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Posts posted by maxjam

  1. 42 minutes ago, Jayram said:

    Yes, patience is a virtue but this is football we’re talking about. If the business plan is to sell our best prospects and replace them with players bought for nominal fees year in year out to keep within budget fan interest will dwindle as will club revenue and we’ll be stuck down here for years. 

    We've barely got any prospects to sell because the academy has been pillaged. 

    Our 2 best current players under 25 are in the final year of their contracts iirc. 

    We were under a strict embargo last season and haven't got piles o'cash to buy enough players of quality to put together the kinda squad that fans think we should be doing this season - yes we could probably be doing more to unearth gems, but when the squad consists of 5 players before you start, you've gotta get everyone of them right.  The approach has understandably been to try an coax another season or two out of established pro's (that have typically all been promoted before)

    I don't think people realise how bad a state MM left us in.  We simply can't spend £1m on a striker that will fire us to the Championship, we've had to spend whatever money we've got on filling multiple positions and the academy and tbh I think we've done a pretty good job. 

    We just missed out on the playoffs at the first attempt last season and are many peoples favourites this year.  Losing to Wigan yesterday was disappointing but a different day might have seen us win 2-0 - its not panic stations just yet.  If we manage to bring in a pacey #9 and #10 and maybe another player or two by the end of the transfer window the squad will look a lot different.  If not, it won't be because PW doesn't think we need them, it will be because MMs legacy and the finances won't allow it.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Jayram said:

    There has to be some ambition and that requires spending some decent money on the standard of player who will make a difference, starting now if possible.

    What if, as a now sustainable club, we haven't got 'decent money' to splash out anymore?

    And even if we did, following years of having our academy pillaged and losing players to pay the bills, any money we had has been needed to fund around 10 players a season. 

    Since exiting administration we've been playing catchup every summer, we haven't been in a position to drop £500k-£1m on a player that will make the difference come May, we're spreading it around the entire team.  If you look at some big teams that have escaped Lg1 in recent years, they had been down here a longer than us, started from a better position than us and still took their time to get promoted. 

    We may not like it, but patience is a virtue.

  3. I think those days are well and truly behind us, even GSE propped up the club with £millions every season to keep us afloat.  We only started challenging regularly at the top of the Championship when MM decided to risk our very existence.

    I know money doesn't guarantee success, but it is a good indicator of who will usually be competing at the top and the bottom of a division.  Assuming the fans keep turning up in numbers we'll always be a big team in Lg1 and once the final EFL restrictions have been lifted, we'll hopefully put that to good use.  Whether its this season or not, without trying to sound too arrogant it will only be a matter of time before we return to the Championship. 

    Given our new sustainable philosophy, lets enjoy being a big fish in a small pond whilst it lasts and not have a meltdown over every result as we continue to find our way back after near bankruptcy - whilst a lot can obviously change, competing in the Championship under sustainable ownership imho won't see us flirt with the playoffs on a regular basis, the next few seasons might be the best we have for a while.

  4. 4 minutes ago, R@M said:

    And Exeter are already deservedly league leaders by putting the Wyc*#>$s at the bottom of the table by 2 goals in the first 5 minutes 😆

    Technically, whatever the score Wigan will be bottom tonight, but your hearts in the right place 😉

  5. 4 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Actually shows a little bit of pace for a couole of goals in the below video...


    Would give us a huge threat on set pieces with Bradley as well

    Looks decent, not sure about his lack of beard/tattoos, he'll have to work on that.

    Sign him up Paul!

  6. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:


    Well I have been keeping up with everything and yeah a lot of it I had seen before, but it was still an enjoyable watch.

    Love to see the passion from PW, drilling into the players to give their all for their family and friends. 

    Hopefully we can get off to a good start, with a full stadium behind us we'll be tough to stop.  A few good early wins will make us even more attractive for potential signings as well.

  7. 34 minutes ago, caymanram said:

    Interesting to hear him almost admit that if we don’t get promoted this season then he could get sacked . We need stability and whilst he has been brought in as a League 1 promotion ‘expert’ I don’t want to see us changing mangers if we don’t manage it this season- much of the team still isn’t his and it will take another year to get that to that point - maybe a bit longer .


    Unless this season goes completely pear shaped, imho he will deserve at least one more season with our full budget, rather than shopping in the EFL sanctioned bargain basement bin.

  8. Enjoyed that - PW seems like a decent bloke and someone you'd have a great night out with at the pub.  Some won't like his informal chatty nature but it was far better than some media trained stale interview.

    On the professional side he sets the standards around the club, seems to know the sort of characters he wants to work with and demands they work hard.  I just hope we can get him the 2 or 3 more players he needs to have a real good go at promotion. 

  9. This season will be the first in god knows how many that I haven't renewed my season ticket (I've moved and its a 300 miles round trip).  Given the last major game I missed was the play-off final vs West Brom I fully expect it to be a successful season 😛 

    There seems to be a bit of preseason apprehension and pessimism around but I honestly think we'll do okay with the squad we've got (assuming Waggy signs).  We could obviously do with 2 or 3 more players but Warne knows that and it won't be for the want to trying if we don't get them. 

    It was only just over a year ago that we nearly lost everything, we've made a lot of progress in the meantime - I think sometimes people forget/expect too much.  Whether it ends in promotion or not, another season of progress will do for me, after which we're free of all EFL restrictions and back competing with our full resources.

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