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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. “There is no intention, respectfully from me, to sign him. I play with a high press at the front of the pitch and I'd look a bit of an idiot if I signed a non-pressing centre forward in truth.

    "I don't know if he ever did press, but he's a target man and a great finisher. But you pick players who suit your system, not the other way around."

    Great Paul Warne quote. Not sure if he was speaking about Chris Martin or Jordan Rhodes at the time.

    kevin mchale ugh GIF

  2. 53 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    It's entirely possible to go where the money is and go out there to make a career for yourself, without first s******* on the front garden and pissing in the milk bottles of the people who adopted you at a young age, put you through school and allowed you to gain work experience in the family business.

    It’s a different view. If he gave of his best during his time of employment with us, which I understand he did, and he had an opportunity (albeit fortunate) to walk away for a better job and better pay, there are few on here who wouldn’t have done the same. Family business made me chuckle by the way.

  3. 12 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    So it's not done then is it.

    If it was that close or "done' there's no chance Derby would agree to letting him play in a friendly.

    Nor would Huddersfield play him in the friendly and risk a player that are getting rid of get injured.

    Really not sure it matters how close the deal was. Derby are/were in no position to say what HTFC might do with their registered player much earlier today. Anyway, let’s see how it plays out. A bit later you might be able to really stick it to that Rambler bloke on twitter and a couple of posters on here have said it's done.

  4. 1 minute ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Ahh yes we've probably signed him and then let him go and play for Huddersfield in a friendly. Makes sense.

    Time will tell. Perfectly feasible that terms were being discussed yesterday, including his own personal terms. The latter might have been agreed. The two clubs agree to continue to negotiate during today as there are some aspects on which they might not be agreed. Till then he continues to be part of the Huddersfield squad, and takes some part in a very low key, behind closed doors, warm up match against Accrington where it is agreed that the fixture be part of both team’s conditioning programme rather than a truly competitive match. He comes through that game, and in the meantime the clubs tie up loose ends over the phone followed by email agreement. I am happy to keep an open mind. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    So turns out there was a behind closed doors friendly for Huddersfield today against Accrington.

    Rhodes played in it.

    So all those people saying this is done obviously don't know anything. 

    Not very often you sign a player and let him go back to his old club to play a friendly 

    In your view.

  6. 1 minute ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Historically, maybe, but things seem to be changing - at League One level, at least - and the direct teams are fewer and further between, the possession game and more technical coaching methods have trickled down. We hardly played any proper, direct teams last season. We did however see plenty of teams trying to play decent football but such a dearth of quality made them easy pickings.

    Even in the National League the teams who rose to the top last season did so playing decent football (of course, money helped) that hardly resembled the old fashioned image of the lower leagues requiring you to need a bunch of hairy-arsed cloggers and a giant up front to succeed.

    I enjoyed what I saw of both Ipswich and Plymouth. I thought both were at least trying to play the game as I prefer to see it played.

  7. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    Wouldn't say Liverpool play possession based football, as for the other two, they have some of the best footballers in the world. Kinda helps.

    I can pot a snooker ball, I can't see 5 or 6 shots ahead like Ronnie O'Sullivan. 

    There's a reason why the further you go down the football pyramid the less possession based football you will see. 

    I was of course debunking a generalised, over-the-top, observation with my reply, but of course you are right in saying that you can pot a snooker ball.

  8. 2 minutes ago, CodnorRam said:

    How can anyone complain about warneball. Possession football has absolutely ruined football , all the excitement has gone with the ball just being passed around your own box for 90 minutes...

    Makes you wonder how Liverpool, City even Arsenal score so many passing around their own box for 90 minutes. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Topram said:

    We played lovely football under Stevie mc and failed, QPR played ugly at Wembley and ended up going up… if we get 3 points im really not bothered how we play 

    You should follow the beautiful game on teletext then (one for the oldies amongst us). 

  10. 1 minute ago, sage said:

    Interest rates going up really do highlight another massive issue, the horrific house prices.

    We simply haven't built enough houses because it suits housebuilders not to build enough and no one in govt has the balls to deal with them.

    Bloody David Clowes and his price fixing chums.

  11. 51 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    It's simple you silly, old duffer. Just vote Boris back in. Hey presto, sunlit uplands all the way for all you Tory-bothering Brexishiters.

    No need to thank me, you're welcome,

    Comrade 86

    Partying Music Video GIF by Taylor Swift

    Blimey, even for you that’s a lot of pretty inaccurate name calling. I thought about including you on the socialist list with Stive and Uttox, but know that they actually believe in the movement, and do keep it real.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Blondest Goat said:

    Why would he drop down to league one from the championship to be a sub and play second fiddle to Collins and Washington though?  Very much doubt we are selling the super sub role to him.

    That won’t be the sell though. 2 year deal with decent wages, amongst a good group at a top club on the way up. He would be better used than I am suggesting - I agree - but I think Warne wants willing runners first 60/70 minutes and then game winning/saving options if needed. 

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