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DCFC Kicks

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Posts posted by DCFC Kicks

  1. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Lol. So you're unable to take the hint that I think Rooney is a good thing? ?

    Oh no we're doomed to never have a successful manager they all leave us after taking everything we've got to give, sob! Bet you was happy when Mel sacked Mac.

    Not at all.

    Gary Bowyer would have been a better manager here than Rooney, He's outclassed him twice now.


  2. 13 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You ought to try listening to what other football commentators think about Rooney's situation. Lots of them can't believe how bad it's been. Embargoes, fake sheiks, etc. 

    Exactly my point. He's got a free hit with excuses (probably valid) if he fails lined up.


    15 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I actually don't think he'd mind going to a lower league club - as has been said he's not in it for the money. He loves football and wants to become a successful football manager. 

    If you ask managers, the vast majority would choose managing in the Championship over League 2 regardless of the situation. You never know if your going to get another shot at managing a club in the Championship..


    18 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    So I'm glad he's got one of the 'safest jobs' in football, certainly not the easiest, lol. It means we will potentially get to benefit from Rooney becoming a very good manager.

    I hope he becomes a good manager one day as well, good for him, it's only nearly cost us relegation in the process of his "learning". Besides, you know that the second he became a good manager he'd be off to another club anyway.


    22 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    If he doesn't, well what's one more we've had plenty of failures!!! 

    So you're basically saying your happy with failure?

  3. 51 minutes ago, jimbobram said:

    Rooney has had multiple interviews now, where he has been asked the question about walking away. He consistently says no. We have been crying out for stability and loyalty from a manager since Nigel Clough. He arguably has the toughest job of any manager for as long as I can remember supporting Derby (22 years) and despite having a bare minimum squad and having all the problems above him, he continues to show that he cares and wants to do well. 

    We are starting to see a style of play which is exciting and attacking with the handful players he has. 

    I think it's about time everyone starts to show respect to him instead of wanting him out. Any other manger would have left us in this mess. 


    He's sticking with us, we need to stick with him !!

    I don't think it's loyalty really. If he had any half decent offer from another club he'd be gone, but no other club would touch him with a barge pole.

    If he quit it would be years before he got another shot at a club the size of Derby, if ever. He'd have to go into League 2 or an academy.

    I don't think the situation is even that bad for him personally. He's got almost a free hit while still learning in his first manager role, in the Championship,  with the excuses if he fails ready made. 

    He's got one of the safest jobs in the country, any other manager would have been sacked with his record at the end of last season, regardless of the quality of players he had.

  4. 10 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    I’d let him go if we can get someone in instead. Great heart/battler but limited footballer. 

    I don't think he's limited. He's good at what he does, was asked to do too much attacking wise last season than he should. I think he'd be great at the base of a midfield three. 

  5. It's really annoying if we can't sign anymore. If we could just get Jagielka, Carroll and Baldock(or someone similar) in then I think we'd actually have an OK team.

    Jagielka would sort out our problem defending set-pieces, Carroll could help our problem keeping possession in midfield, hopefully Morrison can do this but I'm not getting my hopes up, and we need cover up front because if CKR gets injured we're in a lot of trouble.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Indy said:

    Interesting. If he didn’t sign yesterday due to wage restrictions, what has changed? He sounded annoyed yesterday (and unfollowing Derby) so doubt he’s changed his wage demands, which makes me wonder if we’ve agreed a higher weekly wage with the EFL. I’m probably overthinking this!!

    Great. So he's only been here literally 5 minutes and he's already doing things that annoy me. ?

    We'll regret this signing.

  7. 7 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    He's supposed to be. Not happened as of yet.

    That's not good enough though. Why just fan groups? Why only a select few?

    I think he should sit Infront of RamsTV and front up to every supporter. Not just the select few that are in a supporters group.

    I think we have to consider the fact we don't know Mel's current health situation before we start demanding things from him.

    But hopefully the fans group meeting will be recorded so everyone can see it.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

    i think we have to choose between Mengi and Wisdom.


    I think with the club in it's current transitional state, more loans would be better than giving out contracts to free agents. 

    You can always end them back if they get injured etc. I doubt Wisdom would accept less than a 2 year contract and I don't want us stuck with him that long.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    As it stands 


    Byrne  Buchanan Forsyth Shinnie 


                  Watson  Sibley 

    Jozwiak.   Richards Lawrence 

    subs Marshall and 6 from the juniors 

    after about 4 games we will be done in 

    Surely even Cashin or Solomon would be better at RCB than Buchanan?

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