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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Is it not possible the Prince Andrew has to take stuff on the chin through the position he put himself in AND the person who saw fit to shout at him when his family is publicly mourning the loss of a Queen/Mum/grandma/great grandma is a dick? 

    Not being a dick to people is quite easy. By shouting abuse at Andrew that has an effect on a number of people in that situation. Feck Andrew. But not the time or place is it?

    Just like gluing yourself to a motorway isn't a good idea. 

    Some people seem to think if they cause is good then anything they do to further it can't possibly be bad. 

  2. 17 hours ago, sage said:

    I did think a while ago that a referendum in disputed areas was the only way out of this, however I now increasingly think this is improbale due to the movement of people during the conflicts. It would be reliant on Ukrainian registers of voters prior to invasion and Russia would want it based on current residents. I hope I'm wrong. 

    Putin points to the internationally rejected referendums as a reason for the war. The ones that favoured joining Russia. 

    I don't know how dodgy the voting was and I cant see how that justifies marching all the way to Kyiv. 

    I had to have a little giggle when Putin recently commented on Liz Truss becoming PM was not an example of democracy in action. 

  3. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    But they are free to have those views. It might mean people are unhappy with them expressing it, and there could be repercussions in their communities later - but do we want people arrested for expressing it? 

    From our perspective it's not a controversial thing, but I can acknowledge that there's plenty of countries who don't hold our imperialist past in high regard and see the Royal family as a central tenet of what happened. 

    They should not have been arrested. 

    But I do think "freedom of speech" is a very double edged sword because you then can't complain if others choose to express their opposing opinion. Too often people think it's a freedom to say whatever, wherever and free of consequence. 

    At a time like this with nothing to gain they're only likely to cause trouble. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    I presume we're all in agreement that this, from the limited information we have, is uncalled for? 


    Why does it bother them so much? I don't understand what outcome they can best hope for. 

    Just seems, again, like people have to have strong opinions on every topic. They have to be offended or go on the offensive. They can't just sit at home and not care about this week. Just don't get it 


  5. 19 hours ago, SSD said:

    A young child past Prince William a little Paddington bear teddy with a card inside. Nearly set me off ?

    Bloody TV keeps giving me a lump in my throat every time I see her now. 

    Weird how national pride can be stirred. Day to day I don't feel proud to be British. In some ways it's quite an ignorant, petty and spoiled place. 

    Feel national pride at certain events and always back the Brit in sports etc. But this has taken it to another level. 

    Just the history and heritage that the Queen carried with her... As well as just being an old gran. 

    Grans are the best. Lost mine recently and there's something about the calm authority of an old gran that commands respect! 

  6. I would say China and Russia only have mutual interests. Were they ever "with them" to turn on them? 

    Just like parts of Europe will also forgive Russia for their own benefit. So China are friendly with them. For their own benefit. 

    How deep does the concern for Ukraine/anger at Russia actually go? Not much deeper than domestic political dick waving and worrying about Russia's access to resources. 

    I think that goes for anyone. It doesn't harm China for Russia to be at war in Ukraine. It doesn't harm them if Europe sees Russia as an enemy. What would USA be doing if, I dunno, a country in the Middle East was aggressive to America's enemies?

    When it comes to poking people with a stick and acting neutral I'd say America has China beaten. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    If you want an example of free speech and consequences, look at the Chippie owner in Muir of Ord (Scotland). She posted a video celebrating the death of the Queen. Her right I suppose. 

    A few minutes later a crowd of 150 locals effectively ran her out of town as the police removed her for her own safety. The Chippie was pelted with eggs and ketchup.

    Be interesting to see if she has the nerve to return again. Cancel culture by a majority not minority. Democracy in action?

    Just like Sinclair and Kevin Kilbane and all the others that want to defend someone's right to have free speech and opinion.... I wonder if she'll cry that others used their freedoms to go and tell her what they thought. 

    The vandalism etc... Not ok. 

    But it seems that saying "it's a free country" is something that is said after someone has been a dick. 

    It's amazing how often they cry when other tell them they're dick. Free country though innit

  8. Twitter and most the internet age is just full of the offended and the offensive. 

    It's like the real world doesn't exist sometimes. 

    I don't know about everyone's right to free speech. I think people should just exercise the right not to be a Bamford. 

    How hard is it, after the Queen dies, to accept some people might be bothered and if your not then why not just, you know, not be a Bamford? 

