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  1. Clap
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    @Mucker1884 Would it be ok to use your poem in the funeral service? Also, what is your name to add to it? 
  2. Like
    archram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Eiran Cashin   
    Getting stabbed might have had something to do with it. Never the same player after that. Dread to think the impact that episode would’ve had on his mental health.
  3. Like
    archram reacted to jono in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    He’s quirky and interesting to me. He’s had a helluav job .. watching the pennies and at the same time the overwhelming expectations of this club. 
    Looking at where we are now, I am happy as the famous Larry. I wasn’t earlier in the season, we had games when the players looked disinterested and lacked passion, a system wasn’t in place or working. Thing is, he has worked on it and the players have bought in. As to the humour .. excellent, love it. Bored to tears of managers who either rant and blame or alternatively sound like a mega corporations PR department. 
  4. Like
    archram reacted to Comrade 86 in Orient V Derby County: Ratings   
    1Wildsmith - 7.0 how many clean sheets is that in the last 10? Not always had much to do but does what he needs to dependably
    23Ward - 6.0 Understandably looks a little rusty
    7 Barkhuizen - 6.5 Will be popping Nate on his Christmas card list, so badly did he need a goal. Confidence boost perhaps? I hope so as he's a decent squad player when on it and he's not been for a little while now
    35Nelson - 7.5 Loving our defence right now and this lad is a hefty part of the reason why
    6Cashin - 6.5 not his best game, but tidy enough
    3Forsyth - 7.0 Man crush
    4Hourihane - 8.0 Best game in a while. When you see him passing the ball the way he did yesterday, you wonder why he doesn't do it more often, but with the team committing more players forward, perhaps he'll prosper
    22Fornah - 6.5 - Solid enough cameo
    2Wilson - 8.0 - He and Nate the standouts for me. Close control to die for and he gets folk on their feet every time he runs at a player. A cracking signing.
    17Sibley - 7.0 - Quietly effective, but that goal! Has to deliver consistency but perhaps netting will give him the confidence to do so. He's a very talented lad.
    5Bradley - 6.5 - See 'Fornah'
    8Bird - 7.0 Lad's a Rolls Royce. Not his strongest outing, but some of his passing was excellent and he looks in prime form
    11Méndez-Laing - 9.0 the heartbeat of the side right now. Takes the ball on the turn and looks to trouble defenders every time. Putting Barks in for goal when he'd likely have netted himself shows he's very much about the team and he's in the form of his life right now.
    39Brown - 6.5 - Got a run out but little chance to shine. Was busting a gut to get forward though so he gets a half over the median from me
    9Collins - 5.5 Horrid day for Collo. Missed a couple that were easier to score, then took a nasty cheap shot right in the face. Worked very hard, but this was an outing to forget in all other regards.
    19John-Jules - 6.5 Very unlucky not to maintain his super-sub streak. This lad brings some real pace to side and seems to strike the ball sweetly with almost no back lift. I think he'll score plenty in this league assuming we keep hold of him.
    Warne Watch: Another good day at the office. On another day, we might well have conceded, but generally speaking, he has sorted out a defence that looked quite porous and we're also now seeing some style and understanding from the attacking players. I also think this is probably the fittest Derby side I've seen in yonks. Six players charging up the pitch with only minutes to go and the game already well won is really quite noteworthy.
  5. Like
    archram reacted to Day in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Neither has the criticism Warne has faced.  
  6. Like
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Have you listened to the interview? He praised Sibley plenty as well as making his usual jokey comment, it’s not like he was digging Sibley out or anything 🙄 
  7. Like
    archram reacted to Big Trav in You are a legend Mr Clowes. Now, please plan for the next stage   
    I have heard that Clowes is looking for investment and in talks with 1 that I know of. A couple of American investors looking to get into football and turn Derby into the ‘next Wrexham’ with a certain Derby supporting global superstar as the face of the club. Clowes will not Sell unless he is involved in the running of the club still. 
  8. Like
    archram reacted to IlsonDerby in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Bored shitless of reading criticisms of Collins. Bloke puts absolutely everything into every game and he’s top goalscorer for the 5th best side in the division over the last 19 games so he obviously knows where the net is. 
    Because he doesn’t have the technical ability of McG or Martin his efforts seem somewhat less impressive. 
    Im telling you now McG missed plenty of chances last season - some a lot easier than those Collins missed yesterday. This isn’t a criticism of McG either - just an acknowledgment that our best player last year was also only human and plying his trade in league 1 for a reason. Same as Collins.
