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  1. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Ramarena in EFL statement   
    Keep faith. They're at least being dug out to the extent that they've made a public comment for once. Some valid points on here already, and the EFL statement needs to be responded to. Keep at them. Keep shouting.
  2. Like
    MaltRam reacted to GlastoEls in The Administration Thread   
    Nope - get up tomorrow pal and keep making noise.  It’s worth it!
  3. Like
    MaltRam reacted to Topram in The Administration Thread   
    What a load of tosh, if you have to publicly say you don’t have a vendetta publicly it just shows how bad they’ve treated us
  4. Like
    MaltRam reacted to Ghost of Clough in Jason Knight   
    If we had accepted the original charges (stadium and amortisation), we would have...
    less than a 12 point deduction (due to promptly accepting the charge) finished 16th in the table had a business plan put in place by the EFL to get losses back within acceptable levels for future periods. Chances are this would be a form of soft transfer embargo for the remainder of Jan 2020 and the summer 2020. We only needed a £2m drop in wage bill for 20/21 to be back on track. been able to have new owners However, because we had the audacity to appeal against the charges:
    21 point deduction business plan put in place transfer embargoed for 5 transfer windows (including 2 hard embargoes) gone into administration looking at the prospect of League 1 football Been forced to sell players at a fraction of their real value Cut the squad down to just 11 players over the age of 21 Been unable to play youngsters Been forced to release promising youngsters due to not being able to play them Been blocked from extending contracts of players Being prevented from having a new owner
  5. Like
    MaltRam reacted to uttoxram75 in Jason Knight   
    Its immoral, possibly illegal, what the EFL are doing. We've taken the punishment but our unbelievable performances, team spirit, Rooney's leadership pulling the whole lot together, has scared the EFL into moving the goal posts. 
    They must really be in hock to Gibson to do this to us.
    Never felt as angry over football in my life.
  6. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to Premier ram in Calling Mr.Stearman   
    Faultless display from Stears yesterday
  7. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to Carl Sagan in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Someone called Adam Boddington (very possibly on here) has created a petition asking for the Sports Minister to look at the situation between Derby, Middlesbrough and Wycombe. The EFL is mentioned in the petition title:
    Well done Adam for starting something off.
  8. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to Philmycock in Billy Sharp Chants   
    As if, stop talking balls
  9. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    Hold on Kev, hold on... there's a lot of anger and a lot of folks to point the finger at. Quantuma? Not a bit of it. They're doing their job.
  10. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    Hold on Kev, hold on... there's a lot of anger and a lot of folks to point the finger at. Quantuma? Not a bit of it. They're doing their job.
  11. Clap
    MaltRam reacted to ripleyram88 in The Administration Thread   
    Quantuma shouldn't have to have a plan B. Rules are rules and laws are laws. They are a professional accredited business and they follow the law. They are following the law.  
    They aren't here to "show leadership", they are here to follow the law, and provide the best deal for the creditors. Too right they are covering their backsides, would you just wing it if you were in a legal situation.
    What we are seeing here is the EFL being upset they couldn't relegate us last season and they are trying their hardest to do it this time, in fact attempting to break UK insolvency laws to do so.
    I'm sure any administrator wouldn't expect to have to deal with a governing body which is basically acting like a petulant child that can't get was they want.
    Some may say the EFL don't have a vendetta against us, but the day that they came out and said they were "disappointed" with the findings of the independent panel, they cemented that they do, and their actions since then have shown that they are a corrupt disgrace.
    This isn't going to stop with us. They wiped out Macclesfield, they kicked out Bury, they let a fraudster take over at Wigan then washed their hands of it a month later, they sent Bolton to league 2, and they are going to liquidate Derby. 
    The league needs to be restructured and the EFL needs to be removed.
  12. Like
    MaltRam reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    I understand the anger, the supposition, and the what-ifs. This is a forum…forums are built on what-ifs. But I am seeing some grasp onto so called ‘details’ as truths. Which seems to be causing unnecessary disputes. 
    In any negotiation, facts and figures change daily (if not hourly). So we can only really work with the latest data that’s been offered. 
    The biggest piece being:
    The administrators are (in the best way they can while staying with in the guidelines of an accredited legal entity) claiming they have bids for the club that satisfy the needs of the creditors and Club. and want the EFL to clarify why that isn’t good enough for the EFL. 
    In my eyes- Todays statement from the administrators was a pretty massive shot across the bow. As I eluded in my previous post a couple pages back. After todays statement by the admin. The onus rests completely with the EFL to explain to everybody(including some pretty itchy creditors) why they are not ratifying the club sale. 
  13. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    Hold on Kev, hold on... there's a lot of anger and a lot of folks to point the finger at. Quantuma? Not a bit of it. They're doing their job.
  14. Like
    MaltRam reacted to europia in A call to action   
    My thinking is to contact the EFL and request clarification on a single point:
    Why is the EFL insistent on DCFC settling an unsubstantiated and unproven claim made by Middlesborough FC, as a pre condition to new ownership approval? 
