern. Isn’t that five defeats on the spin since Reading away?
    We have to find some inspiration from somewhere. Time for Wayne and Liam to see what they can conjure up.
    One last push!
  15. Clap
    Ramrob reacted to Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Radio Derby just interviewed John Dorkin and Pauline Latham about team Derby meeting this afternoon.
    No in person meeting today because of illnesses. It was a telephone meeting.
    Q said that bids have been received, it's moving forwards and it's still an ongoing process. They are looking through bids and clarifying
    No timescale for announcement of PB
    Q told that communication has not been up to scratch.
    Both MP's said that Q have over - promised and under - delivered  and whilst we don't expect them to tell us confidential details, we need some communication as it leads to lack of confidence for the fans and frustration for all associated with the club. The team, Wayne and the fans need to know.
    I think both MP's are going to continue to push Q for better communication.
  16. Like
    Ramrob reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    48 hours
    Before Christmas 
    Very shortly
    In due course
    7-10 working days
    Later this week
    T-shirt needed  Derby County the Admin tour.
  17. Cheers
    Ramrob reacted to EastAnglianRam in East Anglia bus to Derby   
    A few of us are heading to the Bricklayers pub in Colchester near the train station to watch the Cardiff match tomorrow night. If you are local and fancy watching with some fellow Rams, please do join us ? ? 
    These are two huge games now after a couple of disappointing results. Sing loud and proud those that are making the trip to Wales won’t you!
  18. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Premier ram in v Luton match day thread.   
    arrived in Luton , really looking forward to the game , lot of local support for our cause , really top lads very understanding of what we are going through , tough game today , morrison , stearman and kaz to start imo, hopefully bag the points   COYR
  19. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Norfolkhatter in v Luton match day thread.   
    Morning Rams, A Hatter in peace here. First of all, may I say how the majority of you have handled the points deduction has been great to see. I can assure you that us Hatters know what it's like to have been screwed over by the EFL and the FA. I must admit I'm a bit concerned today that our run will come to an end and you will grab the three points. Great to see Curtis Davies is still so loved at Derby. He was an exceptional young player when he was with us and im Glad he continues to do well. All the best in your fight against the so called authorities and with the exception of today all the best for the season. 
  20. Clap
    Ramrob reacted to Steve How Hard? in v Luton match day thread.   
    We need to stop gifting the opposition goals at the back too. 
  21. Sad
    Ramrob got a reaction from jimtastic56 in v Luton match day thread.   
    You mean since Jags left ?
  22. Like
    Ramrob reacted to OUTSIDER in v Luton match day thread.   
    Just landed Gatwick for the game tomorrow,  have the scarf hanging on bag as ususl ....
    The amount of ... And I quote ...
    "I hope you f@#king do it!"  Is Over 20 plus so fatn from airport staff, passengers to railway commuters 
    Up the rams 
  23. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Day in Life is politics, life is complicated   
    The no politics rule was reactive, not proactive. Let's be clear about that.
    Reactive to the same small number of members that were arguing and reporting posts on a daily basis.
    I suspect the same small number of members will move from the Covid topic into the Russia/Ukraine topic.
    I'm all for having a topic, however on the understanding that there is an automatic 7 day post restriction put in place for the every insulting/abusive post towards another member on this forum.
    If you pick up 2x 7 day restrictions in under 60 days it moves to a 30 day restriction.
    You post in the topic fully understanding the consequences, and any questioning of moderation is done privately.
    We can have a warning above the topic to serve as a reminder.
    I don't like having restrictions on any topics that can be discussed, at the same time I hate having moderators spending their days trying to moderate squabbles outside of the main purpose of this forum.
    This forum was built as a response to the abusive atmosphere on the DET forum, our off topic section was a fun, light hearted distraction from the football.
    As the community has grown, things have changed, there is a demand for more serious subjects, I'm not against that, however I am adamant that this will not be a free for all to become abusive.
    Currently on holiday, will let the moderators who I haven't spoken to yet also sign off on this, as they are the ones who also have to run the forum.
    If the majority say yes on the above, a topic will be opened by a moderator. Until then, can I ask you to respect the rules currently in place. I will link this in the moderators room and group chat in the hope a decision can be made imminently....a lot sooner than 48hrs.
