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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 4 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    I thought he’d done an interview with Rams TV early in the season that he didn’t expect to be here in his preferred central position 🤷‍♂️.

    I remember from his interview when he signed.  However, this is Derby so he may have been talking bollox like everyone else seems too.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Why would we sign another midfielder we have about 8

    If you can't outscore you may as well out bully to try and get results.  I think we have 6.  One grossly overated and already in a red shirt. One who's injured for a long time and the mythical Fornah who's crap included. He has great form in this division for Plymouth and Sunderland with back to back promotions.  Would have been a good signing.

  3. 1 minute ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    I get we’d ideally like a striker - and something may still happen - but let’s not forget the squad is actually stronger than at the beginning of the month.  With a lot of players to come back.  We’ve added in midfield - which most of us have said we needed - and we’ve added a wide attacker. This frees up Barkhuizen to play in his preferred position.

    Chin up, we’re not in a bad place.

    Not wishing to be a party pooper but Barkhuizen said when he joined he was looking forward to playing out wide as he was crap as a ten or up top and would rather eat his own turds than do it. Alright I added the turd bit but the rest is true.  

  4. 1 minute ago, CBRammette said:

    Really sad he's going but unsurprised. Stuck with us when others forced moves. Dont get the vitriol at all - Knight didnt get it did he? Will be so upset for him if he gets hostility at Pride Park - hoping twitter is full of fools who arent old enough to go to matches unaccompanied. Just hope we dont waste the money 

    Knight had a better track record than Bird as a player to push for a move, left nothing in the tank every match and stayed till it was clear what division we were in before making a decision to leave.  I can see a fair few differences in the scenario myself.  I'm not bothered about him going, but I can see a difference.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    Maybe Bristol City have a fetish over Derby County midfield academy products that struggle with adding any kind of their tangible production to their game? 

    I thought they would’ve learned their lesson with Jason Knight after playing him in the number 10 for the majority of the season with a grand total of 2 goals. Maybe not.


    Been their best player this season.  Bird won't follow suit.

  6. 1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    He’s gone on to say if they could build a stadium for 50,000-60,000 people they would fill it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    That and inferring Forest are bigger than some of the big 6!!! The bloke is as deluded as the clubs supporters. He’s kicking TVs losing to Arsenal FFS!! What the hell does he expect. 

    They had a bloke called Clough who was a genius, they punched above their weight while they had him. Maranakis needs to get back in his very large box (probably needs one of his shipping containers the fat b******). 

    That includes the 20,000 players they've signed with no squad place, plus an average 3 family tickets for each.  He should really hire out Wembley

  7. 1 minute ago, davenportram said:

    Not good enough for the championship

    Like most goalies he'll have 10 games looking like he's a 50 million starter for Madrid, 10 where he looks championship standard then 3 where he looks like a bloke whose turned up on a Sunday after 10 pints in the division ten taverns league and you won 't see them for 3 months.  It's rare to have a consistent keeper.  People rave about Pickford half the time he looks s****.

  8. 3 hours ago, SSD said:

    Jordan Rhodes has done alright dropping down a division. This might be Gregory's level to chip in 7-8 goals.

    I'm not surprised if we went for him. Warne and his lack of trust in a young loanee makes me think he'll be after older players. I mean, look at how he treated Will Osula. Didn't want him for some unknown reason and then Sheff Utd recalled him. I've been watching him recently and he'd be ideal for Warne, chasing down and pressuring defenders.


    He's already dropped down and got 10.  This season 3, one being a lucky bobble off the zimmer.


    5 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    And living down here and knowing a few Pompey fans, if we were to lose to them in the playoffs, it would send me into hiding.

    Just remind them of the crap their pants with joy moment we gave them beating Southampton on penalty's and that win or lose ,as a Derby fan, they should be kissing your ass forever.

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