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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 13 minutes ago, ColonelBlimp said:

    I like Lando, funny guy and seriously talented, definitely in the top tier of the current F1 crop.

    I think I'll switch to Team L4ndo when Alonso retires, who is still the GOAT imho.


    I feel like people have spent more time giving excuses for Danny Ric because he's a nice fella rather than talk about how Norris is just consistently much better.

    I think we all want much closer racing than this season though. It's not really been in doubt for a long while has it. 

    I do feel for Verstappen having won 2 titles and people want to talk about other stuff. Like I said, not a big fan of him but he's been a demon and deserves to be able to enjoy that without being asked about stuff he can't control

  2. Just now, ColonelBlimp said:

    Stopped reading after that bit. 

    At least you admit to being a rampant fanboi so respect for that.

    Haha, well my man love goes to Lando Norris and McLaren. But I'm if the alternative to not liking Crying Horner then I'm ok with being labelled a Merc fanboi

  3. I admit I'd be a little less bothered if it was Merc. 

    It's because Horner is gossiping little Verstappen fanboy runt that seems to be consumed by bitterness. And Verstappen is an extremely talented cry baby who stamps his feet to Mummy Horner who doesn't ever tell him off. 

    While Wolff has a bit of class about him and while I understand why people don't like Hamilton I can also understand why people do like him. 

    With Verstappen I don't really get what people like about him as sports personality. I think I could manage indifference if he was not part of RB. I feel a bit sorry for him the way his 2 championships have come with controversy. But his often confrontational strops and tantrums being passed off as "he's young" grinds my gears. He's a product of Horner's pampering. 

    So i'd definitely be less bothered if it was Merc. 

    However, it isn't Merc. Or Haas. Or McLaren. Or Ferrari. These are a few of the teams that didn't break the cap. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    That tends to be alleviated by people falling out of high windows on to carelessly discarded piles of bullets.

    I hope there's more people and not enough windows soon.

    Like everyone I think Ukraine cutting supply lines and hitting back before winter sets in is a good thing but we live in fear of what Putin will do when he thinks he's got nothing to lose

  5. 12 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    I think politically the U.S would like the war to end, as long as that end is a Ukraine victory. The U.S can then say they played a big part in the defeat of Russia. There will also be opportunities to profit in the huge rebuild of the parts of the country that Russia destroyed. Add into this the benefit of Russia’s army already being ripped to shreds and being exposed as a paper tiger.

    However the U.S military complex wouldn't want it to stop, as they are going to profit hugely, they are also massively influential.

    Personally I don’t mind Russia being weakened from a military standpoint. I just wish there was a way to curtail the armies of the other imperialists (the U.S and China) as well.

    If these countries spent more time and money on solving the problems within their own borders, instead of on massive armies then the world would be a better place.

    Agree. Well said. 

  6. Why would America want this war to end? Russia wearing itself out against Ukraine and now becoming desperate and weaker is absolutely fine by them. 

    We just have to hope somebody in Russia will put Russia before their pride and do the right thing. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    Similarly in the opposite way is probably why Paddy Pimblett was on the Notable Clients list too. Paddy notoriously balloons in weight after a fight then loses loads of weight before a fight, there's no way doing that will not effect his testosterone levels, therefore he takes testosterone enhancement/replacement.

    I think Ricky Hatton also must have shoved some gear down him. 

    They're cheating their bodies if nothing else. Footballers are not great examples but even here they have to keep themselves in shape during breaks. They are duty bound to be at a good weight and the vast majority work within that. 

    I don't even know how drug tests work for footballers. I think it can be a random test at your club without warning? 

    Boxing seems to have so many work arounds. Hit the juice for 6 weeks then come off it for 6 weeks so your sample is clean etc. Terrible really

  8. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    About sums it up mate, yes. I don't like scenarios where fighters need to artificially bulk, or skim from their fighting weights, but I especially don't like the former. And who really knows what these guys are given, honestly?

    I'm assuming even Benn and his team don't know which is why I think it comes across as genuine when they say they can't understand it. 

    I guess they put the questions to the science guys who frankly have made sure Benn will always have accusations of being a drugs cheat leveled at him. 

    Boxing is and always will be wild and lawless I think. 

  9. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    It's funny, but it's kinda not funny too. I really don't think Benn would knowingly cheat, especially having invited VADA into the testing fold. It makes literally no sense when you know that scrutiny is going to be effectively doubled. The primitive nature of it all unsettles me too. Personally, I don't buy it, but the damage is done now and Eubank Snr gets his wish after all. 

    I imagine most boxers take it to the limits with supplements and whatever else. They're all machines compared to us mortals. 

    I guess there's 2 types of drug cheat. Those that do it around the testing and hope to mask it and hide it. And those that take whatever is "legal" right to the edge. I'm guessing Benn to be the latter?

    Especially when it comes to going up and down weights these guys are going to try everything to not lose anything when leaving their prime fight weight. 

    Benn added 10lbs for this, is that right? 

    Maybe he was concerned about how the weight would effect his energy and how his body would react to extra muscle or fat? How would it effect his hydration?

    I'm just guessing.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    I don' think boxers can say Youtubers were making a "mockery" of the sport.

    Funny story about the Benn drug use, is that Dr Usman Sajjad, a doctor who "specialises in testosterone enhancement/replacement" has Benn listed on his website as a notable client. Other clients included Tyson Fury, Joseph Parker and Tommy Fury.

    I think Dr Sajjad needs to review the acceptable trace levels in boxing dope tests if he's going to continue his specialist work for boxers. 

  11. Imagine you're the big cheese at the FIA and as you stroll towards your glass fronted office your secretary informs you that Christian Horner has left several messages in which he urges you take action against those who snipe at other teams and stir trouble in the paddock. 

    Rumour is that Williams explained the situation to Latifi over the team radio and he was so shocked at the audacity of Karen Horner that he lost control of the car and completed his lap without incident 

  12. Was actually looking forward to it even though it makes no sense. 

    Wonder if it will go ahead then. Guessing not. 

    I was kinda backing Jnr anyway. I've gone off Benn a little bit and I think it's more their fathers that make the sons be heroes or villains. 

    I'm not a big fan of Jnr but ever since Groves schooled him he's grown on me and he's quite entertaining. Snr is still a knobber though. 

    Benn would have been a handful for however long it lasted anyway. 

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