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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. Be quicker if I quoted the stuff that doesn't annoy me.

    Bottom cover on our new boiler is a poor fit and falls-off at the drop of a hat. I calls Worcester-Bosch for a replacement and the operator makes me hold-on for ages whilst she speaks to "an engineer". Comes back with "we need to send an engineer out to fit it with some new clips". I say you must have the wrong part as its just a plastic cover that slots into place, no clips involved. "No" she says, "we definitely need an engineer to fit the parts ..........................."

    Yesterday the "engineer" (another wind-up, they are not engineers, they are technicians) turns-up with completely the wrong parts and will come back on Friday! So more pi55ing about waiting. Its easier to fit than a battery cover on a TV remote control, no wonder the boilers are so effing expensive.

  2. 3 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Mmmh. Without wishing to make you more grumpy I really do think that unlikely. I wouldn't be happy to be proved wrong either.

    It's from a very reliable source.

    Fancy us helping-out a club like City!

  3. I've heard the administrators have sold our 15% sell-on clause for Delap back to Man City for £250,000 in order to raise funds. I don't know when this happened though.

    Apparently City knocked-back a recent £15,000,000 bid from Dortmund. All pie in the sky, but that would have netted us an extra £2,000,000 if it had gone through.

    We've not got a pot to pi55 in!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Problem is if it did actually dislocate, even if it popped back in,  then there could be complications - stretched ligaments, trapped nerves/blood vessels

    I dislocated my knee, popped it back in but the joint wasn't stable because of the stretched ligaments - had to be in plaster for 5 weeks to stop it popping out again while stuff healed

    An elbow would be less important in terms of being able to play football, but even if immobilised/strapped I'd question the wisdom of playing contact sport!





    A bit of spit and a rub, n it'll be rayt as rain tomorrer.

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