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Posts posted by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Excellent win.  Players in attacking areas played in the right position.

    This is ALMOST exactly what we wanted from Warne.

    McGoldrick was as magnificent today as he was poor in the last game coming on as a sub. 

    Going 4-1 up when we did should never present the opposition a chance to get back into it, thereo shouldn't be any thought in the fanbase that we could throw it away. 

    We tightened it up after the break but probably should have done that earlier, avoid the situation where the penalty I'd awarded. 

    That said aren't these the team who got promoted on the last day of the season scoring 7 goals?

    3/5 at the back today and I don't think we see that performance or anywhere close.


    And almost exactly what Warne no doubt wanted from the team.

    Excellent first half in particular I thought.

    Looking forwards to a quiet night on the forum tonight.


  2. We probably didn't no,but what else could rosenior do,without the knowledge if he was staying or being replaced.?

    He did the best he could at the time.

    But.....the last window doesn't matter now,the past has gone....it's the next influx/exit of players under Warne that counts.

    Looking back to roseniors brief and temporary time in charge is pointless,let's look to the future.

  3. No,it's the length of time required to sort this club out on a long term sustainable basis.

    He's comes to a club,on its arse with a mission to get us promoted...a achievement that's on his CV already.

    He's started with a rag tag bunch of lightweight players not of his choosing who he's going to have to meld into his long term vision for the club,at least until he can get more in that fit his image.

    I'd imagine that this is inline with Mr clowes view of the club too which is why he appointed him in the first place.

    Did anyone actually think that this process was going to be achieved overnight or even this season?

    We need to calm ourselves down here and take the longer view of where we ultimately want to be as a club.

    We will get there,warnes track record emphatically backs that up but we are going to take some pain in the transition.

    Have a bit of faith guys and a touch of patience too.



  4. 13 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Basically just a thread created to have a thinly veiled pop at Rosenior and anyone who was supportive of what he was trying to achieve, disguised as a thread about the quality of the forum. But please don't say anything negative about anyone else.

    Laughable. Blatant.

    May I plead for some moderation and realism please?

    I think you have gone too far the other way there brother.

    But that's forums for you...and in fact it's the way opinions are in the UK in general.

    Everything is to extremes.

  5. 5 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    As per my last post above - they’d gone by 10.01! And yes, I did see about 5 tickets behind the goal, but got the same “not for  sale” announcement I had already had twice. 
    You know what this calls for:


    I eventually got mine at about 3pm...I went on just to check and six seats had appeared.

    No idea where about they are?

  6. 2 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Where have I said I’d want him gone?

    It would be madness to get rid of him now after putting him on a four-year deal.

    We have made our bed.

    Now we just have to ride it out. 

    This is just my opinion, but I think this season would have been more enjoyable under Rosenior, and perhaps for several players too.

    But under Warne I think there is a higher chance of success over the next few years.

    I must admit,despite being a possession football fan,I've found the football more exciting and enjoyable under Warne...

    Liam's football,just didn't go anywhere,it was just dull sadly.


  7. Christ,it's all gone dramatically negative after a narrow loss against a top 2 established side,especially amongst our die hard Liam (never actually in charge ) rosenior supporters...

    Reminds me of the remainers who were desperately praying for the country to fail,just to prove they were right....they may be,I don't know but it's all rather unsavoury to watch.

    Personally,I've actually rather enjoyed watching us play under Warne,there's an energy and aggression that's infectious (and I never thought I'd say that I like that style of play after being a massive fan of possession football under Mac).

    Perhaps it's because Liam's style of possession football was so dull,so boring and plodding,so devoid of forward energy and attempts on goal that it stupified me into wanting something more exciting to watch and we now have just that for better or worse.

    Warnes football will get us promoted in the long term,I've no doubt about that and I think we will ultimately win a lot more than we lose,even in his first season (plus I don't expect to see many draws,as we are balls out,all the time) but it's going to take time and personnel to finish the job and close our current weak areas off.

    We only have the one club guys and Liam's gone,so let's get behind the gaffer...it's going to be a very long four years if we don't.



  8. Just now, DanS1992 said:

    They deserve it more than we do. At least they try and play football. We can't string 3 passes together without resorting to hoof-ball. I am all for getting the ball forwards quickly, just not hoofing it blindly at the first opportunity.

    That's b******* mate,they have been unimpressive for a supposed top two team and have only scored because of a fluke pass.

    This should been been a draw all day long.

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