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DCFC Kicks

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Posts posted by DCFC Kicks

  1. 8 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    It doesn't matter how much Mel is worth, it is the club that has to pay him off and all monies are needed to pay wages, taxes and other bills. 

    If Mel's the owner then he can use as much of his own wealth as he wants on the club can't he? within FFP

    I'm not sure how much manager sackings/wages are involved in FFP, but if they are and it's making Rooney un-sackable that's incredible, not to mention terrifying.  

  2. 38 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    We are in a mess, there is no doubt about that, however, how anyone can put this at Rooney's door is somewhat baffling to me. We could have won today and the Rooney Outers would be nowhere to be seen

    What does that even mean? "We could have won". We didn't, because we always concede last minute goals. I don't put it at Rooney's door. I put it at Mel's for hiring Rooney and then not sacking him.

  3. 1 minute ago, JarodyDCFC said:

    Has he been any worse than Lawrence in these first three games? He played like 10 minutes today and people are having a go at him again. I admit the guy hasn’t been great but not many have been so far. Byrne made the most unforgiving mistakes today. Why is there not a thread on him? (Not saying there should be, but just pointing out the clear scapegoating Jozwiak has been experiencing). Imagine racially abusing your own player. Embarrassed and ashamed. 

    For some reason there seems to be a player or two each season that is scapegoated for everything, usually it's one of the most talented for some reason and people seem to ignore all the reasons why they're underperforming. Today people are blaming Jozwiak, an attacker for conceding 2 last minute goals. Happened to Marriott last season, it's been Lawrence a few times.

    As I've said before, not a single attacking player has been good for the last two seasons. Our style of play and managers have made it impossible for any attacking player to play well.

  4. 1 hour ago, Chris_Martin said:


    and its 50 odd games in charge now and we still don't know what Rooney is trying to achieve in terms of playing style

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd actually rather have Cocu back than keep Rooney. At least he actually had a style (up until the Blackburn 4-0 loss when he abandoned it) and improved some of the academy players. 

  5. 2 hours ago, IslandExile said:


    The time to have sacked him was last season.

    Clearly, if we cannot afford Shay Given's salary, we cannot afford Rooney's compensation package.

    Maybe gardening leave just as a damage limitation exercise?

    But, I'm not sure anything will really change until the ownership changes. That's not even a criticism of Mel, there's enough doing that. We just need a new era to begin.

    Who's this we? It's Mel who is refusing to spend anymore money on anything.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Yes, but a lot of it is probably illiquid assets. 

    Add in the fact I don’t think he wants to put anymore money in than he absolutely has to.

    I doubt he'd have that much in assets that he wouldn't be able to pay off a manager, your second sentence it probably the truth, he's choosing not to spend.

  7. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    When we attacked we just looked vulnerable on the break. Plus who is going to score all these goals to allow us to outscore the opposition?

    We looked vulnerable on the break? we looked vulnerable constantly all game. We might not score goals but we can at least try, it can't be any worse than now. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    No….exactly. I’m not sure why people are calling for his sacking!

    Rooney only leaves if/when he’s had enough.

    Mel don’t have the money to get rid, the only alternative to that could be Mel making Rooney’s job as difficult as poss to force him out, but that’s a very dodgy prospect.



    Isn't Mel worth at least 450m still?

  9. 11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Because he's shown enough in preseason to show if we can get the players in we'll have a reasonable season. The quality of the squad atm is poor. Do you really think Davies and Stearman are our chosen CB pairing, rather than just the only two we could sign?

    Hence my point about attack being the best form of defence. 

    So is the 1 win in 20 just irrelevant now as well? 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I'm a big fan of Mac but I don't think this team suits his style of play at all. It's bereft of technical ability, and I just can't see us controlling a game with our current midfield.

    If we were to change manager I'd rather see Wass in charge. At least the younger players would feel more confident and we may actually utilise the likes of Louie Sibley and play him in his best role.


    All Mac (or anyone for that matter) would have to do is get 2 wins out of 20 to improve the team, wouldn't he get at least that out of them? 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

    Completely disagree. 

    This team would suit Mac very well. We have enough technical ability in the team and i could easily see Mac getting Bird & Morrison to control a game. With Bielik to come back in as well i think Mac would love to have the majority of these players. 

