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DCFC Kicks

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Posts posted by DCFC Kicks

  1. 15 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

    His overall performances this season have been rubbish. His end product has been absolutely appauling. He shows glimpses of quality but I don't think just because the fans arnt focussing on his occasional good touch and movement that they have no knowledge because they judge him on his end product.

    Is his end product really appalling? how can you judge it when he gets about one chance a game (if he's lucky) to have enough space to even attempt an end product. He spends about 80% of his time for Derby closer to our goal than the oppositions, and on the occasions he does have opportunities he has 3 opposition defenders around him with no supporting runs to create space for him.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yeah, if it wasn't for Rooney I heard Lewandowski was deffo signing for us in January! 

    Oh yeah I'm sure Lewandowski used some form of telekinesis and made Jozwiak put a brilliant cross in. ?

    I was referring to the fact he's actually playing in team with tactics that create space for him to do something in. He's had more attacking space in this game than he gets in about 5 games for Derby, and he's playing in wing back.  

  3. 15 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Bit of a weird thing to do imo, there must be 101 other ways they could pay tribute? 

    For arguments sake, what if its during a period of end to end football?


    Would Denmark actually want this? Denmark need to get something out of this game if the are to progress out the group stage. What if they start the game strongly and this disrupts their momentum? Surely there's another way to do this.

  4. 3 hours ago, DazzaRam said:

    In a game we needed to win against Sheff Weds he was left out. That was no surprise. Failed to deliver anything bar workrate in 30 odd games. Can you actually tell me what hes good at? What has he delivered? What has he created? 

    Can you tell me any attacker that performed well for us last season? It's Rooney/Cocu's tactics that ruined all our attacking play.


  5. 59 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    Yeah, knows nothing about attacking and scoring, our manager, nothing at all 

    Being a manager or a player are very different things, there have been many examples of excellent players being bad managers.

  6. 47 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    The fact is you know nothing. Burnley monitoring...Southampton almost bid...he plays for Poland...Stay off Football manager kid. Good solid advice. 

    and your qualifications to pass judgments are?...

    Is he not playing for Poland at the EUROs? There is evidence that those clubs are interested if you could be bothered to look instead of insulting me.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    What they offered?


    They're monitoring him, also Southampton almost bid for him last season. he plays regularly for Poland, so are they all wrong?

    3 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    You can prove me wrong with facts anytime you like. 


    The fact is none of our attacking players did anything last season because we have a manager that kills every attacking aspect of our game and makes it impossible for any attacker to perform well.

  8. 26 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    Jozwiak is awful. Technique is shocking. Im not even convinced he can strike a ball properly. Ive yet to see him have any composure that tells me theres a player there. Runs around alot...thats about it. "hes needs good players around him"...what a load of tosh. Good job he didnt try and score v Sheff Weds or we would be League 1 now. 

    Did you even watch the game today? He was one of the best players on a pitch that had a lot of good players on it. He doesn't need good players around him, he just needs to play in a team that creates space for him to attack full-backs. Plus he's only 23 and Burnley are considering making an offer for him.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Poland National Team better than Derby County shock horror. 

    ... and one of our players is a part of that, what's your point. Slovakia are better than all Championship teams, but Jozwiak performs better against Slovakia than against Wycombe.

  10. 51 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    They lost if you didn't notice.

    Ok, so a player has never performed well in a losing side in the history of football before? 

    30 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    Did you watch the game? Poland’s tactics were crap - they have technically good players but were seriously lacking a game plan….

    They would have probably gone on to win if they didn't have the player sent off. Yes there tactics weren't good but they still managed to create space for Jozwiak at times. Bad but still miles better than Rooney's

  11. 1 hour ago, SparxTheRam said:

    Bloody Jozwiak has done more in ten minutes for Poland than his last 5 games for Derby, just goes to show what playing in a confident side does for ya.... He will be a star for us if we can get him a better more confident side to play in

    I really like him as a player and fingers crossed we keep him and he's a breakout star next year


    Confident side? I'd say it has more to do with the fact Poland have a manager that has the basic tactical knowledge required to know how to create space for wingers on the pitch. Derby's manager doesn't appear to have even that.

    Why is it some people on here have put 100% of the blame for last season on the players, even though we have a player who doesn't look out of place at a EURO Finals, but also somehow can't do anything in the Championship?

