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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Fornah is rated in the same way DPFG was, lots of leggy effort little real ability. He got caught again in the middle of the park for them to break on Sat. Would rather we'd have tried Fapetu and rather see him now.

    Ward - bye

    Collo, another year to keep him happy?

    I think Ward is the best crosser of a ball at the club.  Doesn't need to beat a player to put it in with accuracy.  Remember Curtis Davies saying he was a fantastic signing at the start of the season for this reason. He should be tailor made for Warneball.  He can't defend though.  

  2. 59 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Good shout on the Wycombe one, missed that, we were winning 1-0 and they equalised in something like the 98th min so 2 more points dropped. You quote the Stevenage and Wigan games but discount the Burton and Bristol Rovers ones so swings and roundabouts I guess.

    I’m not saying it screams character, just found the statement you originally made an interesting one so had a look and it’s perhaps not as bad as you thought. 

    Which is pretty much my general stance on the whole season as it is currently, it’s not flawlessly brilliant, but it could also be worse. 

    The Wycombe game doesn't count as it was never a penalty

  3. 9 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

    Nice one Jim, It was a good holiday...even Saint Austell 👍the Eden Project was worth a visit(bloody humid in there)I went on a walkabout on my lonesome, I found a path down to the bottom of some cliffs, Absolutely deserted...except for what was an old Discotheque on the beach which was half burnt down, Eerily spooky it was...huge seagulls hovering about, I was out of there toot suite, Got back to the cliff top and was stopped by this fella, Where the fcuk have you been, Down by the cliffs mate, It's off bounds you shouldn't be there, How did you get there?, This way I said...as there was a rundown hut there, He went for a piss at the time of me walking passed 😁  

    Went when it first opened and they had a pensioners day.  Middle of July and packed and most the other side of 80.  It was not a good combination and had to aid a few.  The day was made more surreal by following Melinda Messenger around who was filming something for TV.  

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    There’s only one George Burley, one George Burley….

    Pretty sure the only fees we paid for that side were 200k for Peschisolido and maybe the same for either Kenna or Johnson.  Teams can be put together for tuppence and an elastic band if you have the right contacts and eyes on the market .  The whole whoa is me were light on the ground for a squad is wearing very thin.  About 13 new players have come in.  If proper thought hasn't been given to injury records, age and positional responsibility when they come in, that's the managers fault.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Was much better when we played with a more rounded centre forward who could lay the ball off and look for the runners without having to stop still and control the football 

    Why I believe we should have gone for Clarke-Harris.  Best hold up player and in the league 30 yards from goal now McGoldricks out of it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    What other metric am I supposed to apply?

    Good results will lead to promotion. Good performances might only lead to glorious failure, as it has done in what must be 80-90% of our promotion attempts in recent memory.

    Only three teams can get promoted. If it‘s not us this season, that’ll be because three teams have got better results than us and they will deserve credit for that.

    We are in the top six and have a chance of promotion, but good performances on their own guarantee nothing.

    Two teams and maybe one will get a dubious decision go their way to nick it by a point. Like us last season. As for place three, someone, as we well know, could finish 5 wins behind you and go up.  Better results is the medium it's settled by for top 2 but a fair few are always dubious or fortunate ones. Playoffs aren't better results by a better team.  The best finishes 3rd and could lose three top players in the last match and be beaten as a result. Reward given for failure and should be binned .  Costs millions . 

  7. 50 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

    That's fitness not legs, he doesnt get about enough. Good players never lose that right place right time intuition.

    That honestly makes no sense to me.  No legs indicates lack of mobility, thereby fitness.  

  8. 16 minutes ago, Athelwulf said:

    As an Owls fan, one who used to watch Derby a bit too, I hope this gets settled pronto.


    Smudge hit 20 for Wednesday last season, and was instrumental in Rotherham's promotion the year before, but he's totally wrong for Roehl's style. The only way he plays is if everyone else is injured.


    Chansiri isn't only thick, he's also stubborn. Even if Derby increase what they're offering, it isn't going to make any difference to the money needed for the level of recruitment Wednesday need.


    It's posturing, as was the threat to withhold funds and the threat of an embargo when he tried to tap the fans up.

