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  1. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Best performance of the season by an absolute mile, but final touch wasn’t there. I just hope that we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water based on us not winning this game. We suffocated a capable Cambridge side to absolutely no opportunities due to a controlled, concise approach. The final ball lacked, individually not good enough, but the set up and system is one for much promise. 
    So, so much better and a progressive performance. I can see a ton more promise with what I saw today than our usual approach of trying to turn the game into a basketball match. 
  2. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from VulcanRam in One year of Paul Warne   
    Let’s start with the pros, as it’s only fair: He’s an intelligent tactician and theoretically astute. He can talk a good game, clearly has a good understanding of the game, feel even though he’s said previously he’s not a student of the game that he understands it very well. I see him as man-manager, emotionally intelligent, albeit not to everyone’s cup of tea (but who is). 
    cons, for me, as a tactician he sees players on the pitch as pieces on a chest board rather than players looking to develop. He will help players gauge an understanding of the game, evidently he likes to make sure his players are aware and they obviously do their home work. I don’t see him as a technical coach, like McClaren and Cocu, more-so a fitness, psychological coach and that’s where he feels comfortable. It makes his quite stubborn, at times, we’ve all seen that with formations this season. I also feel that he has struggled with the size of the club and the weight of expectation, he’s almost played it off but incorrectly at times. Lastly, in contrast with the above, I believe he is incredibly aware tactically of what he wants to do and how to be successful - I’m just not quite sure he knows how to achieve it with the recruitment required. What he wants, how we recruited were at odds - clearly there was someone compensating so I won’t hammer him as ultimately it falls to the recruitment staff to find the very best players available to us. If he was dead set on three CBs then he needed to add speed and lateral quickness to the wide CBs but instead signed Nelson and Bradley. Doesn’t add up. 
    Overall, 5/10, the club isn’t really better or worse off. We will get into the playoffs, I’m sure, but without significant improvement it’s a wasted ticket. Philosophically, he sees the game in a lot of ways different to me, but a lot of people do, but it’s the reason why I’m not right behind him currently - like I was McClaren and Cocu. 
  3. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Premier ram in NML - impact sub   
    I disagree, personally, I think you have to play NML because even if he isn’t playing well the threat of him is always moving opposition regardless of whether he touches the ball or not. He’s an Adama Traore by all accounts, more often the threat of him is more dangerous than him and players subconsciously factor that in. If we had a plethora of talent waiting to come in for him with a similar skill set then I would be happy to roll the dice elsewhere, but feel that we simply lose more than we gain by dropping NML for any of our other players. 
  4. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Srg in NML - impact sub   
    I disagree, personally, I think you have to play NML because even if he isn’t playing well the threat of him is always moving opposition regardless of whether he touches the ball or not. He’s an Adama Traore by all accounts, more often the threat of him is more dangerous than him and players subconsciously factor that in. If we had a plethora of talent waiting to come in for him with a similar skill set then I would be happy to roll the dice elsewhere, but feel that we simply lose more than we gain by dropping NML for any of our other players. 
  5. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Ellafella in 2023/24 Player Ratings: Running Averages   
    Brilliant work - would love to see these for years past because I think you usually get a fantastic representation of true picture. Standard deviation is a great factor to highlight as it does highlight how some players are negatively viewed whereby bias could creep in. 
  6. Cheers
    Ambitious got a reaction from Andrew3000 in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Cambridge are doing brilliantly at the moment, thanks in no small part to (for my money) the best manager in the league in Mark Bonner, but they’re a seriously underfunded team - a team full of the most hardened of journeymen with the very smallest sprinkling of youth. They’re not a team who is going to beat us with energy or pace, Gassan Ahadme is a player at times threatening but ultimately struggles hugely with consistency. 
    These are usually the games that we do well in, the team makeup is similar to ourselves but on a fifth of a budget. I do think Bonner is ultimately a very smart manager, but I predict a scrappy game whereby the quality of the players ends up being the difference.
    In terms of team selection, their old guard at the back - Ryan Bennett and Michael Morrison - are likely to struggle with pace so it gives Warne a chance to give a run out for Washington. Shame TJJ isn’t fit as this would be a good opportunity for him too. Smith needs to make sure Thomas doesn’t get much time or opportunity on the ball - he is a player who does have a bit of quality.
  7. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Christopher Hugh Martin Fan Club   
    Excited to see Martin in League One. I haven’t seen much of him for a few seasons, but I’d imagine he still has the capability to flash technical ability that is very rarely seen at this level. Bristol Rovers are a team to watch out for going forward.
  8. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Christopher Hugh Martin Fan Club   
    Excited to see Martin in League One. I haven’t seen much of him for a few seasons, but I’d imagine he still has the capability to flash technical ability that is very rarely seen at this level. Bristol Rovers are a team to watch out for going forward.
  9. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from angieram in Christopher Hugh Martin Fan Club   
    Excited to see Martin in League One. I haven’t seen much of him for a few seasons, but I’d imagine he still has the capability to flash technical ability that is very rarely seen at this level. Bristol Rovers are a team to watch out for going forward.
  10. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Have we missed this man   
    We have missed him yes, but I think in a lot of games he actually plays that we also miss him. Fantastic player, but until he starts having more impact on the game then he’s not exactly leaving a massive hole - same with Knight. We miss Knight’s energy, sure, sometimes significantly, but we don’t miss his ability or production. Bird is similar, where we miss his technical ability, but not his energy or production. 
    We have four wins, one draw and one loss since he was sidelined. One win and three losses in games he played. It doesn’t tell the whole story as we know, but also shows how little we have missed him despite him being a key player for us. 
  11. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Warne: what would it take?   
