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    Carnero got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    ...and a more recent fan favourite, Jake Fred Buxton at 5'11"
  2. Clap
    Carnero got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    ...and a more recent fan favourite, Jake Fred Buxton at 5'11"
  3. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in Who will be our first signing?   
    I know we've seen comparatively little of Cashin but on yesterdays showing he has some talent. Maybe better to sign experienced CBs and develop Cashin?
  4. Clap
    Carnero reacted to Keepyuppy in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    It amazes me that people are critically focusing on Cashin’s height - As far as I saw yesterday, there was only one header he didn’t get near and that was because he was slightly out of position and misjudged it. He has very good heading ability and can get up much higher than than I had envisaged. He’s physically very strong and goes in hard when tackling. but beautifully timed. 
    Comments about his height are farcical, when you consider two of Derby’s greatest CB’s were Todd at 5’9’’ and McFarland at 5’11’’ respectably - relatively structurally disadvantaged too !! 
  5. Like
    Carnero reacted to Comrade 86 in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    This made me smile! Glad to hear you're on the mend. Hopefully the boys will twist your arm a little and get you back for the odd game at some point. 
  6. Like
    Carnero reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Well done archram. Wishing you all the best.
  7. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from archram in Mickleover FC   
  8. Like
    Carnero reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Pre-season is over, let the build up begin.   
    Bizarrely I'm really excited for this season.
    Expectations have not only been managed, they have been smashed to bits.
    Its us against the world, everyone will be waiting for us to fail and I have fingers and toes crossed that some of those young lads can step up, make themselves heroes and do us proud.
    If we can some how stop up it will be up there with any promotion season and Wayne Rooney and every single player involved will have earned my respect.
  9. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Parsnip in What do you prefer as a Forum Reader?   
    @Tyler Durden& @Jourdanright now...

  10. Like
    Carnero reacted to Android in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Hi I’m new first time I’ve been on here I live in the Portsmouth area and have been supporting the rams for about 50 years don’t get to many live games but never miss a live TV game or if they are in the area there ars quite a few ram fans around the area and people who I know always take an interest in the ram . One of my customers knows mason mount and they got me a signed shirt from him .
  11. Like
    Carnero reacted to Ellafella in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    I sat close by and got a great view of his work today. Very assured, authoritative, calm. He is very solid and physically mature, with powerful quads that give him good balance and spring. He has a maturity that belies his age. 
  12. Like
    Carnero reacted to duncanjwitham in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jordan Brown definitely had a first team appearance or two last season.
  13. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Agreed but neither Aluko nor Baldock solves that problem either, and I'd rather not block the pathway for Sibley, Watson, Ebosele, Williams & Stretton.
  14. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jagielka, Davies, Carroll & Morrison please.
  15. Like
    Carnero reacted to Patrick Rams in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Things true football fans should never say..'I used to support(insert team)now I support.....
  16. Like
    Carnero reacted to ziggyram59 in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Thank you I've had a fantastic birthday. 
  17. Like
    Carnero reacted to angieram in Pre-season Playing Time   
    What is important is that a lot of those minutes have been played at centre back, which is a lot less onerous than all those overlaps up and down the pitch from full back. 
    I think centre back is suiting Forsyth so far.
  18. Like
    Carnero reacted to LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    Would have to credit Rooney with an improved style of football all pre-season. Looked to play out from the back in all 4 games against different types of opponents, patient with purpose but good to watch. Want us to continue in this vein & aim to get better at it.
    The kids will be key to this new style taking hold given how well they know each other & you could see it today with how confident they were knocking it about. I dont expect us to be a high scoring side & the style will be put under severe scrutiny in the Championship but if you can look to control the ball, you stand half a chance of winning games. Its also much more suited to a 'team dynamic' where we'd be less reliant on individual flashes of brilliance, necessary given our financial state & inability to buy in.
    On the subject of youth, really pleased to see Max Bird getting back to his best...hopefully that continues into the league campaign as we need him to kick on. Also liked how much involvement the likes of Hutchinson, Williams, Ebosele & Thompson have had & how good they've looked. Also think Cashin & Stretton are going to be important for us this season. My main concern is for Sibley...I hope Rooney sees him as a long term option & is trying to coax the best out of him because it'd be a shocking waste of talent for him to have a repeat of last season or to leave.
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to cosmic in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Taking the piss out of your own manager purely out of spite is inbred levels of stupid. What a way to get behind your team. 
  20. COYR
  21. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Zag zig in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jagielka, Davies, Carroll & Morrison please.
  22. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jagielka, Davies, Carroll & Morrison please.
  23. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from LeedsRam1999 in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jagielka, Davies, Carroll & Morrison please.
  24. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Topram in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Jagielka, Davies, Carroll & Morrison please.
  25. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Rampage in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Agreed but neither Aluko nor Baldock solves that problem either, and I'd rather not block the pathway for Sibley, Watson, Ebosele, Williams & Stretton.
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