  15. Cheers
    MaltRam got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Just polished a off the last couple of doubles of a 21 YO Auchentoshan. 
    Doesn't feel any better, so I'll move on to the 10 YO Dalwhinnie.
    Failing that, it's the Jameson, and then Brasso.
    duck the EFL. 
  16. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    We can't crack on with the takeover because the EFL say we need to provide proof of funds for the rest of the season.
    We can't give that because that Bamford at boro and his septic mate from Wycombe are claiming they are owed compo.
    We can't settle those claims because we have no money to pay, and we can't see them in court because no legal claim has been bought.
    No one is willing to step up for the £50m it takes to get out of admin and resolve all this because without a legal resolution it might technically take another £50m to pay the bubble haired shitehawk off.
    Only the EFL can plot a course through the maelstrom, and they won't without having their feet held to the fire in public, because they are corrupt and ruled by vested interests with an agenda against us.
    In short, we the fans are the only hope. Forget RT, they're useless. We need leaders to step up from within, as happened before with the 3 amigos but on a massively larger scale.
    I'll join anything, do anything, and I'll find a few quid to help but I'm neither smart or connected enough to lead. Anyone?
    Am I missing anything?
  17. COYR
    MaltRam reacted to Ellafella in Big Responsibility on us fans tomorrow...   
    ...to not take an air of gloom into the stadium tomorrow and let it pervade and transmit to the players. We need to go "once more to the breach dear friends...stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; then lend the eye a terrible aspect;...".
    Really need to lift up those players, remain steadfast, look the storm in the eye and make the noise of a united fanbase. We have nothing to lose. Just keep that support going; it helps that there'll be a big crowd of Blades there who may well spark us off.
    Show the football World and the EFL that we will not be cowed. Convince Rooney we are still behind him 100%. 
  18. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
    Just polished a off the last couple of doubles of a 21 YO Auchentoshan. 
    Doesn't feel any better, so I'll move on to the 10 YO Dalwhinnie.
    Failing that, it's the Jameson, and then Brasso.
    duck the EFL. 
  19. COYR
    MaltRam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Just polished a off the last couple of doubles of a 21 YO Auchentoshan. 
    Doesn't feel any better, so I'll move on to the 10 YO Dalwhinnie.
    Failing that, it's the Jameson, and then Brasso.
    duck the EFL. 
  20. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from ck- in The Administration Thread   
    Just polished a off the last couple of doubles of a 21 YO Auchentoshan. 
    Doesn't feel any better, so I'll move on to the 10 YO Dalwhinnie.
    Failing that, it's the Jameson, and then Brasso.
    duck the EFL. 
  21. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in The Administration Thread   
    Just polished a off the last couple of doubles of a 21 YO Auchentoshan. 
    Doesn't feel any better, so I'll move on to the 10 YO Dalwhinnie.
    Failing that, it's the Jameson, and then Brasso.
    duck the EFL. 
  22. Clap
    MaltRam got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    We can't crack on with the takeover because the EFL say we need to provide proof of funds for the rest of the season.
    We can't give that because that Bamford at boro and his septic mate from Wycombe are claiming they are owed compo.
    We can't settle those claims because we have no money to pay, and we can't see them in court because no legal claim has been bought.
    No one is willing to step up for the £50m it takes to get out of admin and resolve all this because without a legal resolution it might technically take another £50m to pay the bubble haired shitehawk off.
    Only the EFL can plot a course through the maelstrom, and they won't without having their feet held to the fire in public, because they are corrupt and ruled by vested interests with an agenda against us.
    In short, we the fans are the only hope. Forget RT, they're useless. We need leaders to step up from within, as happened before with the 3 amigos but on a massively larger scale.
    I'll join anything, do anything, and I'll find a few quid to help but I'm neither smart or connected enough to lead. Anyone?
    Am I missing anything?
  23. Like
    MaltRam got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
    We can't crack on with the takeover because the EFL say we need to provide proof of funds for the rest of the season.
    We can't give that because that Bamford at boro and his septic mate from Wycombe are claiming they are owed compo.
    We can't settle those claims because we have no money to pay, and we can't see them in court because no legal claim has been bought.
    No one is willing to step up for the £50m it takes to get out of admin and resolve all this because without a legal resolution it might technically take another £50m to pay the bubble haired shitehawk off.
    Only the EFL can plot a course through the maelstrom, and they won't without having their feet held to the fire in public, because they are corrupt and ruled by vested interests with an agenda against us.
    In short, we the fans are the only hope. Forget RT, they're useless. We need leaders to step up from within, as happened before with the 3 amigos but on a massively larger scale.
    I'll join anything, do anything, and I'll find a few quid to help but I'm neither smart or connected enough to lead. Anyone?
    Am I missing anything?
  24. Like
    MaltRam reacted to Rammy03 in Jagielka   
    I'm more gutted about this than anything else at the minute
  25. Haha
    MaltRam got a reaction from Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    You can, but it's frowned upon to say it every single time you post. Makes you look a Bamford. We get it. 
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