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Posts posted by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong

  1. Jamie ward has been recalled to forest from Burton after all three parties agreed on the move(how very gentlemanly)

    However,what's everyones thoughts on him coming back to derby?

    He was always a very capable winger,linked up well with the rest of our forwards,a good dribbler when necessary and is fully fit.

    I remember that before he was injured on his last spell with us he was on fire.

    I think he would still fit in well with this team now Mac is back and he is always a ram at heart,plus he would cost sod all.

    A handy back up striker for is who is still capable of scoring stunning goals?

  2. On 17/01/2017 at 17:10, Paul71 said:

    Its because a lot of people cant stand to think what they are missing out on, you see examples when they get a text message when you are in a conversation with them and they just check it, it will still be there when we have done, check it then. Or why people check their phones or still speak on them when driving, because they cant stand the thought they are missing something.

    I used to work in an industry where you called customers, they were your own customers but often the number you were calling from wouldnt be the one they knew, but even then if they did not answer you would often get a call back saying 'someone called me from this number'.

    If its important they will leave a message or call back its simple. If a number tries a few times i check it online and if its a nuisance number i just block it on my phone.


    We bought a call blocker unit for our elderly and befuddled neighbours.

    They were forever getting into conversations with cold call companies who obviously spread the word about them until they were literally getting calls every few minutes,24 hours a day including international numbers.

    I installed the £25 call blocker and it stopped the calls getting through dead.

    I bought one for us and my mum as well now.

    These things must really piss off the cold callers.


  3. 37 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Noticed during the Leicester v Chelsea game today that there was what I've found out is known as a 'light show' as a tribute to someone who has passed away.

    Basically supporters whip out their mobile phones and show the light so it looks like everyone is holding a candle inside the stadium.

    The Leicester fans did this today for Alan Birchinall.

    Am I alone in finding such a tribute cheap and nasty? It may be the modern way of doing it nowadays but I found it impersonal, throwaway and in fact a little disrespectful. It felt like a fad.

    Am I being unreasonable here?

    It's a bit cheapo definitely but seems to fit in with the 'mood' of today.

    Not my thing to be honest but then again I'd rather stick a fork in my knee than watch x factor or its ilk so I'm in the minority (or a Victor as my wife describes me...Often)

  4. 2 minutes ago, LeedsRam1999 said:

    Him, Hughes and Ince are irreplaceable IMO. Sam Gallagher of Blackburn looks decent. Not seen him too much though but heard he is a good CF and young.

    I need to have a look at him in more detail.

    I'm sure you might not agree but I'd put Russell in the irreplaceable league too...But it's partly for his passion for the club as well as his telepathic association with Martin...That might include bryson too.

    Both have gone a bit AWOL since Chris left..

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    I think StringOfBeads (weird user name - I'll not enquire as to it's origins :huh:) has a point, however it's a British thing. We just don't do that flag waving, tannoy shouting, backs showing, permanently bouncing, always singing medley like they do on the continent.

    We can do it when our team scores a goal for a couple of minutes or sporadically even but it must stop when our team concedes. Like the button that clearly states 'MUTE - PRESS WHEN YOU'VE GONE A GOAL DOWN'.

    This is one aspect of following a huge club as Derby clearly are that I was surprised about. Not just home fans at PP but away fans too. It's sporadic and it should be constant for 90 minutes plus.

    As an Austrian (well half) I have been to a few Erste Bundesliga games. My own club Red Bull Salzburg are not known as the most vociferous in Austrian football but if you go to watch Rapid Vienna it's madness.

    90 minutes worth of gigantic ultras flags being swayed, non stop bouncing, singing, throwing fireworks, topless men and chaos. Half of them aren't even watching the match!!

    One aspect of my Austrian influenced footballing journey I integrated into the lower leagues of English football was using my scarf in a different manner.

    Tie the scarf around your wrist and raise your arms, clap and swing it round. Looks cool. Maybe at Roma v Juventus but perhaps at Bury v York i looked like a t*t.

    The flags are amazing at Derby, the effort and positivity from the volunteers is amazing and it is greatly appreciated but it can only ever be a fleeting show.

    Because we're British.

    This is Bob on....we are  just to reserved to for this for 90 minutes!

  6. On a similar theme,why is it that whenever I park my car on a previously empty car park,to stop it getting dented or trollied,I come back to find some t##t has parked a foot off my drivers door despite the fact every other space is free???

    What is it,parking space envy,insecurity,because they can't decide for themselves where to park????

    Anyway,they are on my hit list too,come the revolution

  7. I used to caravan for my sins and one of the things that drove me mental was going into an empty line of 6 loos,getting settled,then some dirty old sod deciding that the perfect cubicle for them to deliver their loud and foul load wasn't in a cubicle furthest from me but the one right next to me....this happened on numerous occasions and I wanted to kill each and everyone of them....and one day,I may do

  8. 9 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I've never understood irrational fear as such, that's not to trivialise it.

    IN the working environment though, it may be an advantage if you can harness that prospect of failure into a list of things to avoid. 

    I've seen obvious mistakes missed and cost millions. Your 'flaw' might be a natural gift.

    I don't understand it either other than its a control thing in my mind by trying to cover eventuality which isn't possible.

    I think it may have helped me at work but it fills me with dread too knowing that after I make a decision,I will worry about it until the next one replaces it.

    Thing is,its obviously not just at work this surfaces,its socially too.

    Utterly ridiculous I know.

  9. Anxiety is what does for me and looking back,it has done since I was a little boy.

    I used to worry about the most irrational unlikely things for weeks on end.

    I'm in a high pressure job now where I'm expected to be the decisive one who makes decisions, takes responsibility and be strong but there are days where I just want to crawl into a dark space and hide away from it all and feel totally drained of any go or enthusiasm.

    Worse thing is anxiety turning every situations I've dealt with into enormous problems i.e what if this or that happens etc,etc until I've actually convinced myself something bad could happen....despite there being no reason to think it.my mind seems to then go through every conceivable scenario endlessly until I'm my brain feels totally worn out.

    Once I'm in the grip of a worry,it can last weeks or months until it's replaced by another one with no basis.

    I can then go for a week or two thinking it's gone away until the irrational worry starts again.

    Funnily enough,colleagues and friends seem to think I'm one of the most cheerful upbeat people they know and i suppose I am outwardly.

    This is the first time I've ever spoke to anyone,as such,about this and I'm finding it extremely difficult to not just delete it immediately and keep it to myself but seeing other people's responses on here has helped.


  10. people who say 'looses' or 'loose' when they mean 'lose'

    anyone driving a hyundai i10,toyota yaris or kia picanto (get out of my way!!!!!!)

    crazy lewis hamilton supporters spouting off who have never actually watched an f1 race in their lives

    every reality ******** program ever made other than castaway in 2000 which i actually quite liked

    jeremy kyle.....i have enough of these buffoons at work without seeing them and their offspring on the television too

  11. met quite a few friends through the playstation,in particularly call of duty modern warfare back in the day.......we have met up as families for barbeques and even holidays and have remained friends even after most have moved away from gaming.....some of us moved onto airsoft which allowed us to carry on shooting each other under the pretence that we only do it to help us bond with our now teenage kids at the weekend

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