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Tyler Durden

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  1. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from europia in Sam Rush   
    The reality may well be that as legal costs are rarely awarded against unsuccessful claimants then it would have been cheaper for Morris to settle out of court.
    Or that he was going to lose anyway so there was no mileage in then adding his own legal fees to the compensation that he would have had to pay out to Rush.
    He may also have wanted to avoid unsavoury behaviour on his part being regurgitated in the press during the reporting of the case.
    Whatever option you choose it doesn't reflect well on Morris. 
  2. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Mel Morris fan club   
    If Morris knew what Rush was up to and let him do it, then Morris is incompetent and this mess his fault. If Morris did not know what Rush was doing, then he should have done, therefore is incompetent and this mess is still his fault.
  3. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Turnstile in Mel Morris fan club   
    Completely Morris’s fault 100% ,the buck stops with him.Ignorance to what was going on is no excuse.If he didn’t know what was going on with Rush he should have done.
  4. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rev in Mel Morris fan club   
    One of many reasons?
    He's one of two.
    His incompetent guardianship, and Covid. What else can you add to the list?
  5. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to PistoldPete in Mel Morris fan club   
    EFL have obviously added to our problems in mulitple ways. Having to defend spurious claims about the stadium sale, reputational damage through inaccurate briefings by EFL to the press etc etc .. the list of EFL's wrongdongs is a very long one.  The amortisation issue is also a very marginal issue that if the EFL had really dealt with properly would either have been tackled in 2016 or not at all.  Instead tackling it five years after the event caused us multiple problems, and that case dragged on for far too long which is likely to cause us points deductions just when w ecan least afford them, and more financial woes. It is very likely that the EFL's vendetta against us put off potential buyers and  that of course affected our propects of avoiding administration, and continues to affect our prospects of emerging from it.
    Then of course is the fact that their actions caused us to be unable to claim the covid support loan... etc etc.
    All in all, I think EFL are already more culpable than Morris and as Morris has now gone we can hardly blame him for any continuing woes that are inflicted on us.. the blame is now firmly pointing at the EFL for anything wrong further that may happen.
    Similar comments apply to all the keyboard warrior journalists , podcasters , rival club supporters , Gibson and co etc who have made ridiculous exaggerations and blamed Morris and the club of wrongdoing out of all proportion to what has actually happened. That puts off potential buyers , eggs on the EFL and provides self justification for ill judged  disproprtionate and ultimately counter productive  punishments from the EFL.
    Keogh and Rush were employees..true.  if Keogh hadn't passed to Zamora none of this would have happened, if as club captain he hadn't led players on a drunken rampage through Allestree we would have been in a better place for sure .As for his £2m million compo well that wasn't Morris fault that's for sure, it's the kangaoo court that awarded it. .  what could Morris have done anyway , paid Keogh millions for sitting on his backside with his self inflicted injury? 
    And who was it negotiated ridiculous player contracts many of them Wasserman clients? But Sam Rush. Yes Morris signed the cheques, silly fool, but really the whole thing was a mess up with multiple players at fault. 

  6. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to RAM1966 in Mel Morris fan club   
    That's true here are some facts to be going on with:
    Massive debt run up with HMRC - Administrators trying to negotiate with HMRC, this is reportedly employees Income Tax and NI, if those NI contributions are not paid it could affect employees state pension entitlements!!!!
    Mel allowed the wage bill to climb to 161% of turnover - That's nothing short of reckless.
    Mel has said he's lost £200M - In 6 years that is nothing short of p*ss poor stewardship.  This will only be true if he gives the ground back and writes off all the soft loans!
    His choice and trigger finger with Managers in nothing short of shambolic.
    His interfering in training sessions and entering the dressing room, displays all the signs of a micro manager, which is even worse when you know sod all about the game.
    His communication with the fans has been poor, his final attempt to keep a lid on the fans with his NDA meeting was the final straw for most of us.
    His final denial that he had anything to do with Admin and it was all the fault of Covid shows the sign of a man who thinks he's perfect.  We were already in breach of FFP, despite selling the club to himself, the 161% of turnover wage bill was sanctioned by him and ultimately is the main reason we are in the deep poo we are!!!
    He's clearly turned a club that was on the brink of entering the premier league into an insolvent business and unless he writes off the soft loans and gifts the ground back we could well go out of business.
    Yes we can leave the post mortem until after the deal goes through, but all of the above is a matter of fact and the mans inability to accept any responsibility is quite frankly unbelievable, its also an insult to the Fans of DCFC that he thinks we will swallow all his bullshite!!!    
  7. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rev in Mel Morris fan club   
    I doubt many true life long Derby fans would have left the club in the state he has. 
    Frankly, I'd see my family on the streets before I left this football club in the state he has. 
    He took us on, he pushed the expenditure up, he should cover it until he's personally destitute, otherwise he should have stayed well away.
  8. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to rammieib in Rams vs Preston (A) Matchday Thread   
    Picture of the Derby support today.
    Also during the minutes applause the Derby fans were excellent and applauded throughout.
    Well some fellow fans.

