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Posts posted by maxjam

  1. I spend a lot of time in preseason, assembling my squad and setting up training schedules, tactics and match plans. 

    I generally watch match highlights throughout the season, although with big games I'll take a bit more interest to give myself the best chance of getting the right result. You can fix a lot during the match if you watch carefully.

  2. 14 minutes ago, jono said:

    All very laudable but you talk about vast infrastructure projects as if you could pop round to IKEA and put them together over the weekend. 
    I am dubious about taxing energy companies excessively. That looks at it the wrong way round .. the point should really be that they should - by law - be reinvesting those profits in building the very infrastructure you suggest. What’s gone wrong with utility companies is this : utilities should provide low yield but very safe investment. Letting them be private is absolutely fine but the regulations and laws around what they do do with profits have been insufficient. Letting them split retail and production apart is destabilising. 

    Exactly, you can't keep loading cost and restrictions on the working classes whilst the elites swan around in their private jets and yachts telling us we must do more.  I'm all for doing something about the climate but the constant hypocrisy and armageddon coverage just turns me off, furthermore it will make people vote against green policies. 

    Taxing profits so the costs aren't passed onto the consumer would be a good place to start.  Taxing elites their fair share would be another.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    I have no interest in the opinions of Harry Winsdor or Emma Thompson on this subject, or any subject really, but one point worth mentioning is that the 'net' zero that all these people are talking about doesn't necessarily mean zero CO2 emissions. Emissions can be offset by planting trees, both in the UK and elsewhere and potentially by various carbon sequestration practices and technologies in the future.

    So the rich get to jet around the world in their private jets cos they can afford it, whilst the average Joe gets stung for his £12.50 Ulez fee daily, contained to his 15 minute city scratching his head how he can now travel to work to try and find the extra £15k for the new heat pump he's gotta have installed?

    Is private jet fuel still tax free?  Perhaps the elite could stop acting like the utter hypocrites they start paying their fair share before we cripple the working classes further with enormous debt and livelihood restrictions.

    Sorry but I'm also past caring now... I still do my bit, I do the right thing where possible but the wall to wall climate armageddon coverage is just too much - especially when most of it is done for profit.


  4. IMHO Collins, Washington and potentially Waghorn are all capable of scoring 15 goals in league one this season with good service.  Assuming Waghorn signs, I hope we're still in the market for a good AMC and WB, with the signings we've already made we should be producing a lot of chances.

  5. If I was Mbappe I would have already signed...

    It appears that relations have broken down at PSG and he wants a dream move to Real Madrid.  Virtually no one can afford his transfer fee and wages in Europe, especially for a player might 'phone it in' until he gets the move he wants.

    A year out of his career at his age won't damage him, he can pocket the best part of a billion quid, then be at arguably the best team to try and win La Liga/Champions League during his prime.

  6. 1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Ryan Shawcross will be bringing his clogs....

    Good grief I hope not, we don't need anymore injuries before the start of the season 😛

    4 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Close to 7,000 home tickets sold and 1,100 from Stoke should take it to over 8,000.

    Decent crowd!  This time last year I'd have been there myself but its a 300 mile round trip now 😞  I wonder if they will let us now how many watched on RamsTV as well?  Talking of which does Fozzy (or his charity) get a cut of the RamsTV money?  Would be a nice gesture if so.

  7. 1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:

    if Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey JR don’t win Oscars each for actor and supporting actor, I’ll be amazed. 

    If there is any justice in the world, thats gotta be nailed on.

    Emily Blunt came into it more as the movie went on as well - thought she was excellent as well.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    I can assure you that I didn’t ‘grow up with Barbie’.

    It’s great escapist entertainment and probably not for under 12s.

    Glad you enjoyed Oppenheimer. Next on my list!

    Hehe, sorry I don't know much about the Barbie movie tbh I just assumed as a Star Wars nerd for most the appeal would stem from childhood.

    Oppenheimer is fantastic, maybe take some earplugs and find a pair of those eclipse viewing glasses they gave away to all school children a few years ago!!!

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