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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 3 hours ago, Alpha said:

    I'd rather stay up in the night to watch women play football than park myself in my armchair to watch apparent superstars roll around in the grass pretending to be hurt. 

    you've missed some brilliant football in the last few weeks, and even beyond that by painting every footballer with the same brush. Quite surprisingly ignorant for you to be honest, I'm surprised. It's like when a non-football person brands all football fans as lager louts and hooligans, it's a lazy label and certainly whilst there are some disgracefully-behaved players at the top level, there's definitely not enough to ruin the game in my opinion and in recent weeks, I've witnessed some great PL games.

    Not sure if I've got the wrong end of the stick of your post, apologies if I have.

  2. 18 minutes ago, admira said:

    Yesterday, Mrs Admira and I had our final screen test to appear on the A Place in the Sun TV show. Should hear if we were successful in a week or two and if so, they fly us over to France for a week in mid June.

    what's your budget? I can help. If you get Laura Hamilton, I might come along with you.😍

  3. Just now, BaaLocks said:

    Holidays in Rhyl

    Went there probably 3 or 4 times in the 80s. Used to love the Sun Centre, but the place was pretty grim aside that.

    In October, I went over there to meet some family as my younger brother was playing Bowls for Scotland in the Home Nations competition there. The place has been severely neglected for so long that it's saddening. But they were clearly trying to spruce the place up. It was dead though.

    Back in the 80s, or maybe early 90s, we went 2 consecutive years. It was okay the first year, but the following year, the decline was rapid and shocking. We stayed in same hotel, but everything around us was boarded up, there were prostitutes on the street outside and dealers and pimps around. My dad cut the holiday short after about 3 days and then we went to Penzance the following year.


  4. FA Cup final day, and the pomp, build up and helicopter coverage and the charity games with Daley Thompson, Rod Stewart and a bunch of actors playing. Coverage also free to air on both BBC and ITV, with 3pm kick off. I used to love the roar when the winning captain raised the trophy. The losing fans would also stay behind and watch instead of rushing away.

  5. sometimes attitude is enough to bring some mid-level success. I don't see us struggling in the Championship, should we manage to get there. There'll be plenty of clubs with crap attitudes that could fall below us.

  6. my girlfriend was moaning her knives weren't sharp enough, me, being the hero I am, got out my Kitchen Devil knife sharpening tool and proceeded to sharpen her set of knives.

    Three days later, washing the pots, with the cutlery in the bottom of the bowl, I happened to feather one of the aforementioned knives with my finger tip and now have the tiniest looking, but most inconveniently positioned, japs-eye looking, painful little mo-fo of a cut on the end of my middle finger and I keep catching it on things and squealing. It hurts like a GibsonBamford!

    I would post a picture, but the mockery would be unbearable.

  7. I may be in a minority here, but think the feeling of hatred towards Mel is too much. He gambled, and thought he was too clever for his own good, and for Derby's good, but in reality, his intentions were true and good.

    Lionel Pickering left Derby County in administration, and opened the pathway for the Three Amigos to get control of the club. Lionel is held in high regard. But his judgement was poor too.

    Double standards.

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