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  1. Like
    Phoenix reacted to ilkleyram in EFL appeal   
    Which is fine except that we broadly have a turnover based system now - richer clubs with rich owners are able to spend more than clubs with less turnover, with an additional leeway on top. It doesn’t work because of two factors: whatever rules anyone writes others will seek to find creative ways around them and secondly because it masks the real problems - that the wealth on offer in the PL is so heavily skewing football as a whole and that failure in the PL is so heavily rewarded (now effectively over 4 years) in comparison to the rewards on offer in the Championship.
    Sheffield Utd have just earned 4 years of DCFC turnover in a season, for coming last. On top of that they will also 'earn' 3 years worth of parachute payments the first two of which will more than match DCFC's annual turnover. It has probably already reached the point where even relatively large clubs (like us) in the division simply can't compete unless we get lucky. No wonder owners go for it, no wonder they try to find ways around rules that effectively hold them back
  2. Like
    Phoenix reacted to Crazy in EFL appeal   
    I dunno. If Boro, or any other club, were having issues, it's not our job to get involved. We should leave it to the powers that be to sort it out correctly, and serve an appropriate punishment. Though that does rely on trusting the powers that be to serve an appropriate punishment, and not get bullied by a rival chairman with a personal agenda.
  3. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Garry Cook   
    If the owners were that good they would have repaid the local businesses inc St John’s Ambulance that got stiffed. Never even paid for the stadium they couldn’t afford . 
  4. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to DCFC Kicks in Garry Cook   
    I'd say Mel is (or was) very passionate, the only difference is when Leicester cheated the gamble paid off and when we did it (if we actually did) we we're unlucky. Leicester have been incredibly lucky on several occasions in recent years. If they got relegated in 14/15 they would be struggling in the Championship with there FFP problems.
    It annoys the amount of praise Leicester's owners get. They don't own them just because they're such good people, they're main reason for owning them is just to use them as a form of sportswashing for Thailand. Just like Abu Dhabi use Man City 
  5. Haha
    Phoenix got a reaction from Jram in Timi Max Elsnik   
    Wish we had a player called PLOJ.
  6. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Never mind the fact that Leicester went into Admin and have never paid back their creditors and went up by breaking FFP. It’s all sweetness and light at the KP 
  7. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in El DerbyCo   
    Does anyone know if Maguire tweets about other clubs and grasses other clubs up to the EFL or is it just us?
    Just wondering if he has ever raised concerns with owners owning 2 clubs internationally and using this to transfer players to get around, and make a mockery of P&S.
    Also has he asked the EFL to check when a chairman who owns 2 clubs transfers a player, say from Greek clubs, how are the values calculated, are they realistic values based on current market value, or over/under inflated to help with P&S.
    What about owners transferring debt from the club to their own private business. Glass houses Mr Gibbo.
    Maguire seems so up on financial issues with Derby you would hope he is on the pulse with all other 23 championship clubs.
  8. Like
    Phoenix reacted to alexxxxx in EFL appeal   
    What I don't get about this charge is surely there's got to be an element of 'time served' due to the amount of embargoes etc. 
    The embargoes and general instability has arguably cost us over 6pts anyway. 
  9. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to SparxTheRam in El DerbyCo   
    I think he originally was of the opinion that he wanted it to go to someone he felt would love the club like he did as a fan...
    As time has gone on, his health has deteriorated and absolutely as you've said he's seen that even 200m of his own money doesn't garner you anything but hate and vitriol he probable changed his mind and thought screw it... I just want rid...
    Why should he care about the fans now when they have so clearly demonstrated they have nothing but contempt for him?
  10. Clap
    Phoenix got a reaction from David Graham Brown in El DerbyCo   
    I thought the 51% was something to do with his IQ.
  11. Haha
    Phoenix reacted to rynny in El DerbyCo   
  12. Like
    Phoenix reacted to Millenniumram in El DerbyCo   
    I’m certainly taking no delight in our situation, believe me, no true Derby fan isn’t hurt right now. I’m just being realistic that relegation is a real worry, and I’m struggling to see a way we survive. No issue with those who think I’m glass half empty, but I struggle with those claiming there’s no chance we will go down. That’s delusion imo.
    So what if negativity is built into me, doesn’t make me any less of a fan than you. FWIW, I have no problem with Alonso having ambition, in fact I welcome it - I just don’t think any prospective new owner should be setting targets openly in the media given our current situation.
  13. Like
    Phoenix reacted to Reggie Greenwood in El DerbyCo   
    Because he was asked a question which other teams have you spoken to and he responded with those 2 which he had. Bet if he hadn’t mentioned Cardiff and it came out later some would find a problem with that. There might be issues but  let’s not find them where none are. 
  14. Haha
    Phoenix got a reaction from angieram in El DerbyCo   
    Sorry to disagree, that's impossible.
  15. Like
    Phoenix reacted to angieram in El DerbyCo   
    Exactly this. There are no guarantees in football and for every ten investors, only two are "succesful" - if success is measured on a scale of only promotion is good enough.
    The other eight aren't all crooks or were rubbish. They just tried and failed. 
    Overall the last seven years have been more enjoyable on the pitch than they haven't and I like others am just sad that it didn't work out for Mel. Have met him a few times I feel he is a decent guy who only ever wanted the best for this club.
    There is no magic formula for success. I have just rewatched the review of the 13/14 season (I know!)
    Leeds were in the High Court, look where they are now. Wigan, alternatively, were riding high. Look how divergent their future paths have been.
    There's nothing guaranteed in football but we journey with hope, that's what we enjoy. 
    For those of you that just enjoy wallowing in the misery, this may well have been your season, but beware, things might get better! 
  16. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to Archied in El DerbyCo   
    Quality post ?????
  17. Haha
    Phoenix reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in El DerbyCo   
  18. Like
    Phoenix reacted to jono in El DerbyCo   
    I am merely defending Mel when there is to my mind a certain tone from some posters that suggest he has been a bad owner.
    considering the nature of this competition, the structure of the industry and what he has tried to do over the last 5 or so years then I dispute that in the strongest terms and will keep doing so. 
  19. Haha
    Phoenix got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in El DerbyCo   
    There was something inevitable about Brian CLough signing a player called Metgod.
  20. Clap
    Phoenix reacted to Gringo in El DerbyCo   
    Mr Morris has put in many tens of millions into the club and continues to bank roll it every month at the moment for no reward and no thanks from the majority on this website. Given the abuse he is getting I for one don't blame him for wanting to bale out, armchair owners like you guys make me sick.
  21. Clap
    Phoenix got a reaction from S75 Ram in El DerbyCo   
    Me too. This says it all.

  22. Like
    Phoenix got a reaction from OohMartWright in Relegation watch   
    Every little helps.
  23. Clap
    Phoenix got a reaction from SKRam in Live football thread.   
    I realise that supporters are not allowed into grounds at the moment, but who on earth arranges the football fixtures? When these were arranged there was no knowledge that supporters would still be banned at Easter.
    So, Easter Bank Holiday fixtures, potential for bumper crowds (and money). Carlisle? Away to Southend. A modest 330 miles or so. Each way.
    Wasn't there a set of Christmas fixtures some years ago when we had away games at Sunderland and Southampton, about 2 days apart?
  24. Haha
    Phoenix got a reaction from Anon in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Why buy an upmarket Audi, have it sprayed with a diamante finish then park it in some shitty back street in Hinckley?
    The picture doesn't do it justice.
  25. Like
    Phoenix got a reaction from Angry Ram in El DerbyCo   
    Me too. This says it all.

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