  12. 1 hour ago, DCFC1388 said:

    I would expect a style to emerge if he was trying to get a style in place but he wasnt. Whether his game to game worked or not thats what he did, and we just managed to stay up. We cant judge his style though until we actually get to see it. Maybe he was implementing his style during our winning run but had to alter it once Bielik was out due to having no quality backup option

    I can understand going game to game if it there was 10-15 games left in a season, but there was 35. I can't think of any other instance where a manager has come into a team and done that. Added to the fact he was already here for a while as a player/coach before and you'd think he would have some sort of idea on how he'd play.

    I'm probably being over pessimistic but I believe he went game to game because he was out his depth and didn't know what else to do. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Do we actually know whats Rooneys style of play is / will be this upcoming season?

    He has openly stated that he picked his style of play on a game to game basis. This summer he will have the time to get the team playing the way he actually wants.

    Im wondering if his preferred formation may be 442, it worked quite well with 2 more mobile forwards in Waggy/Gregory. Or could it be 433 when Bielik is back fit. None of us actually know.

    Playing game to game was definitely worth it for the 1 win in the last 15 games of the season. He did play game to game but every system his played seemed to stifle all our creative players. Would you not think after 35 games some sort of style might start to emerge?

    I hope he does have style lined up, but whatever it is I don't think our attacking players will enjoy it.

  14. 4 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    You've gone a a bit quiet mate. Not like the McCarthy vid? How about this one since you've also brought up Lamps but 'couldn't find any evidence yourself. It was widely reported but I'm guessing you missed this one too?

    Frank Lampard explains Jack Marriott’s absence from Derby County side in recent games

    Derby County manager Frank Lampard believes striker Jack Marriott needs to work harder, The Derby Telegraph report.

    It’s the same for everybody in the squad. You have to work hard in training, you have to perform when you start or come on to try to get into the starting XI or the squad. We need Jack Marriott. We saw earlier in the season what he can do. He gives us a threat behind. He has to push himself every day, push himself when he comes on to make a difference.


    Nope? Still not enough? Try this one then, where Cocu politely explains that Jack's a lazy bar steward...

    Phillip Cocu defends decision to allow Derby County striker Jack Marriott out on loan


    Phillip Cocu has defended Derby County's decision to allow Jack Marriott to go out on loan.

    The 26-year-old striker has joined Championship rivals Sheffield Wednesday although the Rams have a recall clause in January.

    Some Derby fans questioned the decision given that the club had been looking to boost options in the striking department since the end of last season.

    Cocu says he understands the reaction.

    "Yes, of course, and opinions always will be there but there is also that they are not here, they do not know how we work every day and what is the situation exactly, If we say it is the best for the player at this stage and also for the club, then it is just the way it is."

    Dead classy our Phil, eh! McCarthy just called him a fast bar steward like everyone else.

    Let me know if you need any more help with 'proof' of managers 'calling him out'.  ?‍♂️  In the meantime, perhaps you could provide a link to Lamps saying 'Marriott had a good first season' or any manager ever saying he trains well? Meanwhile, I'll stand by my assertion that Jack has bags of ability, but basically can't be arsed if that's ok with you? 

    Ok you've had to go back 6 years to find the McCarthy quote, he also praises him in the same interview improving. 

    I accept Lampard did criticise him, but did take the fact it was his first season in the Championship into account.

    I'm not sure how you've interpreted Cocu's quote as calling him lazy, it probably has more to do with the fact he isn't a big target man, which was what they wanted at the time.

    I just don't understand why people seem to be happy to slate certain players at will but let off others. Marriott has only a slightly worse GPG record than CKR despite playing in a system that didn't suit him for most of the time, but CKR's loved by most on here. He faded heavily towards the end of last season, and also wasn't involved for the first part of the season. Why wasn't he accused of training badly?

    And what about his seasons at Luton and Peterborough? was he just lazy at Ipswich but then decided to not be and score 33 goals in League One, and then randomly decide to be lazy again at Derby? he's not lazy, he was utilised better at Peterborough and played in a system that suited him.

    Peterborough's Chairman:

    "You don’t get (the) best out of JM by manager... publicly having a pop at him like they did. Not type (of) player who responds to that kind of management. Training performances overrated imo. Match day is when it matters."


