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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 23 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I'm stunned by the DCB credit union's APR tbh.

    I assumed that with stuff like "credit unions are owned by the people who use their services, and not by external shareholders or investors. So the emphasis is always on providing the best service to members – not maximising profits" it meant a 'low' rate. 

    But in this case (and looking at other credit union apr's) you have to wonder who is benefitting here.

    I think the rates reflect the fact that the people they lend to are “ high risk “. Also I understand they also try to encourage customers to start saving and budgeting if they can so they come off borrowing dependency .

    Don’t agree with the Ramstrust statement though. Very misguided at best. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Carnero said:

    Had a trial at Reading recently and was let go, so he's a realistic option for a L1 club despite his £11m fee 4 years ago.

    Good age at 27 and, if his attitude is right, should have a point to prove still.

    If he is on trial I think it's more to assess his character and hunger, rather than his ability necessarily.

    Apparently Reading are under a stricter EFL financial limitations than us and finding v difficult to sign players so that may have been a reason that they didn’t follow this up ? 

  3. 1 minute ago, IslandExile said:

    Works for me, all apart from the 'News' page which has been blank for some weeks now.

    Perhaps intentionally. But, hey, PR people.... It's a new beginning, the news is good. Let's see it.

    My had been working fully until a couple of days ago inc the news section. Now needs updating but won’t allow me to do that or get in it ?

  4. 5 hours ago, Red_Dawn said:

    The irony of this post being made by a Derby fan on a Derby forum is absolutely hilarious ? 

    Also, just because it’s “written on the internet” (are you the guy who just quoted Wikipedia at me?) doesn’t make it true..

    Am I Right Timothy Olyphant GIF

    Wiki ? Not me. But you keep kidding yourself with your lovely owner ? I would suggest you read an interesting article called the Vampire ship but I know you won’t. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    You lot have literally been saying this for years.. and the 200m you quote from Maguire are not debts. They’re losses over the past 10 years. By Maguire's own admission our losses are average by comparison with other championship clubs.


    There’s no evidence to suggest we’re in financial trouble, and let’s be honest, if we don’t go up, the Johnson sale will likely offset most of the costs we have. 

    Does shifting over to some fantasy about Forest going under make you feel better about your own dire circumstances?

    It’s really interesting to watch the stages of grief. I thought you might have moved past lashing out to acceptance by now. 

    Still cannot believe that you lot are prepared to shut your eyes , stick your fingers in your ears and shout lala lala about your owner when it's obvious to all that there is something very dodgy about him . As a Greek commentator said if it's all a conspiracy and nothing to see why are witnesses being shot and intimidated ?  So much out there in the internet, that will be your problem and his in the future if the political landscape changes  so let's see what happens when it arrives. Enjoy your first decent season in 20 hope it doesn't go all Yeovil for you.

    Not lashing out just pointing out that whilst its your turn to take the pee your garden might not be that rosy after all. 

  6. 6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I was in Athens last week and saw the Olympicanos ground. Couldn't remember if it was that club that the Forest owner also owned, so look it up. Ended up reading about his dodgy past. Jeez, I knew there were rumours of a shady background, but he basically sounds like a mafia boss. If Forest do go up, perhaps he might eventually get some media attention. Look at the abuse someone like Mike Ashley gets for being obnoxious and not a particularly likeable business owner.

    If they do go up, there is also something very worrying about giving this guy a few 100 million in Premier League riches. What does this sort of character do with this fortune? 

    He makes Mel's crimes of overspending on Anya, Blackman and Butterfield seem like relatively minor crimes.

    If, like me, you don't know much about him, take a look here and read the Controversies section. Fit and proper!


    Google Marinakis Vampire ship. Makes a long but interesting read 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    You’re going to be gutted this morning, and rightly so.

    But it ain’t all bad.

    When we dropped out of the old 2nd division into the 3rd in 1984 things were in many ways, worse.

    We didn’t (quite) have the financial issues, but we had a horrible team and the entire season was utterly depressing and devoid of hope in a way this season hasn’t been.

    My personal highlight of an utterly depressing season was meeting Dave Watson in a Little Chef on the A1 after we spanked Cambridge away 3-0 in the FA Cup. That was pretty much it for ducks sake.

    AND we had not just relegation, but the ignominy of losing to Plymouth in the FA Cup quarter-final to contend with after we had dragged them back to the BBG.

    We all thought that we’d bounce right back when we did get relegated and the arrival of Arthur Cox just emboldened that belief.

    An opening day away loss to Bournemouth, when Bournemouth then were more like the equivalent of Exeter now, didn’t dissuade us.

    Of course, we didn’t bounce back and ended up outside the top 6.

    But we had some BRILLIANT away days that season, Hull, Lincoln, and the last game of the season at Newport spring to mind.

    It was a whole lot more fun than the previous season because we were, for the most part, competing and you could see what Arthur was trying to do.

    There’s something fun about going to smaller clubs and taking the place over. Those of you who travel to away games know that the camaraderie is special.

    In fact, the adversity that we have faced this season has developed that camaraderie, only it’s done it at home.

    I work online and use social media a lot and the admiration for Derby’s support, especially those of you who travel away is a delight to read. I’ve even read genuine Forest and Leeds fans say they’re impressed.

    And what’s not to be impressed about?