    Is people being upset really bothering you? Really? 

    Internet age. It's vile. Everyone thinks they're so important and crusading for something. Everyone is the star of their own little show. 

    Imagine a society the judges itself on 'likes'. 

    Anyone seen Black Mirror where the people review each other. Everyone can see your rating and you rate people you meet. I love that one. 

    Freedom to not be a Bamford. That's the greatest freedom going to waste. 

    Hashtag that. Trend that. The racist horrible t***

  9. 1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

    People can talk about her many castles paid for by the tax payer and what not, 

    They do and I always think shut up ffs. 

    "Just a family sponging off the state in 15 bedroom council houses..." 

    It's up there with "when we were kids we didn't have iPads and computers. We had to make our own entertainment" 

    I swear it's just people wanting to be moaning barstools. 

    Like today "why should we mourn?"

    Why should we mourn David Bowie? George Michael? Heath Ledger? We don't know them. Why are they so special? 

    I'm not into the world of celebrity but famous people influence all our lives. Whether it's fond memories watching The Royal family or out with your mates at concerts or a song that defines a period of your life or that actor that brings back  fond memories. Famous people who we don't know have an effect on us. How many people have been brought together by David Bowie's music? 

    In the case of Elizabeth II she's symbolic of this country. The Queen, The Palace, fish and chips, bad weather, a cuppa tea, the Union Jack... The things that we embrace, that make our culture, heritage etc etc. You don't get much more symbolic that the Queen!! 

    It seems there's so many people that need to tell us how unbothered we should be. Why?

    An apparent nice old lady dies and people are like "what did she do for me?". She's part of your culture? Your history? The story of your land? 

    Give it a week and then some gang member will stab another gang member in Notts and they'll all be back online pouring out the "what a tragic waste of precious life. He would have gone on to play football for England" 

    The Queen dies and the gobshite minority like Trevor Sinclair need to tell you how not bothered they are. 

  10. Enjoyed Ruiz Vs Ortiz. Ruiz is really entertaining. 

    Ortiz has been knocked around by Martin and Ruiz now. Starting to undermine Wilders one impressive win. 

    Jake Paul gets on my nerves. Box a boxer, fight someone your own age, someone active, somebody who can't be paid off or just shut up. 

    Fight Bellew or somebody who has no interest in being a hit with the YouTube masses. Irritating t***

  11. 48 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Ruiz beat Ortiz by unanimous decision on Sunday night. 114-111, 114-111 and 113-112. Quite an entertaining fight.


    Oh man! I thought it was later in September!! 

    Thanks I'm going to watch it tonight. Man, I watched rubbish fights at the weekend too when I could have watched that

    Ta mate


  12. 29 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I kinda like them both as fighters tbh, but I'm amazed this match up up is being made now. I don't like this fight for Benn at all. This game's dangerous enough without taking absurd risks, especially at the early stages of a promising career.

    Just a money fight isn't it. Doesn't do anything for either if they win. Benn can gain the exact same credit within his stacked division. Jnr gains nothing but risks humiliation. 

    But I don't see how Benn wins. Both going to walk away with a payday and be in exact same position within their divisions. But Benn will have to take an L. 

    Cash grab mismatch?

  13. @86 Hair IslandsWhat do you make of Benn v Eubank Jnr?

    You like Benn don't you? I'm not sure this exhibition match is a good idea. He can actually force his way up the division instead of fighting a much bigger, very athletic and resilient middle/super middleweight.


  14. Unless it's a massive payday for Fury then there's nothing in an AJ fight for him. There's no way he offers a fair split and an opportunity for a top 4 heavyweight out the goodness of his heart. 

    It's a tough fight for a voluntary defence against a guy who realistically is going to want a 50/50 or 40/60. 

    Imo AJ goes off and gets his rep back up. Builds towards Wilder and Fury. Then can maybe force a mandatory Vs Usyk if Usyk is still around. If not then he can collect belts again. If he fails then he still has one or two huge paydays. If he succeeds then he comes in more experienced and completely written off in a third Usyk fight when Usyk is nearing 40. 

    Hearn said he wants to make AJ v Whyte. Now that's a terrible idea. The loser is left as an undercard fighter. The winner is no better off just slightly richer. That's a retirement fight. Whyte should target Ruiz. AJ should probably look at Wallin. 

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