  15. 9 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Seems you're happy to 'ignore the fact' that 4 of his last 5 managers have called him out over his poor work ethic though. Were all four of them unsympathetic too? Sorry buddy, but also you're rewriting history with the 95% of his time with us injured bit too. His injury record is another reason to let him go anyway, not to keep him! 

    Any proof that he hasn't been injured that much? or that 4/5 managers called him out? 

    Lampard said he had a good first season but took time to adapt to the Championship

    I can't find any other perceived criticism that wasn't linked to an injury by another manager.

  16. 25 minutes ago, enachops said:

    There’s a reason players pick up injuries though. If you don’t look after yourself and condition yourself suitably then you’ll pick up muscular injuries. Many managers have now alluded to Marriott’s attitude/application in training. It’s not god enough for a professional sportsman. Marriott had a great opportunity at a big club. If he’s not careful he’ll be in League 1/2 for the rest of his career. A waste. 

    As you say he's had a big opportunity at a big club, his career is on the line, he worked hard to get the opportunity at Derby. He's played through injury and pain for Derby in the past. Why would he go through all that just for the sake of not training properly? I'd argue it's more the clubs responsibility to manage his conditioning. In Marriott's case I don't think it had anything to do with training/conditioning if you look at the details.

    16 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Because it's used as a convenient excuse that no-one is sure how true it is! Plus if he trained better maybe he wouldn't be so suceptible to injury. Plus, plus CKR and Edmundson both played through injury and Curtis signed away his right to sue (!) and played not fully fit. 

    But poor Marriott got a hangnail... *sob*

    Well it's actually a confirmed fact he's been injured so it's true. 

    If he trained better? His whole career is literally in the balance because of these injuries so I highly doubt he would just not be bothered to train properly. He has already played through injury and extreme pain while at Derby, so I'm sure he wouldn't go through that willing for the sake of "not training better".

    Marriott wasn't eligible to play after January because Derby didn't want to pay to have him recalled from Wednesday. 

    Hangnail? He had an abdominal hernia and was in incredible pain every time he had a shot and has had surgery for it. Why so unsympathetic?

  17. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    So why did he do nothing at Sheff Weds - in two spells?!


    2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Managed poorly by 4 different managers? If you want to play you simply have to show willing and Marriott would rather take a fat cheque and go play golf. Fair enough I suppose, but then he can't expect to be treated any different to any other player as he's done fook all to warrant it.

    Compare and contrast Shinnie's attitude when for a long while, he was not making the starting line up. With another tough season very likely to follow the last, that's the type of player we need, not some feckless, fat lad who just can't be arsed. The guy's meant to be a professional sportsman yet he carries as much timber as I do. If he doesn't turn up to pre-season fit and raring to go, we need get shot of him irrespective of the FFP hit. Enough is enough.

    I agree that it's more money down the drain and that sucks, but you have to cut your losses somewhere and frankly he's the kind of player we can do without when facing another backs-to-the-wall season. If he comes back fit, great, crack on son, if not, jog on tubbs.

    He's been out injured or has been playing through an injury about 95% of the time he's been here. He was also injured while at Sheff Weds. Why does everyone seem to ignore this?

  18. 1 hour ago, GangwayD said:

    Management is all about getting the best out of players you have at your disposal, even those you don’t fancy (see Marriott) as you may need to call on them and if they think you believe on them or have a system to suit then it’s half the battle.

    Some players named on here make interesting reading and I dare say we’ll come up against many of them and go, we should have had him.

    But with Rooney's style of play, no attacker in the league would do well. Does it matter what players we sign? and why would anyone want to join us? 

    I still believe if Marriott could get rid of his injuries and play in a system that suits him he'd be a top player in this league.  

  19. On 02/06/2021 at 14:19, Dimmu said:

    Actually, I could and quite easily so. Better service from the wing and playing Sibley in a free role as a second striker and I'm pretty confident they'd both hit double figures even though they are hardly optimal pairing. 

    Of course, Sibley won't be played anywhere close where he should be and support from the wings will continue to be non-existent if we don't replace Lawrence and Waggy properly. But I can daydream, can't I?

    None of our attackers will do anything as long as Rooney's in charge  

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