  24. Like
    Ramrob reacted to ttkk in v Millwall (H) Match Thread   
    Tame Millwall fan here. I have posted before, but not for a while. 
    I enjoyed the game last night, mainly because you got it on, unlike Blackburn Rovers! Seriously though, as football fans, we all know the epicaricacy or 'schadenfreude' nature of the game's culture... and last night was a classic example. It was interesting and enjoyable to see a large crowd gather to get behind their city's only professional team so passionately, as their young and patched up side gallantly tries to overcome the huge obstacle of a 21 point deduction. I mean that by the way. I am not taking the Michael. This sense of spectacle was heightened by the fact that I was one of the 514 band of followers of perhaps the most unfashionable football club in England, managed by a disliked former Derby manager and containing some unpopular former 'Rams'. 
    I think once the disappointment of losing what on paper looked like a winnable home match dissipates for you, you will be once again be filled with pride and no little hope - as Rooney and your players are doing an amazing job. I see some are already in that place. As others have pointed out, your young side came up against a very experienced and well-drilled defence last night. However, it must also be noted, that the reason we 'celebrated like we had won the league', is because we are going through our own injury crisis, and are also having to field a lot of young players, including a 15 year old! 
    I also take issue with being called 'tin-pot'. Yes, we are a small club at Championship level, but I would not say we are tin-pot. I associate 'tin-pot' with clubs with no real character, history or romance. The sort of club whose fans sing the same old generic songs as everyone else - thankfully I have never heard a Millwall crowd sing a generic football chant like 'Everywhere We Go' or 'Easy' etc. etc. In fact, because of our strong sense of identity and character, I have only ever heard us sing very Millwall centric songs - NOLU, Let Em Come, Millwall to different tunes. 
    Furthermore, Millwall have a rich and proud history - pioneers of professional football in London and the South no less. The only club able to challenge the dominance of the northern and midlands sides in the late Victorian era in football's oldest competition - the FA Cup. In fact, this is the reason Millwall are the only senior football club in English football to earn their nickname through footballing endeavour and achievement! Formerly the 'Dockers', Millwall were christened the 'Lions of the South' by the national press, after giving the likes of Aston Villa (the best club side of the Victorian era), Everton, Preston NE and yes, Derby County, bloody noses in the cup! 
    Moreover, I was first taken to The Den by my granddad and uncle in 1985. By my maths, in the 37 seasons that have followed, Millwall and Derby County have played at the same level in 23 of them. That hardly suggests that going by endevours on the pitch, that Derby County are a vastly superior outfit. In fact that reflects rather poorly on Derby County, who represent a whole city and since Chesterfield have slipped out of the Football League, are the only representative for the whole of Derbyshire playing top level football. Whereas Millwall have to compete with some of the biggest clubs in world football in Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham United (spit) only a tube ride away, plus the likes of Crystal Palace and Charlton Athletic on our doorstep. I would argue that rather than being 'tin-pot', we are a very well-run club that gets the most out of its resources, allowing us to be a humble but proud second tier battler that no-one likes playing at The Den or in the cups. That may not be 'ambitious', but what's the alternative? Chase the dream like Derby County? 
    That leads me on to Gary Rowett. Many Millwall fans are not enamoured with him either. You are correct, sometimes the football is painful. But needs must. Again, I take issue with it being 'typical' Millwall. From my time supporting the club Millwall have always been an aggressive and direct team yes, but in a positive way. That is to say, taking the game to the opposition, especially at The Den. However, Rowett is a dour pragmatic manager. That isn't Millwall, more like Charlton! But, times have changed, the Championship is full of big city clubs with regional level support like Derby County, Nottingham Forest, Sheffield United etc, all wanting to get into the promised land, as well as clubs like Bournemouth and Fulham, their pockets filled with the filthy lucre of parachute payments. Millwall currently need to keep their heads down and become more and more entrenched, like a tick in the Championship beast and hope we get a lucky season like Burnley or Huddersfield Town did, or even the jammiest of jammy clubs - Crystal Palace! 