  9. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Ambitious in Mel Morris fan club   
    He put the club into administration when he didn't need to. Not to mention, he bought the club 24 hours away from the Premier League and left us with a potential point deduction of -21 (with 3 suspended) and on the brink of the third division for the 3rd time in our history. 
    He has done some good things, but the bad far outweighs the good. He can't have any arguments at the negative comments. I'm sure if the roles were reversed then he would be also be critical of any owner who did that to the club he supports.
  10. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to B4ev6is in To billy sharp from accepted our apologies   
    From all Derby fans that we are sorry what was sung to you yesterday unfortunately some people drank to much and lost all scences but does not excuse it what so ever. And if that has upset your family it is same here or sheffield untied support please do not judge all Derby fans with same brush.
  11. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GboroRam in What's the worst thing you've ever done   
    I put a football club into administration.
    Just joking. 
  12. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Jayram in Mel Morris fan club   
    This is a forum for us Rams fans to vent Malty, so your opinions shouldn’t offend anyone. Personally I think Morris is the worst owner we have ever had and has absolutely no regard for the feelings of the fans, coaching staff, players or employees of DCFC. I think the revelations from Rooney about the lack of communication and perceived lack of contrition for what’s happened from Morris tells you everything you need to know about him as a person, let alone as an owner. 
    In my view he has put the club into administration in order to avoid liability for the mess he has created and to preserve his own personal fortune, not because it’s the best thing for the club. 
  13. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Malty in Mel Morris fan club   
    Mel Morris is getting such a hard time at the moment from everyone in the press and around the club. Maybe they are right to be blaming Mel for many of our sins, but I’m just not 100% convinced that it’s justified.
    What is he guilty of exactly….
    So he spent £200m trying to get DCFC to the premier league (tell me if you had that much money that you wouldn’t - even for a second think about doing that for Derby)
    He spent a fortune on players some of which have not been particularly successful (as many many chairman have across the leagues)
    He supported our academy, growing young players that have gone on to be sold or are playing in or around our first team - with more on their heels.
    He gambled again by bringing a premier league legend in as manager and nearly made it, only losing in the play off final.
    He stretched every rule he could whether that’s accounting wise by pushing expenditure into the academy rather than the football team, playing with agents fees, playing with amortisation, arranging a real with a betting company and selling the stadium to himself. He did those things to try and defeat financial fair play. If others around him were stronger, perhaps they would have convinced him otherwise. I have worked for chief execs like this and you have to be strong to challenge. With any rules people will try and find loopholes and many accountants make a career and a huge amount of money out of doing just that. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that if there is not enough challenge then people will bend the rules … and Mel did it with the aim of competing with other clubs and getting DCFC to the prem … and how many fans were complaining at the time?
    Once he’d blown his millions naturally he looked for a buyer to take over … in the process cutting the wage bill drastically over a period of 2-3 years to make the club more sustainable and more appealing to a buyer (“its a clean slate your starting with”). He nearly did this twice and unfortunately covid got in the way. Tell me anyone, anywhere in business that even brought covid into their business plans three years ago. No one could have predicted it and guess what? It cost me Morris apparently £1.25m a month, another £15m then. 
    DCFC reportedly has multiple potential buyers now … where were they before? Well I would hazard a guess that they were just waiting for Mel to do exactly this … and Mel may well have thought that the best thing for the club would be to swallow the pill, get the deductions and start again with fresh, wealthy owners. Whether that’s in the championship or league one.
    I’m fact I would even suggest that they were putting pressure on Mel to go into administration so that they could buy DCFC at an even cheaper price.
    Look, Mel did a huge amount wrong, with the Keogh debacle, Sam Rush, believing fake sheikhs and Eric alonso, poor communication, being too bullish, supporting dodgy signings, firing managers, even the final option of administration was another error in my view … I just couldn’t justify myself plunging the good employees of DCFC into financial difficulties, wage cuts job losses etc if I could genuinely afford to keep the club afloat (Rhys just my view, clearly not Mels). But I honestly think the vast majority of what he did was in his view in the interests of DCFC.
    Perhaps I’ll be proved to be completely wrong. Perhaps he’s one of the worst crooks known to mankind, I just think right now he’s the fall guy, he’s getting a huge amount of stick and he’s suffering because of his poor communication and his failure to properly say sorry.
    I just wonder, I really do if he did this because it was the only option left on the table that would ultimately secure DCFC a strong and prosperous future, potentially, eventually back in the premier league where we belong.
    I really hope the above doesn’t offend anyone. I really wouldn’t have taken the drastic step myself and I can’t support Mel on doing that, I’m just saying that in his head perhaps  he genuinely thought he was doing what he thought was right for DCFC.
  14. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Just been re-reading this topic and I'm just astonished there are those still willing to either defend the bloke or offer up apologetics for him. All of the 'achievements' come to naught if there isn't a club at the end of it and that's exactly what could happen.  As a best case scenario he's loaded up the club with a mountain of debt that cannot be maintained, pretty much guaranteed our relegation to the third tier for only the third time in our history and has arguably irreparably damaged our reputation in the footballing community.

