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  1. Haha
    archram reacted to i-Ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Enjoy the game and commemoration Claire. I shouldn’t worry about keeping his seat warm though He rarely sat on it 🐏.  Condolences to all your family. We share your love and pain. 
  2. Like
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Oh my goodness, what a response!
    Hello everyone, I’m Claire, Daniel’s (B4) sister. I am overwhelmed by your kind words, support, and the memories you have shared.  Thank you so much for the kindness and love you have all shown to Daniel over the years. My parents are working their way through all of the posts and will offer their own thanks in due course.
    I wish I knew about the scraves, flanges and ballions before now. I wouldn’t have let Daniel live that down at home. This made my husband and I laugh this morning.
    I will be wearing Daniel’s shirt and keeping his seat warm at the Bristol match. Really looking forward to hearing a big cheer and round of applause in the 38th minute, a goal at the time would be perfect!  Do please continue to share the picture with details of the applause. Let’s raise the roof for Daniel!!!
    Thank you all again ❤️
  3. Like
    archram reacted to Black ('n' White) Sheep in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Life is like a journey, who knows when it ends?
    Yes and if you need to know the measure of a man
    You simply count his friends
    And he seemed to make friends with whoever he met.
    A sad loss to the Derby family and forever a true Ram. RIP @B4ev6is
  4. Haha
    archram reacted to Anag Ram in MM still got "Boots on the ground"   
    Looks like the Warne out army has deserted.
  5. Clap
    archram reacted to Eric the half a ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Surely it should be, 'Always look on the bright side of life' from the life of brian!! 👍😁👍
  6. Like
    archram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in How Paul Warne survives!   
    Do you know what, after hearing the news of B4 over the weekend, my attitude to a lot of things will change, especially DCFC. 
    Walking away from the ground on Saturday after the game (before hearing about B4 passing), i felt more positive about the team.
    I'll certainly keep that positivity going now because nothing would give us all more pleasure than to see Derby promoted in memory of Daniel. 
  7. Like
    archram reacted to ariotofmyown in Poppygate   
    Royal British Legion helps ex-service people.
    Not sure how true it is, but you often hear that a large % of homeless people are ex-military.
    But we now know that homelessness is a lifestyle choice.
    I hope that the disgusting Royal British Legion don't give any homeless people tents!
    As a nation, maybe we could be a little less enthusiastic about all these displays of respect and focus on putting the resources and money into actually helping people.
    Really interesting posts from ex-military people on here too, thanks for your thoughts.
  8. Like
    archram reacted to Gap tooth ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Hard to know where to start.  Reading the news of his passing really rocked me.  To then read all the pages over the last day or so has brought me tears to several times.  I couldn’t do them all in one sitting, too emotional.  The words and memories listed over all these pages should hopefully bring some small comfort to all his family and friends.  What a testament to the man, that so many who only knew him through this forum had such a strong bond and affinity for him.
    I hope his parents take enormous pride at what a stunning job they did in raising such as beautiful human being, who clearly touched so many lives.  His strength and empathy to reach out to others and offer solace in their hour of need, whilst going through dark times himself speaks volumes to the person he was.
    He has left a mark on this world that many can only dream off.  Normally when someone passes, it is marked on social media sites with RIP and other one word or one line comments, the fact that so many are so detailed, people who haven’t posted for years signing back in, people creating accounts for the sole purpose of paying their respects, just demonstrates what high esteem his was held in by so many.
    I’ve fallen out of love with football recently for various reasons and have only been twice this season despite being a season ticket holder. The passing of B4 though has ensured I will be attending the Bristol Rovers game, hopefully some of that B4 passion will find its way back to me and reignite my love.  I will stand and applaud our friend and with no shame I will have a tears rolling down my cheeks.
    Go easy brother, love a fellow Ram xxx
  9. Like
    archram reacted to Donnyram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Daniel, sincere condolences to his family.  B4 was the most positive and vociferous supporter of the Rams and I will miss reading his posts on this forum.  We should all take a dose of positivity from B4 and use his energy to push the Rams over the line to promotion this season - this would be the most fitting tribute.  RIP Daniel
  10. Like
    archram reacted to Derbados in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    What a total gut punch to wake up to this morning having read the tragic news. 
    I joined the forum back in 2013 and B4’s posts would always stick out, his unwavering positivity in the worst of times got myself and others to keep the faith, stick with it and keep going. 
    you can’t buy passion like that, that’s something that cannot ever be replaced and I for one will miss his posts dearly, this place won’t be the same without him.
    RIP buddy, rest easy.  
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  12. Like
    archram reacted to Crewton in Pro Warne   
    I'm pretty sure that during the times under McClaren, Clement and even Lampard, whenever we struggled against mass defences, fans would bemoan that we had "no Plan B". Now that we seemingly have the ability to play in different ways and formations (with increasing success perhaps?), fans bemoan that we don't have a clear identity or style? I've always thought that ideally, while a preferred style of play gives that clear identity, having multiple styles and formations that the team can effectively switch between was the best of all worlds. If the players (and manager) are becoming more comfortable switching between styles to confound different opponents, that surely has to be a good thing?
