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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 1 minute ago, AutoWindscreens said:

    I think (hope) that is slight journalistic overstatement. The sub-heading says Everton have a shortlist of four and "will" interview them. (i.e. assuming those four want to talk). Doesn't say Wayne has turned up with his CV and is sitting outside the Chairman's office right now.

    In a shirt that looks like it's his dads.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    This is what she said - but why would the EFL even ask a member of parliament not to make public statements about them - simply staggering 

    Remember an MP can speak in the Commons chamber without fear of being sued for slander/defamation, etc., (Parlimentary privilege), the EFL are poo scared and rightly so.

  3. 5 hours ago, S8TY said:

    If Everton want Rooney and Wayne really wants the job we have to let him take it …we owe him that for sticking this nightmare out …but….if we got a few million compensation and a deal that Rooney only goes in the summer that is surely acceptable if he really wants the job ….then hopefully keep this group together until end of season and have a real crack at staying up …would leave a massive legacy here and if he pulled it off we should let him go with our blessing and good wishes ??

    We let McClaren go "with our good wishes" to Man Utd when he was Jim Smith's no. 2.

    I know he didn't have long left on his contract, but the Derby board must have been star-struck, as Utd did us bugger-all favours afterwards.

    Make the barstewards pay-up, we need the dosh and they're rolling with money.

  4. 4 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

    No he didnt !! It took him 2 weeks he spent the previous 2 weeks ummmminggg  and arrrringggg  . Which single handedly destroyed the squad moral . Just like if wayne goes now it will do . But something tells me wayne has a lot more moral fibre ( well where footies concerned lol ) . We shall see . 

    I agree.

    There's more "backbone" in Rooney's little finger that in McClarens entire spine.

  5. 4 minutes ago, roboto said:

    Jagielka the biggest loss so far. Hopefully we will have enough to see us through the season once the vultures have picked through the remains.

    Jags loss is massive and can't be understated, I'm furious.

    EFL have strategically weakened our defence with this single event, barstards.

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