    Mel was a custodian of the club and absolutely nothing more, his job was to ensure the survival, maintenance, and prosperity of the club and in that he's absolutely 100% failed. Instead of acting as a custodian, he increasingly acted like the club was his train set with lavish unsustainable spending and big name appointments. None of us knew the true financial state of the club only he and Mr Pearce did it seems, and an owners job is to know when to put the brakes on and when not to. The last thing an owner should do is gamble the future of an institution on the hope you'll get promotion- it's exactly that type of thinking that Risdale had with Leeds that all but bankrupted them in the end. 

    I won't even mention the completely disgraceful behaviour by Mel towards the staff and fans keeping us all in the dark during this period and his decision to pull the plug. I somehow doubt he'll end up selling his house or is wandering the street with a tin cup in the near future. 
  15. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to S8TY in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  16. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to RoyMac5 in Mel Morris fan club   
    But Mel wasn't even smart enough to play the game - he thought he was but nearly all the mistakes in the recent past find their way back to him. He's been bloody awful for the club. Meanwhile what's he going to do with a football stadium? 
  17. Cheers
    Tyler Durden reacted to Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    The  big question is can there ever be enough threads for us to express our anger and loathing towards the man who has left the club in peril of no longer existing 
  18. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Spanish in Mel Morris fan club   
    trouble is Morris history of gambling on our club's future is very poor
  19. Angry
    Tyler Durden reacted to angieram in Mel Morris fan club   
    It's clear that you have only started this thread so you can have more pops at Mel Morris.
    Weren't there enough threads for you to do this in already?
  20. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Spanish in Mel Morris fan club   
    I disagree with you once again.  You have your mind set on me, so be it.
  21. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Bob The Badger in Which comedians have you seen live who weren't as good as you expected?   
    Freddie Starr. Though I was about ten at the time so didn't understand the adult gags. 
  22. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from hintonsboots in Tee shirts   
    Mel Morris.
    Cocking it up since 2015. 
  23. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to sage in PM me if you genuinely cannot afford to go but want to   
    We have a few posters who have agreed to gift a ticket or 2 to someone who cannot afford to go. You can PM me if you you want to go but genuinely can't afford to buy a ticket or two. Due to Covid you will need a fan id and an email address. We can get the ticket emailed to you.
    Your PM will be dealt with in strictest confidence. We have all had times when we haven't been able to afford to go, we are all Derby and will help each other.
  24. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    Haha I can provide an educated guess to whom at least 2 of the stooges are on here.....
  25. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from i-Ram in Tee shirts   
    Mel Morris.
    Cocking it up since 2015. 
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