    Also, the club hierarchy are quite happy for a steady ship, as their main concern is this: https://www.millwallfc.co.uk/news/2020/february/millwall-reveal-plans-for-stadium-redevelopment/
    The opportunity to develop land around The Den, which would allow us income streams to compete seriously for promotion. If and when it gets given the green light (Lewisham Council has already approved the adjoining Renewel development), then I would imagine Huski will fully takeover the club and maybe our ambitions will increase. Until then, it is all aboard the keep it steady Rowett Express! 
    Okay, if you bothered to read all that, I will sign off by genuinely wishing you well... because as football fans of a grand old club like Derby County, you certainly do not deserve what you have been through! Even if you do not win this battle, I am positive you will bounce back stronger for it! Good luck. 
  25. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Ravabeerbelly in Academy Thread 21/22   
    I’ll try and be brief without using one liners or being too controversial….don’t want to upset the apple cart further ?
    My biggest bug bear is immediate and over the top reactions to players on their first few appearances and the subsequent questions / criticisms that arise a few games later about what they can’t do. It’s so typically ‘English’ and it’s so dated and archaic.
    The easiest games a young player will ever play as a pro, are his first 2/3. He’s driven on adrenalin, enthusiasm, no fear and a complete lack of any kind of expectation from those watching. Everything he does is a bonus and his focus and eagerness to do the right thing and follow instructions overrides everything.
    After that it only gets harder until you have played 60/70 games! Those next 30/40 are riddled with ups and downs and more and more public criticism than they’ve ever had in their lives and more than most slip away and never have a career. 
    Im critical and I’ve seen the process many times, which is why I try not to fall into the ‘sweeping statements’ camp early on. 
    My other bug bear is when there is no understanding of the players capabilities or their limitations and after the initial few appearances of doing the simple things….or the things they are capable of…people then criticise them for not doing things they’ve never done in the first place. A prime example being when people started to question if Thompson could score goals or if he had a shot on him…..
    I think we have to be realistic and say that not one of them would have in normal circumstances have had their chance this early had it not been for the circumstances and probably realistic to say they wouldn’t have commanded a regular place at any other Championship side. However it’s probably also fair to say that in the short term none of them have looked out of place or been anything other than a credit to themselves or the club.
    I include the lads early season that played Carabao Cup games in that too and in many of those cases they out performed some of their counterparts but were never given other opportunity's.

    Realistically, Festy is the only one I’d consider a serious contender for selection each week with a fully fit squad. I have my reservations on Festy however and much depends on where he wants to end up playing. If he wants to be a full back, the skys the limit. He reminds me a lot of Reece James with a more devastating turn of pace. Defensively that’ll put him on the Ashley Cole category and I think he’ll play in the Prem. As a winger though I’m not so sure. I don’t think he has the technical ability to mix up his game and he doesn’t have the touch and awareness to play inside the wide areas like many wide attackers are asked to do. 
    Plange is a player I highlighted as someone I liked early on this season. Before he scored regular goals in the 23s and long before he was anywhere near a 1st team picture. However I don’t see him as a no 9. He doesn’t have either the pace to really trouble top defenders in behind and he’s not proficient enough in the air to provide an alternative to that. He does have great technical ability though and I see him as an inside forward….a 7/10/11 playing in pockets.
    My other observations may not be popular….
    Cashin I’m not convinced is a Championship player. Saturday as I said will be the easiest game of his football life and Peterborough the kindest of opposition for any debut making Centre back. I think he’ll have a pro career but maybe not in the Championship. 
    Liam Thompson did brilliantly for several games but if I’m honest the reaction was way over the top and we’re largely driven by the occasion - Bournemouth on live TV - and the result - a cracking win! Another example of the first few games being the easiest. When questions were asked of him and other teams put more pressure on him in possession he’s found it difficult. He still has lots of developing to do but there are lots of players that play his role and and I’m not sure what will set him apart from others….funnily enough it’s done him a favour being at Derby and how they play and in the championship. League 1 or 2 will have seen him swallowed whole.
    Another factor largely driving fans perception of player performance, particularly on young players is the result! A 3-0 drubbing gives nowhere near the same perception of an individual performance as a hard earn 1-0 win….regardless of individual player input…as players like Brown, McDonald, Watson, Hutchinson found after the Carabao Cup loss to Sheff Utd.
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