  13. Like
    archram reacted to DerbyPride in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    How can the passing of someone whom I never had the pleasure of meeting and have never, to my memory, interacted with directly on here, caused me to shed tears? But that's exactly what has happened. I post very rarely but have been around since the DET days and B4's posts have always stood out during this time. I like to think I'm a positive person but, to his credit, he took it to a different level entirely. The underlying memories I have have been discussed extensively during this thread, but I would like to bring attention to this forum in always being there to defend him against anyone unknowing of his dyslexia. He obviously had the full support and love from you all and I'm sure he knew and appreciated that during his painfully short life. As such it's no surprise to hear and read the outpouring of love, grief and memories from everyone. May he rest in peace in that big old football stadium in the sky.
  14. Like
    archram reacted to popside ossie end popside in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    How many times did this lad say 'lets make Pride Park a sea of Black and White, a wall of noise'
       Lets make sure everyone know about our dear B4 against Bristol Rovers sing loud and proud as B4 would and clap like you mean it for a minute for this super fan and person  RIP B4
  15. Like
    archram reacted to roboto in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    When I read the news earlier I was too shocked and saddened to process it.
    Like many have said, although we've not met, he was such a character you felt like you've spent a lifetime talking with him down the pub. The type of conversations where your mates trying to pick you up after a bad day. His posts would always be a highlight in any thread.
    38 is no age, but hopefully he is at peace and will be able to look down and see the Mighty Rams go from strength to strength on their charge up the leagues and to the Champions League final in a few years. Of course mainly with lads from the academy.
    I love the "Be More B4" idea and hope that all of us can bear him in mind when things aren't going so great and we can add some positivity to the forum in his absence. 
    RIP Daniel 🖤 🤍 
  16. Like
    archram reacted to CanRam in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    My deepest sympathy to B4’s family and friends.
    As an overseas fan, I watch RamsTV and also read the forum as it brings me closer to home and provides a more a personal and human side to following the Rams. B4 was certainly a star if the forum and I always enjoyed reading his posts. He will be missed by folks not only in Derby, but by us fans scattered around the world.
    RIP B4
  17. Like
    archram reacted to Alph in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Doesn't it make you feel a right cynical miserable old boot when someone like B4 can always find positivity. 
    Sometimes you wanted to tell him, look. We aren't going to smash the league. Stop it. Forest didn't cheat. Stop. 
    But you know, if the worst thing about you is blind positivity and faith then you're not a bad human, are you. 
    No matter how dreadful Derby could be he found positives. Sometimes I think many sarcastically said (even if just inwardly) "I wish I was on what he's on"
    Imagine if we all were. All off our heads on positivity and belief. 
    You could almost feel ashamed now for not having his attitude. 
    Much love to B4 and his family and friends. Been on here for what? 13 years or something. Some great characters and lovely people. He won't be forgotten here. You just know it. 
    He's no 'Red Scum!!'
  18. Like
    archram reacted to Grimbeard in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Never met the man, but I'm greatly saddened by this.
    We've got to just to be promoted now, for B4. When we go up we'll celebrate with scraves, flanges and ballions.
  19. Like
    archram reacted to VulcanRam in Derby County Versus Barnsley - Match Day Thread - League 1   
    Anyway, in the spirit of and in honour of B4 - that was the performance and result I've been waiting for all season to make me believe we are capable of getting promoted. I thought we were excellent.
  20. Clap
    archram reacted to Stive Pesley in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Damn - not the news I was expecting to read today. This place will never quite be the same again. I always used to enjoy when a newbie would have a go at his spelling and then skulk back under their rock when everyone put them straight. No one messed with our B4!
  21. Like
    archram reacted to DavesaRam in Derby County Versus Barnsley - Match Day Thread - League 1   
    What a great statement. These breaks are an absolute nuisance. I hate them.
  22. Like
    archram reacted to SKRam in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    B4 was the catchiest name on the forum. Like so many have alluded to, his posts were passionate, inspiring and positive. Thought about him at work last night and can’t deny it brought a tear to my eye. 
    Hope the Mighty Rams do it for you this season B4. God bless 🐏
  23. Like
    archram reacted to angieram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    No, nothing yet. It really is very early days and I think they are just trying to understand their loss.
    I will keep in touch and let everyone know what they decide to do. 
  24. Like
    archram reacted to Day in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Just a couple of things to keep B4 in our memories on DCFC Fans.
    First is the topic title following the news of David Clowes takeover.
    With so many sayings, it was difficult to choose from, however this and the post itself means so much more. Especially the line about his Mum, football was not just a game to B4, it was life and death.

    @Mucker1884's words were utterly brilliant and a fitting tribute. They have been published on their own page which will always remain on the main menu.
    Needless to say, this topic will also remain pinned for the lifetime of this forum.
    @B4ev6is  you are a DCFC Fans legend that will never be forgotten. x
  25. Clap
    archram reacted to angieram in Poppygate   
    Whatever your views on the situation, I thought the tribute and minute's silence were impeccably observed by all at Pride Park today. 
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