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    Rammy03 reacted to FindernRam in Similar staff situation.   
    Not sure what your point is.  
    When I worked I was visibly a lot busier than my boss, but I was working under his direction. I was good at getting things done once pointed in the right direction. If I'm honest, looking back, I was terrible at strategic thinking but a great fixer!
    Maybe that's a similar split of responsivity between Manager and Coach. 
  2. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Mucker1884 in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Just listened to that darts theme (For the first time)...
    What a row!  🙄
    Nothing more than caveman style "der, der, der" ing.
    No lyrics.  No meaning.  No connection to the city, the County, or the FC itself.
    Throw in the two syllable "Derby" into that 3 syllable big finish.
    (I suppose the South and East could use the first two syllables, and North and West use the latter two!)  #foroldtimessake    #it'stradition
    At least the last "Der, Der, Der" song had "Stevie Howard" at the end, to add some connection as to why we were actually "singing" it!

    It's an horrendous mess waiting to happen. 
    For those reasons...

  3. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to LeedsCityRam in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    'That dead footballer' happens to be our record goalscorer. And I don't think it was just that remark that has aroused suspicion - you seem to hate everything about the Derby fan experience whilst making up some irrelevant nonsense about a club down the road. When they were rotting in League One, they certainly weren't booming out anything - in fact, a lot of them abandoned the club & the place was like a morgue. Their support is an embarrassment & so are your comments.
  4. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to DiggerB in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Bloomer out!
  5. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Dethorn in Craig Forsyth - served 10 years   
    Dug this old thread out, just to say well done to Fozzy.
    I remember seeing him flying down the left and whipping in some terrifying crosses and thinking he was some player.
    Then I saw him being given a lesson at home against Wolves and thought he was finished, likewise with the three ligament injuries.
    But then he reinvents himself as a CD when needs must, with the signings of Nelson, Bradley and Elder I thought his days would be number.
    But no Fozzy has re reinvented himself as a LB again and is keeping people out - assisting and scoring.
    What an absolute legend, what a club man
  6. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Day in Love the darts.......can I interest anyone...   
    At least it's the same sport and a rivalry, is there a connection between the Toure brothers and darts that I'm missing here?
  7. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to LazloW in Live football thread.   
    Yet another appalling VAR decision at the Palace Everton match just now. If that’s a sending off, we may as well not bother tacking anymore.  “The game has gone” as they say (not sure it’s grammatically coherent but there you go). 
  8. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Comrade 86 in Wayne Rooney   
    That's kind of the point I'm making bud. It's sad to see the state of him to be honest, which is why I'm hoping some time with his family might be on the cards.
  9. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Ghost of Clough in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    I like it and think it should be sung back to back with Jamie Thrasivoulou's We Are Derby. There's nothing to stop the club playing another song after them.
    I also find it amusing that you think the majority of Derby fans wouldn't have even heard of Bloomer.
  10. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Anon in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  11. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Dava75 in Derby v Peterborough   
    Curtis Nelson IMO is better than Curtis Davies (was last season) so the simple answer to your question is ‘Yes’.
  12. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Andicis in Derby v Peterborough   
    The better team won in the end, we didn't control the game well at all, we didn't create enough chances and it was criminal to let them score a free header when we were in the lead. It's been a good festive period but today was a poor performance. 
  13. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Chellaston Ram in Derby v Peterborough   
    There’s still 22 games to play 
  14. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Peterborough   
    I think they played like Paul Warne wants us to play.
    6 points from the last 3 teams we've played is more than good enough for me. Let's go again against some of the poorer teams now.
  15. Haha
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Patrick Rams in Derby v Peterborough   
    Far too easy that. Collins just gave up. Poor
  16. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Derby v Peterborough   
    Peterborough are a good side that can score goals but they have a soft underbelly as was evidenced when they played Sheffield Wednesday. If we change our approach we can win this
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from Crewton in Derby v Peterborough   
    Nobody is picking anyone up. 
  18. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to eccles the ram in Derby v Peterborough   
    Really looking forward to this one. Throat already lubricated in readiness. Two good teams should make for an open game. Let's get PP rocking to show the tv viewers that we are coming back. There are going to be a few goals today I can sense it. Come on Derby lets keep this run going especially for B4 and all our fellow supporters we have lost in 2023. UTR!
  19. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Pro Warne   
    Nice objective view of things there. I seem to recall some very entertaining wins last season, a nice unbeaten run, the miracle of actually starting to score goals and win away from home…..as well as the collapse towards the back end of the season.
    This one thing or the other way of seeing things just doesn’t fit for me, there was some good and some bad last season, which meant ultimately we didn’t make the playoffs.
    There’s been some good and some bad this season, with plenty of opportunity for it to go well and still the possibility that it doesn’t. We had some good results early in the season despite the mixed performances; Peterborough, Blackpool and Burton away spring to mind; and some not so good…. Cheltenham and Stevenage.
    It’s not “easy”, Warne has got some things right and some things wrong, presently the current run suggests patience may well prove to be a virtue as the squad has gelled and is performing well alongside some consistent results. The only thing that’s black and white in all of this are the club’s colours, it’s never and will never be a simple binary discussion for me despite how hard some people try to make it so.
  20. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Srg in Pro Warne   
    Throw away promotion? We were clinging into the play offs, not top by 20 points. 
  21. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to CapeTownRams in Will we have a sell out for the Peterborough game?   
    We need a caldron of noise- whether we are behind or not. 🎺 
  22. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to CBRammette in 2024 - what will it bring us?   
    Happy new year all rams. Feeling excited for 2024 but what will it bring us? Feeling optimistic without feeling entitled and cocky about our chances. But the most amazing thing is that we've had a year where we've just discussed and disagreed about football so thank you to the Clowes family for that and long may it continue. 
    Also sending much love to @B4’s Sister, the rest of the family and all others moving into 2024 without a loved one for the first time. Such a difficult period and you're all in our thoughts. Hope the team gain promotion in their honour. COYR 🐏🐏
  23. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Derby65 in Will we have a sell out for the Peterborough game?   
    Totally agree let’s get behind the boys and create the atmosphere we had at pride park in our relegation season Anybody who wants to moan or criticize PLEASE STAY AWAY                  
  24. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to On the Ram Page in Pro Warne   
    What’s the relevance? We were 1st Division Champions twice in the 70’s
  25. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Walkley Ram in Pro Warne   
    In fairness, not even pep would stop Rotherham being crap.
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