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Woodley Ram

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  1. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to PistoldPete in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think a £500k settlement is basically saying it could cost us that to defend a claim . it is just blackmail by Boro and Wycombe. Totally morally repugnant.
  2. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The two things I take from the minutes 
    - sale not to February
    - we are being held to ransom by two clubs who are using the administration as a way of obtaining funds. It looks like we are entertaining paying them as otherwise it will seriously hold up the takeover.
    re the first we need this completed in January . 
    re the second, I can see why they are going for this. I don’t think either claims have legs if it wasn’t for the fact it will affect the buying of the club. This wouldn’t work if we sued QPR or Villa ( or Gibson to go for Villa) because they are not in administration 
    people like this are known as opportunists and that is the politest word I can use for them.
    I do wonder if we could take insurance out to indemnify the new owners etc and tell them to go for one
  3. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The two things I take from the minutes 
    - sale not to February
    - we are being held to ransom by two clubs who are using the administration as a way of obtaining funds. It looks like we are entertaining paying them as otherwise it will seriously hold up the takeover.
    re the first we need this completed in January . 
    re the second, I can see why they are going for this. I don’t think either claims have legs if it wasn’t for the fact it will affect the buying of the club. This wouldn’t work if we sued QPR or Villa ( or Gibson to go for Villa) because they are not in administration 
    people like this are known as opportunists and that is the politest word I can use for them.
    I do wonder if we could take insurance out to indemnify the new owners etc and tell them to go for one
  4. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    You don’t know that
  5. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Hector was the best in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    You don’t know that
  6. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Wouldn’t mind all three joining together, I don’t see any negatives in any of them but lots of positives for a tri party bid for ownership 
  7. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from derby8 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Wouldn’t mind all three joining together, I don’t see any negatives in any of them but lots of positives for a tri party bid for ownership 
  8. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Wouldn’t mind all three joining together, I don’t see any negatives in any of them but lots of positives for a tri party bid for ownership 
  9. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think so too.
  10. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Gerry Daly in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I like the sound of Kerchner. He’s young and going places. He would be doing this on his own. For me that’s much preferable to an Appleby led consortium
  11. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to whaley bridge Ram in Missing 10,000 it’s time too turn up   
    Amazing support yet again last night. Both home and away this season the fans that bother to turn up are busting a gut to get behind the lads. And deservedly so with the performances there putting in .Wayne  has certainly got them all playing for our great club . It’s time fog the missing flock to turn out and get behind the lads starting on Monday it’s not over and we’re not down yet 
  12. COYR
    Woodley Ram reacted to B4ev6is in I think Derby can stay up   
    I think Derby county beat the drop to league one a lot of teams have written us saying we have no chance we just beat bourmonth and drew fulham 0-0 and with pressure off us now the lads looking so more confordance and more than match fulham and we have some winnable games coming up. Next up QPR at home after that Blackpool and then we got Bristol city away. I think we could get at least all 9 points from these games. 
    And lads are feeding of the us Derby fans louder we are the better theh are playing and putting bodys on the line for us and Derby county. I think teams will be soon looking over shoulders at us.
    So I say we help lads avoid the drop to league and really really really upset efl and than banker gibson.
    Let's get pp rocking got QPR at home let the QPR players think oh god what has efl done here there fans are sticking by the team and they are not dived but togather standing as one. This not going to be easy one in fact let's make so they dont even want to play but just want QPR players want go stright back home.
    Let's our players think oh wow they really really do have our back so lets do this they chant Derby fight till the end and they really really means this.
  13. Sad
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I don't have an issue with Tom, I can see what he brings to the team. His scoring goals like the 2 yesterday have come at a good time. Perhaps we might get some money for him in January? Either way if he goes in Jan or not he will  not be with us next season
  14. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    it would be an easier claim to say we prevented them getting to the play off's so they claim for the compensation of the gate receipts for the semi final and Wembley (probably about £1.5m ish). By saying we prevented them getting promoted is a bit of a long shot. Would they have beaten Leeds and Villa? can they prove that on the balance of probabilities they would? I don't think so   
  15. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Crewton in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    They lost home and away to Villa, so using their own logic, they'd probably have lost the final even if they'd got past Leeds, particularly since their form in the second half of the season was mid-table at best, and Villa were flying.
  16. COYR
    Woodley Ram reacted to Yani P in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Nothing dead about DCFC..
  17. Haha
    Woodley Ram reacted to BriggRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Gibson.......after a better supported club than the shower of poo he currently owns
  18. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Foreveram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Nah, a good captain makes sure his ship doesn’t go down.
  19. COYR
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from OUTSIDER in 83 million in debt   
    Need to concentrate on getting a new owner, anything else is a side show. Without a new owner we are bust. With a new owner a sustainable business plan with move us forward.
    Apart from being frozen yesterday its days like those that remind me why I support Derby 
  20. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ellafella in 83 million in debt   
    Need to concentrate on getting a new owner, anything else is a side show. Without a new owner we are bust. With a new owner a sustainable business plan with move us forward.
    Apart from being frozen yesterday its days like those that remind me why I support Derby 
  21. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from angieram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I don't have an issue with Tom, I can see what he brings to the team. His scoring goals like the 2 yesterday have come at a good time. Perhaps we might get some money for him in January? Either way if he goes in Jan or not he will  not be with us next season
  22. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Leeds Ram in Come January where would you strengthen and who would you go for?   
    There's no point strengthening the squad for a survival challenge as there is no hope of survival this season. The manager and whoever takes over needs to have a sustainable plan to field a league 1 team for next season. They need to identify realistic targets and decide who is staying and going. Anyone who wants to go in Jan should be allowed to leave as we'll need a squad filled with spirit to drag us out of this mess. 
  23. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to ramsbottom in Come January where would you strengthen and who would you go for?   
    I can't see any point in signing anyone in the upcoming window unless they fit a very slim demographic, those players that are very good League 1 players, that won't cost much, and are willing to come in and tread water for 6 months while we go down.  No point loaning in youngsters as any from decent teams, and who show promise won't play for us in League 1.  I'd rather we spend any budget we do have in extending the contracts of players we'd like to have around next season.  Although I can only see the likes of Davis & Jagleka sticking round...
  24. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Ghost of Clough in Squad Rules   
    The incentive is to prepare for next season
  25. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    they have been accepted by the Admin guys so right or wrong we need to move on
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