    Forget the trolls who are loving this, the REAL football supporters appreciate and understand what Rooney has dragged the club through and the guy is universally respected, exponentially more so than when he was merely an excellent player.

    He’s now an excellent ex-player and an excellent human being. Time will tell if he can become an excellent manager, but the signs are promising.

    The second year under Arthur we did come up and that season was even better for road trips..

    I’ve seen Derby beat Benfica, Real Madrid, every top English club multiple times and Forest many times. But if I were to list the best 5 games I’ve ever attended, Derby at home to Rotherham in the old 3rd Division on a Friday night would be up there.

    That game with that penalty that took us back up to what would now be the Championship was a raucous, intense and then delirious atmosphere ending in an effing celebration comparable with any I have witnessed - although to be fair, my memory is a tad blurry because we did hit the pub hard.

    I doubt there was a Liverpool fan that got anything like the joy from beating Man City in the cup semi or will get more if they win the thing, than we Derby fans got from squeaking past Rotherham that night.

    The fact is, winning is just fun, no matter what division you are in. And beating adversity is fun too. So much more satisfying and enjoyable than just delivering on what’s expected.

    Somebody posted that they hope we're not that team that thinks they will bounce back up.

    I don't really care if fans think that. It's totally irrelevant.

    What is relevant is what WR thinks and what he allows his staff and players to think.

    And I have no doubt whatsoever that he'll not allow that entitled type of mindset to creep in.

    The good news is we have renewed hope for a stable club, a very promising manager in place, an Academy that is flourishing even if it is being pillaged and some wins to look forward to.

    We are where we are, so we may as well embrace it and have fun. And you will have some fun, I promise.

    Post of the year as from one  who has watched since 1970 ???

  8. 5 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    So you are not a Derby fan or you would say so? The post you replied to said your were a Forest fan. I note you dont say you arent, just that you dont hate Derby.  I just dont understand why someone would sign up to comment on a FANS forum this week to suddenly post about things we've all been discussing for months and worrying about for months when not a Derby fan? Why? You seem to think you have some major insight noone else has. To be blunt you really really dont. The tone of you posts is patronising - if you had bothered to read many of these threads you would see a vast range of experience and financial expertise which has provided a great insight into what is going on and has for a long time.
    in addition, the manner of your posts shows a distinct lack of empathy for those on here really struggling with things and this is really affecting people - some need to feel a bit more optimistic to get through it and why not. 
    As most on here are totally familiar with Derby's position your insights and ability " to look at things in a different way" which you may have mentioned a few times may be more at use on a Chelski forum where they are new to all of this and may need a helping hand with it all.

    Easier just to add them to the ignore list. 

  9. 4 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    To be honest this is why I find the whole sanctioned thing strange.  I get why they're doing it and I think it's the right thing to do but the whole issue of allowing him in and to use this money in the first place is what I've always questioned.  A mate of mine, Chelsea through and through has always shrugged at the issue of the legitimacy and source of Chelsea's money over the success they've had. He too has spouted the "Abramovich  loves this club" line over the years.  Just one more thing to add to the pile of what's wrong with the game these days.   

    Just the same as Red Dog fans shrug and make excuses when pointing out the background of their owner 

  10. Just now, RipleyRich said:

    And I thought that`s what this forum was for? To share opinions, information and debate them.

    Wheras it appears that if you share facts and information that people don`t like then you get abuse and derision!

    I can`t change the information and facts that are out there, I`m just bringing it to attention so that maybe we can all get a better understanding of what "might" be going on behind closed doors. Because let`s be honest, we aren`t being told much, and in truth I think I`m less guilty of repetition than Quantuma!

    I`m just amazed considering the situation they have left that article live............or is there a reason for that?

    Now that`s me being sceptical, but let`s just say I have a very uncomfortable feeling about that situation and until anyone can show me something that counters it in a positive way it ain`t going away.

    I’m not abusing you , just pointing out that basically you are repeating the same post multiple times that has been discussed on here many times previously 
    You have your opinion great , but it doesn’t make it more right (or wrong) however many times you say it. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

    I agree with that, but I actually think no one is bidding, or will ultimately pay any significant value for "The Club". It will be the proverbial £1 sale.

    I think the bids and Quantuma efforts are all focused on a figure that clears the EFL and Legal Requirements for the debt and no more.

    Common knowledge and reported by Q and news outlets at least 3 groups have put bids in 

  12. 26 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

    You may well be right. I am just reading what I can find and interpreting it as best I can.

    It`s this bit that concerns me, taken directly from Quantuma`s own article titled: "Is rescuing Football Clubs a thing of the past?"

    Changes to status of HMRC tax debt

    With effect from 1 December 2020, HMRC will receive preferential status for all tax debt. This means these debts get paid ahead of other unsecured debts as well as some secured debts and crucially, as a preferential debt, it cannot be compromised. As a result, clubs will need to pay HMRC in full.

    Now I appreciate a number of members of this forum have had a go at me over this, and some think I have a hidden agenda which I can assure you I have not. I am just reading and gathering factual information and trying to put the pieces together and that piece of information concerns me more than anything else I have found.

    It however doesn`t state debts have to be paid in full to exit administration, so my assumption is a new owner can agree a payment plan over an agreed period. But reading that my understanding is that the Tax Bill will have to be settled in full at some point.

    And keep repeating ad infinitum. We all know your opinion 15 times over. 

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