  9. Like
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Hearing his enthusiasm for the role and seeing him growing into it with each game that passes is ideal. Could we benefit from that change permanently? Might mean being able to sign Nyambe to a longer deal and not have to go looking for another attacking wide player in Jan, just back Wilson and get him working with NML in training to improve end product. Those two, Barkhuizen, Sibley and Ward if needed gives us some good options. 
  10. Like
    archram reacted to Topram in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    On train home another win is another win, Collins worked his socks off again yes he missed a good chance but cmon ffs the negativity around him is shocking, anyway up the rams we keep moving on up
  11. Like
    archram reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    B4’s Sisters matchday record.
    Played 4
    Won 4
    Goals For 9
    Goals Against 1
    ………………………..and long may it last  👍🐏
  12. Like
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    I’ve asked my parents to confirm the time the cortège will be at Pride Park. Will let you all know when I have the answer. As the funeral is at 11:00am, I would guess 10:20ish. The cars will stop outside the main entrance for a few minutes before setting off. 
    Thank you again to everyone for your kindness and love for Daniel. It’s been lovely getting to know people and even meeting a few in person. All the messages and laughs have really kept me going during this awful time ❤️🐏❤️
  13. Like
    archram reacted to Foreveram in 11 Points   
    It’s all water under a duck’s back anyway.
  14. Like
    archram reacted to Alty_Ram in Joey Barton being Joey Barton   
    Wow, just wow... what a complete and utter tool this man is.
    A woman who has spent a successful professional career playing football to a level where she has represented her country over 100 times and has played in international tournaments, is in apparently not qualified to offer an opinion on football ?
    Oh, and women shouldn't be around football clubs doing the job they are qualified to do in case some d******* footballer decides that she's attractive and therefore he is utterly powerless to avoid having an affair with her and it's totally not his fault?
    Christ on a bike, is this the friggin' dark ages ?!
  15. Like
    archram reacted to G STAR RAM in You are a legend Mr Clowes. Now, please plan for the next stage   
    Not for me thanks.
    Find it much more appealing to have a local good guy trying to make us a sustainable club, over a billionaire treating us like their train set.
  16. Like
    archram reacted to Foreveram in I Wonder If the Players Have.............   
    Players aren’t robots and they aren’t all the same, some will be good kind human beings and some will be idiots.
    Some will do lots of work in the community and charity work and some will spend all their spare time on the golf course.
    Some will care about the fans and some won’t give a toss.
  17. Like
    archram reacted to Strider in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    I'm only an occasional reader of this forum but I was reading the threads wondering where he was, until I saw this one 😞 

    He always made a strong contribution on this forum and was clearly a very dedicated and passionate Derby supporter despite what life threw at him. RIP, wish his family all the best (sorry for late post).
  18. Like
    archram reacted to IslandExile in Joey Barton being Joey Barton   
  19. Like
    archram reacted to uttoxram75 in Sunday 7th April 2024   
    This where we miss dear old B4. He would have given you good advice on how to get out of your Wedding Anniversary trip to Venice in order to watch the Rams.
  20. Haha
    archram reacted to Rampant in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Are you going Togo to the match? There's a coachload setting off from Chad I believe. This thread has taken a turn all of a Sudan.
  21. COYR
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in Derby vs Leyton Orient   
    Howdy partners 🤠 Who’s going to be cheering on the rams at Leyton Orient? Hope we can keep this winning streak up. COYR 🐏
  22. Like
    archram reacted to Mucker1884 in League Football   
    I'm the same mate.
    Worried I might miss summat!  🤣
  23. COYR
    archram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby vs Fleetwood Town   
    For me, moving away from Derby, my family also moving away, the cost of trains on top of tickets etc just meant I can't afford to go anywhere near as much as I want to. And of the 4 people I used to go with, 3 have died, and the other lives even further away than me.
    Luckily I have a very patient partner who is happy to go with me every now and then, as long as I pay. But sadly my days of having a season ticket are long over. Every time I go to a match I try and see who's sat in my seat. They best not be farting.
  24. Haha
    archram reacted to Day in Paul Warne Nomination - November Manager of the Month   
    Nigel told him to go back to where he came from 
  25. Haha
    archram reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    I’m no expert but I think this defeat might well affect their chances of qualifying for Europe this season.
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