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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Man furious about vaccine passports is fine about scrapping Human Rights Act

    A MAN up in arms about having to prove he is vaccinated is totally cool about Dominic Raab’s scrapping of the Human Rights Act.

    Roy Hobbs believes that vaccine passports are a draconian attack on his civil liberties but believes anyone opposing the government’s desire to remove his human rights is a communist.

    Hobbs said: “Vaccine passports and masks are the thin end of an authoritarian wedge. Where are we living, Hitler’s 1940s Nazi Germany under fascism?

    “It is a huge infringement on my personal liberty to have to show a negative lateral flow test to enter a large event during a public health emergency. There’s simply no reason for it.

    “Human rights, on the other hand, are a load of woke baalocks that allow illegal immigrants, criminals and ethnic minorities to steal my taxes. And let’s face it, most of them are all three.

    “I’m also fully behind voter ID, stripping British citizenship and the Nationality and Borders bill. Why? Because it’s just common sense. Also none of it affects me.

    “But having to show a Covid pass if I want to go to a venue with more than 500 people? That hits me personally. Well, it would if I went anywhere other than my local Spoons on a Saturday night.”

    Sad but 100% true.

  2. 13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    So I turn up to an event with a Covid passport and because the vaccine has reduced my chance of catching it, that will stop me from spreading it?

    Reducing the spread of it is good, but we know it can be asymptomatic so a vaccine passport WILL NOT stop you from spreading it and is therefore completely pointless.


    You need to change your username to Semantics Ram

  3. I could be player of the season (even with my two left feet), in a season where we won the square root of SFA.

    I can't remember Ireland winning much at the time he "starred" for them either?

    Football is somewhat like acting and the civil service where awards are given for mediocrity.

  4. 1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Well it was exciting at least.

    The red bulls are on Latifi this evening....

    Much as I wanted Lewis to win, max is a brilliant driver and I won't get pissy about him being champion. Still don't like that Horner gets to be happy.


    At least you don't have to go home to a bag like Geri.

  5. 25 minutes ago, i-Ram said:


    In other news, Mel Morris was asked if he had made mistakes regarding the purchases of such players as Jacob Butterfield, Ikechi Anya and Nick Blackman, and the wages that were approved for them.

    ”That’s a good question. I have pondered this, and looking back it is clear to me that my Managers and Recruitment Team did not do a good job. But you have to remember that this is against the background that fans were demanding stellar purchases at the time. Then, you have to take into account the role of Huddersfield, Watford and Reading. They were clearly selling players at the top of their careers, at vastly inflated prices. The players agents also were responsible for forcing the salaries up to unbelievable levels, and of course the EFL ratified all the transfers. Even HMRC didn’t guide me that the fees/wages might be out of proportion. In truth only Stephen Pearce offered any constructive support saying we could write the costs down over a 10 year period. So no, I don’t think I made any mistakes personally”.

    With am answer like that, I'd say MM is nailed-on to be a government minister within six months.

  6. 1 hour ago, OUTSIDER said:

    this is what is required to fly over for  effin football this weekend 

    • Before you travel to England – fully vaccinated
    • Before you travel to England you must:
    • take a COVID-19 test – to be taken in the 2 days before you travel to England 59 euro 
    • book and pay for a COVID-19 PCR test – to be taken after you arrive in England 55 pounds 
    • complete a passenger locator form – to be completed in the 48 hours before you arrive in England
    1. flight cost 22.99 euro
    2. hotel 40 euro 

    I work overseas from time to time and continued doing so during the lock-down. Probably made half a dozen return trips into various parts of mainland Europe since March 2020. Total cost of airfares during this time ~£1,000, total cost of mandatory Covid tests for these flights ~£1,800 (worst case was for FIVE tests for one trip)

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