    I don’t think it would take too much for me, I like him enough but just get frustrated at the lack of emphasis or thought on situational football. Even at our best, the game is largely a basketball match where the ball is all moving all over the place, the players are spread so far apart from each other and we are absolutely sitting ducks to counter attacks. At our worst, we just can’t control the pace of the game or take the sting out of it. Wildsmith is a god send at times as he’s clever enough to see when we need a break. The football is just played relentlessly, ball into space and a lot of shirts running after it. 
    I’m happy for that to be part of our makeup but we need to start controlling games a lot better, suffocate teams and get them moving off the ball aside from us electing to do the running. 
  12. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Have we missed this man   
    We have missed him yes, but I think in a lot of games he actually plays that we also miss him. Fantastic player, but until he starts having more impact on the game then he’s not exactly leaving a massive hole - same with Knight. We miss Knight’s energy, sure, sometimes significantly, but we don’t miss his ability or production. Bird is similar, where we miss his technical ability, but not his energy or production. 
    We have four wins, one draw and one loss since he was sidelined. One win and three losses in games he played. It doesn’t tell the whole story as we know, but also shows how little we have missed him despite him being a key player for us. 
  13. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Cambridge are doing brilliantly at the moment, thanks in no small part to (for my money) the best manager in the league in Mark Bonner, but they’re a seriously underfunded team - a team full of the most hardened of journeymen with the very smallest sprinkling of youth. They’re not a team who is going to beat us with energy or pace, Gassan Ahadme is a player at times threatening but ultimately struggles hugely with consistency. 
    These are usually the games that we do well in, the team makeup is similar to ourselves but on a fifth of a budget. I do think Bonner is ultimately a very smart manager, but I predict a scrappy game whereby the quality of the players ends up being the difference.
    In terms of team selection, their old guard at the back - Ryan Bennett and Michael Morrison - are likely to struggle with pace so it gives Warne a chance to give a run out for Washington. Shame TJJ isn’t fit as this would be a good opportunity for him too. Smith needs to make sure Thomas doesn’t get much time or opportunity on the ball - he is a player who does have a bit of quality.
  14. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Curtains in Charlton at home in doubt on October 14th   
    I think given we had six on international duty last time and added another international that we will be skipping all international weekends this season.
  15. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from angieram in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Cambridge are doing brilliantly at the moment, thanks in no small part to (for my money) the best manager in the league in Mark Bonner, but they’re a seriously underfunded team - a team full of the most hardened of journeymen with the very smallest sprinkling of youth. They’re not a team who is going to beat us with energy or pace, Gassan Ahadme is a player at times threatening but ultimately struggles hugely with consistency. 
    These are usually the games that we do well in, the team makeup is similar to ourselves but on a fifth of a budget. I do think Bonner is ultimately a very smart manager, but I predict a scrappy game whereby the quality of the players ends up being the difference.
    In terms of team selection, their old guard at the back - Ryan Bennett and Michael Morrison - are likely to struggle with pace so it gives Warne a chance to give a run out for Washington. Shame TJJ isn’t fit as this would be a good opportunity for him too. Smith needs to make sure Thomas doesn’t get much time or opportunity on the ball - he is a player who does have a bit of quality.
  16. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    Truly horrible. I can’t think of anything worse for someone to go through so young. I hope as a club, fanbase we can pull together and do something for him. It can’t just be a 2 minute moment of silence or applause or whatever. We need to do more. 
  17. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from RAM1966 in So who would we have then?   
    He’s said previously that he wish he could’ve managed Derby to be fair - I think he was in contention when we opted for Lampard instead. 
  18. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    Truly horrible. I can’t think of anything worse for someone to go through so young. I hope as a club, fanbase we can pull together and do something for him. It can’t just be a 2 minute moment of silence or applause or whatever. We need to do more. 
  19. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  20. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Miggins in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  21. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from lrm14 in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  22. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  23. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  24. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
  25. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from eddielewis in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I saw some stuff that I haven’t typically seen from Paul Warne since he’s been at Derby, but would associate with him at Rotherham. 
    The flat back four gave almost nothing away, Wildsmith a little erratic with some long range efforts but the defence gave nothing easy away and defended well at set pieces. 
    Fornah showed there is definite a player in there, but still very raw. Football didn’t really stick at times and he looked like a midfield Osula. Still, ability is definitely there to see. Korey Smith tidy enough, but I think he has the lowest ceiling out of everyone in the team.
    I don’t think Waghorn suited his role in the side, personally, I just think you play him centrally or don’t bother. You wouldn’t play Collins wide left so you shouldn’t Waghorn. Sibley didn’t really do enough, think it was evident that he’s still not quite up to speed fitness wise which is a shame. NML pick of the bunch from the attacking midfield three but all of them would’ve expected more of themselves.
    Collins was excellent. Threw himself about, battled and scrapped - well deserved two goals.
    Same issues still remain, we struggle to retain control of the ball and pace of the game. The back four really limited the Carlisle attack to anything decent but there’s just too much erratic play amongst the team, so desperate to get the ball forward that we’re playing so many hopeful balls. Fornah tried to play Collins and Waghorn in behind a couple of times, it’s just not their game, I have no doubts that he’s been asked to move the ball forward quickly (as are most of them) but it doesn’t half end up looking like a dog’s dinner more often than not. 
    Still, the win today is exactly what I predicated: Leaning on an underfunded side, with a mixture of players massively out their depth and players trying their best to do 2/3 people’s jobs. Warne will continue to win games like this, for sure, and with a run at underfunded sides coming up then it should leave us in a decent position going into the winter period. I’d just love to see us adapt some control to our play - that was the first time this season that Carlisle had more of the ball than their opponents. I know it’s an elective by-product of how we play, but I don’t like it. I just feel like we’re leaving so much more out on the table in terms of performance. 
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