    As a player I'd want to be playing.  As a player who's had a reasonable career and is probably on a decent contract with a sizeable promotion bonus 8 months ago I'd probably take a wage from Derby who have gone as far as they can by the sound of it, and a bit less from Sheff Wednesday for 5 months to get the deal sorted.  Thereby making up the difference in figures.  With footballers it always seems very much all or nothing.  Who knows, he might get another promotion bonus and and a staying up bonus all in one go.  

  9. 11 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Some players decline physically faster than others.

    If he was still anywhere close to the same player, he’d be playing in the Championship, not with us.

    We do need more athleticism in midfield but not in the complete absence of quality, so it’s difficult. I think shopping in the market we are currently, we might find a player who adds some pace, power and athleticism to the midfield but then could possibly create problems of his own.

    It’s a very difficult balancing act.

    To my mind some players look like they've declined when asked too play a certain way that they haven't in 13 years and he's the only midfielder we have who'll get 10 goals. Almost got us an undeserved point tonight. I always thought Hughes looked too lightweight and awkward when asked to do more defensive work he wasn't physically suited too. We aren't playing people to their strengths.  Bradley up top, Sibley at full back, Thompson as a 10 still automatically harrying and going out of position.  Wilson neither out wide or defending but dancing between positions.   It's all adding to a more luck than judgement mess in the last third of games and a slow 20 minutes at the start where no-one knows what they're doing.  

  10. 6 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    It’s their place of work, they’re wearing club colours more than likely under instruction….a work uniform if you like, your comments about them listening to songs with obscenity are wrapped up in odd sweeping generalisations, do you know for certain the musical tastes of the likes of James Collins, Conor Hourihane, Tyrese Fornah, Eiran Cashin and Korey Smith?

    They were poor on the pitch tonight, there’s no need to invent other things to throw at them.

    I understand Collins likes Motorhead or Steps and Fornah and Cashin recently got into an argument over who had dibs on Best of Enigma.  Smith always insists on the hardest Dutch Gabba Techno and Hourihane likes Tom Jones on the team coach stereo and a lap dance from Warne when scores as he has a massive collection of mugs already.  You can leave your bobble hat on. 

  11. Just now, Jourdan said:

    Hourihane was excellent for Barnsley and everything went through him but this was seven years ago, even further back if you are thinking about his standout years in League 1.

    He was in his mid-20s when he left. You are a completely different player physically at that age compared when you are approaching your mid-30s.

    At Villa, he was part of a really high quality midfield playing in a three with McGinn who  plays with aggression and covers a lot of ground and Grealish who can draw defenders and create space for a player like Hourihane to operate in.

    I just don’t think he can do what he did before with the same frequency in this current set up.

    He doesn't have too though, he's playing Fleetwood most weeks. He's only 32 your adding 18 months on him. Get legs around him, play through midfield and keep him predominantly within 25 yards of the opposition goal.  This will inevitably create space out wide as teams sitting in will be we'll aware if he has two shots, he's probably scoring one and will come out.  

  12. 4 minutes ago, CapeTownRams said:

    I think we miss Nyambe, Fozzy and Joe in that settled back five…

    Wildsmith is an odd one.  I wonder if he's one of those with a contract extension trigger after so many games and were thinking it's a large wage to be utilised elsewhere, or if not,  we've offered terms he hasn't accepted and were trying to break in a new goalie for next season.


    26 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I just don’t think Bird and Hourihane really have the attributes needed to control and impose themselves on enough games at this level.

    Reading had the exact profile of players that they don’t like to come up against.

    How can we play through midfield if we don’t have the players to keep and recycle possession?

    Bird and Hourihane are both too lightweight to hold off challenges or win a physical battle, too slow to cover ground and too much in need of an airfield of space to spread the ball in midfield and maintain possession.

    You don’t ‘actively bypass’ something if it can be used to your advantage.

    Hourihane did it in spades for Plymouth, then Barnsley and Villa at a higher level so that doesn't really add up. He didn't play as a water carrier for those sides though and I doubt he expected to when he came here.

  14. 1 minute ago, CapeTownRams said:

    TJJ…: always a big BIG gamble to keep him on with all the injuries….

    but here we go again….  He’s a true sick note. Feel for him…. But it’s a fact.

    Our strikers costing a lot in wages this season but all of them bar Collins in the long-term sick room…


    What can be said other than we signed two players who were injured and a fella with no club so would probably have 10 games in him before something went wrong. We also had one of them go off on international duty who hadn't played for about 5 games due to injury.  Not sure how he was released to play. 

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