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  1. Like
    MaltRam reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Rugby Union Thread   
    As someone with virtually no interest in rugby (aside from if England go far in the world cup), I'm surprised to learn about the eligbility rules for England selection. What a load of crap that seems to be!
  2. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from TigerTedd in Ocean Temperature (strictly apolitical)   
    It is the single most significant threat to human civilisation in history, by a vast margin.
  3. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from Archied in Ocean Temperature (strictly apolitical)   
    It is the single most significant threat to human civilisation in history, by a vast margin.
  4. Clap
    MaltRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in January Reinforcements   
    Oh come on folks. We've got a budget, we're doing our best, we're in the mix and we'll still have a club next year.
    Tempted to hibernate until Feb. It's all a bit frantic and needy this transfer window gubbins. Used to be much better before they brought it in.
  5. Clap
    MaltRam got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Ocean Temperature (strictly apolitical)   
    It is the single most significant threat to human civilisation in history, by a vast margin.
  6. Clap
    MaltRam got a reaction from Bob The Badger in Ocean Temperature (strictly apolitical)   
    It is the single most significant threat to human civilisation in history, by a vast margin.
  7. Sad
    MaltRam reacted to Ramslad1992 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Found out my cousin took his own life today… 
    3 years ago he had a car accident that left him paralysed from the waist down, knew he was struggling with it but not enough to do this. 
    RIP Jordan ❤️ having a beer for you tonight mate. 
  8. Sad
    MaltRam reacted to Rampant in Michael Olakigbe   
    Ha - yeah, I know. Reckless days and boy did we suffer the consequences.
  9. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from Amberram in Michael Olakigbe   
    Thanks for that. 😬😢🤮
  10. COYR
    MaltRam reacted to jono in January Reinforcements   
    It’s the name of the game isn’t it. Bottom line we are a good side, we have earned our position, our players have given at least as much as any one of us could ask. It’s a a bit of a lottery 2 players, in the right place, with the right skill set could tip a balance and we could be kings and emperors at our level.  But do they sign, are they the right ones ? Do we lose some disinterested pieces elsewhere.
    Funny thing is without being biased, this is L1 and if you  were a player with ambition, would a few percentage points in salary and contract terms mean that much if it was .. play for DCFC / 25,000 home crowd every week - pure theatre ..  and Wycombe wanderers with a dodgy car park policy? Perrrrlease ! . So you are Wayne Champney Fortesque  .. 21, young gun, lots of utube highlight reels .. want to sign for Crawley, Wycombe or, oh maybe Derby County ? .,🤣. Come on .. call me entitled .. don’t give an F .. Dreams man, have dreams
  11. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to ram59 in January Reinforcements   
    Charlton are showing some ambition?
    Their last set of accounts for 21/22 season show costs of twice their turnover, with an operating loss of around £10 million. This year's spending spree would suggest the losses will only increase. Does that mean that we were just showing ambition under MM?
  12. Clap
    MaltRam got a reaction from angieram in January Reinforcements   
    Oh come on folks. We've got a budget, we're doing our best, we're in the mix and we'll still have a club next year.
    Tempted to hibernate until Feb. It's all a bit frantic and needy this transfer window gubbins. Used to be much better before they brought it in.
  13. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in January Reinforcements   
    Oh come on folks. We've got a budget, we're doing our best, we're in the mix and we'll still have a club next year.
    Tempted to hibernate until Feb. It's all a bit frantic and needy this transfer window gubbins. Used to be much better before they brought it in.
  14. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Alph in Dog Owners Pick Up your C!!P   
    Got a dog poo bin at the top of a track near me. It's only locals that use it, so they know it's there, and they have to walk past it every time they use the track. The amount of dogshit down that track is unreal. Absolute scum. If I see someone doing it, that dog s*** is getting bagged and posted through their letterbox.
  15. Like
    MaltRam reacted to FindernRam in Dog Owners Pick Up your C!!P   
    Walk along Tissington trail near Parsley Hay. Completely litter free apart from every few yards little black or green bags of Doggy poo. On return walk of about a mile and half I counted 18. Who do they think is going to collect it all. Getting dog owners a bad name.
  16. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Bradford City at home Match Thread   
    On reflection, given 24 hours to consider the game, I'd just like say, "Aaaaaagh! My f****** eyes."
    Thanks for reading.
  17. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from angieram in Bradford City at home Match Thread   
    On reflection, given 24 hours to consider the game, I'd just like say, "Aaaaaagh! My f****** eyes."
    Thanks for reading.
  18. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Alph in Post office scandal   
    Vennells needs banging up. No ifs, no buts...she was in it up to her neck. Not the only one either.
    For once, I think the establishment might give up one of their own and she might actually see the inside of a cell.
    It's a popular cause now; there's votes in seeing her get what's coming. 1 chance in 5 she does bird? 
  19. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Bradford City at home Match Thread   
    On reflection, given 24 hours to consider the game, I'd just like say, "Aaaaaagh! My f****** eyes."
    Thanks for reading.
  20. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to uttoxram75 in Post office scandal   
    Individuals need to be prosecuted. Forget fining the Corporation, that's the easy way out. Prosecute the persons responsible for making the decisions. 
    The Post Office senior management and the Fujitsu guys involved at the time. Go to the very top and hammer these greedy, horrible b******* who happily ruined peoples lives for profit.
    Until these utter cretins get huge fines and serious jail time there is no incentive to do the right thing.
  21. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Post office scandal   
    Paula Vennells needs prison time. I'm not sure what the stripping of her CBE achieves, even though I agree it should happen. Sub-postmasters were sent to jail and it should now be her turn. This was a conspiracy and all involved in the cover-up need custodial sentences. That said, I doubt any of the major players will ever see the inside of a courtroom, let alone prison, indeed on stepping down from her role as head of the PO, she was rewarded  for her services with a £400,000.00 golden handshake. If that does not absolutely scream contempt, I don't know what does but the one hand washes the other, I'm afraid. Our government, justice system and public services are overrun with corruption and greed and it's high time heads rolled.
  22. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to Bob The Badger in Post office scandal   
    I thought I'd start a new thread as it was starting to get discussed in the watchable telly thread.
    I haven't watched the ITV drama yet but I will.
    I was aware of the story, but not especially as it happened when we were living in the US and I had no clue it ran into hundreds of people with each one being told nobody else had other issues.
    This is looking like the biggest scandal/cover-up of our time with a lot of people complicit. I hope the duckers who ok'ed this at the highest level get sent down.
  23. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Bradford City at home Match Thread   
    On reflection, given 24 hours to consider the game, I'd just like say, "Aaaaaagh! My f****** eyes."
    Thanks for reading.
  24. Haha
    MaltRam reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Kwaku Oduroh - Season Long Loan to Rochdale   
    What you talkin about @MaltRam?
  25. Haha
    MaltRam reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Promotion Rivals Watch   
    Bolton’s right back made a passive aggressive comment to his wife when she bought a 6 pack of Heinz baked beans, despite there clearly being 17 already in the cupboard. This has resulted in a frosty atmosphere all day. Hopefully we can take advantage of this. 
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