    I would rather see Wassell in charge than Rooney but Mac would do a better job than both of them. Understand your point about Wassell and the young players, but Mac has a fantastic record of developing young players. Just look how he helped Bamford, Hughes, Hendrick, Ibe, etc. 

    Unlike Wassell, Mac is literally just sitting at the club doing nothing. We can't sign players so he hasn't really got any work to do. I mean what have we got to lose giving Mac the job, we can't get any worse than we are now!

    Why not Mac & Wassall? I know it's been said before it's baffling that they're both physically at the club and we're not using them.

  12. 38 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    What can you replace with? What players can anyone else bring in?

    Was same when Cocu left, people want change and there’s a lot of hot air but there’s no solutions until any manager can actually make meaningful signings

    I know our team is bad but isn't the main problem the depth? the starting 11 today wasn't terrible. We've won 1 game in our last 20 odd, surely the team was/is at least better than that. 

    Could it not just be that our last 2 managers happen to have been terrible? 

  13. (rant warning)

    We've got a bad squad but all our best players are attackers, so why are we setting up so defensively when it's obvious our defenders are incapable of keeping a clean sheet? Wouldn't attack be the best form of defence with this team? ...and we have Mac at the club who specialises in attacking football just sitting there (if he even still is). I don't care what anyone says, Jozwiak, Lawrence, Sibley etc are good players, Rooney makes players worse because he doesn't know what he's doing because he's not qualified to be a manager yet. Mac has a history of not only getting the best out of players, but also improving players.

    The constant late goals we concede, inability to win after going down etc aren't coincidences, its poor game management and an inability to react when the opposition does. You can't blame the players when it seems to happen no matter which players are playing.

    People on here are constantly blaming our attacking players for not picking up players when we concede goals, but why isn't anyone asking why are our attacking players being put in them situations?

    As far as I'm aware there isn't any restrictions stopping Mel from sacking Rooney, he's just choosing not to save his money or for some reason he thinks he's doing a good job, or he thinks have Rooney in charge would attract more buyers, but are potential buyers really stupid enough to be more likely to buy a club just because it has someone famous in charge? I don't care that it's his own money, he didn't have to buy the club, if we go down because Mel didn't want to sack Rooney it's unforgivable.

    If we do go down, can't we at least go down with our own identity? I'm honestly sick of every time Derby are in the news, all you see is pictures of Rooney and headlines about him, sometimes you barely see anything about the actual club, it's even worse than when Lampard was here. I know that's not his fault but it just adds to the misery.

  14. 10 minutes ago, belperram9 said:

    Hahahahaha people still showing Lawrence love..

    absolute state of that free kick, he is absolutely crap. Get him off.

    it’s the same every season and people just don’t want to accept it. He has done nothing at the club and continues to be pointless. 

    The most frustrating thing is he could easily score a 30 yarder at any moment out of nowhere.

  15. 1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

    "...any half decent offer from another club he'd be gone, but no other club would touch him with a barge pole."

    I disagree. I think he's a "completer-finisher". He sees a project at Derby, something to build-back, in the same way as Nigel Clough did. He's got a vision; sure Derby County have actually got most of the pieces in place, but are in a mess and have been on a downward trajectory since Frank Lampard was videoed singing that Clash song. Wayne is halting the slide, despite the attempts of the EFL, and the reflected schizzle of the Club sale. I see a steeliness and focus about WR that people with real internalised zeal have and they are rare in all walks of life. He's not seeking the glory of Old Trafford, or the Premiership, or the bright lights, he's purely applying himself to doing a job because he has football DNA and he has a deep-rooted belief in himself that he is testing. It's what makes some people "winners", an almost OCD focus. He doesn't need money, he could appear on TV as a Pundit, or offer his services to a Club-project like Salford (Ironically!) but Derby is his Salford and I am finding it totally absorbing to see him in operation. I really want him to succeed because I'm staring to really believe in him. Madame Football may have a different plan as she often does, but we'll see, won't we. 


    Derby is his Salford? We're Derby for god's sake, we shouldn't be some project for a first time manager to play with. What has he done to deserve such trust? nearly get us relegated?

    Steeliness? Focus? I think you're just choosing to see what you want to see, but the stats don't lie. The collapse last season under Rooney was abysmal and I don't care what anyone says, the quality of players we had should not have sunk that low.  

    I wish I had your view but he's given me absolutely no reason to have such optimism.

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