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  1. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  2. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from jono in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  3. Like
    Carnero reacted to Leeds Ram in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    I'll be there tomorrow and picking up tickets for Hull away as soon as they come out. Yes the club is being run shambolically and we've been run into the ground by Mel but I've got to go.  It's Derby... I've been going since I was 7 and I imagine I'll still be going until I'm 87 (assuming I make it that far). Starting to get excited now for the match and hopefully see us pick up a result. 
  4. Like
    Carnero reacted to Ghost of Clough in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    If we have no belief in beating Huddersfield, the weakest side in the league over the 2nd half of last season (18 points in 23 games) then we may as well give up now.
    Some will probably point to former Huddersfield CB, Stearman. However, he played less than 200 minutes from December onwards, picking up 10 of those 18 points from the games he played in.
    The only team worse than them was Mr Pop's Bristol (15 points from 23 games)
  5. Like
    Carnero reacted to Tombo in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    I'm actually feeling a bit more confident at this moment. We may not have the strength in depth but the players we have are by no means pushovers and if we have the right kind of siege mentality we can upset the odds this season.
    And yes I'm serious.
    Let's not bring any negative energy into the ground tomorrow. Rooney is right, we can get 3 points and that should be the aim. Let's get the mentality right.
    Can't wait to be in the ground tomorrow. Imagine what a win would do for this club on the opening day. I'm absolutely certain it would raise spirits massively. It won't solve our structural and financial issues but it will show that we've got some fight in us.
    Adrenaline kicking in, I don't think I'm going to get to sleep now!!!
  6. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Kinder in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    I'm not his biggest fan, but I have to say Rooney was excellent in his press conference today. No crying and moaning about the restrictions, no excuse making, just total belief in his squad and his work on the training ground.
    The proof will be in the pudding of course, but he does at least deserve some credit for how he's dealing with this current situation.
  7. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from jimtastic56 in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  8. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from Mick Brolly in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  9. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from Chester40 in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  10. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from i-Ram in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    That's 4000+ tickets sold since we made a few glamour signings earlier in the day.
    Bloody glory hunters make me sick.
  11. Like
    Carnero reacted to LeedsCityRam in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    11,800 left now - getting closer to a 20k crowd if (30k-11.8k) means over 18k Derby fans there. Imagine Huddersfield will bring a few with it being opening day also
  12. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from angieram in The Championship 21/22   
    Anyone else shudder every time this commentator says "Zamora" ?
  13. Clap
    Carnero got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Championship 21/22   
    Anyone else shudder every time this commentator says "Zamora" ?
  14. Like
    Carnero reacted to rammieib in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    If there is any truth in him throwing his toys out the pram, then the previous million clubs he has failed at are still correct in their character assessments of him.
    I'll wait for more facts to come out, if they ever will, but is not a great start for him to react like this.
  15. Like
    Carnero reacted to Rev in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    It would be good to hear a Rooney chant that doesn't embarrass himself or his family. 
    I don't think the one sung at Notts fits the bill.
    Even he sleeps where he wants would be an improvement.
  16. Like
    Carnero reacted to angieram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Nice to get a relatively positive article for a change. 
    I know what Tom has been through, having lost both my parents as a teenager; glad I didn't have to mourn and live though my mistakes in the public gaze.
    I so want him to succeed as captain and help Derby to better times. 
    Good luck, Tom.
  17. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    ? #COYR
  18. Like
    Carnero reacted to CBRammette in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    This is it exactly. Need to be the 12th man more than ever before this season. Take care David and hope you enjoy those chilled beers
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Let me try this again, I was forwarded your post and just online replying to say thanks, and I appreciate the concern. Posted and the topic was merged and my post lost as I submitted it. Cheers mods.
    I have an apology and what exactly has happened post which will follow the report from the meeting, I don't not can't want to go into detail now. 
    What I would say is, this is not the clubs fault, anyone using it as a stick to beat the club with are doing so without the full facts, which is unfair and not helping myself personally as I try to fix the situation and get the information out to you.
    I, David, has handled the situation poorly, been naive and been busy working my hardest to get back to you all with what you want.I would like to think that over the years we have built up some mutual respect, if you don't want to believe me that's fine, but please just stop until you have read what I put out.
    You must also all understand that the club staff are ridiculously busy right now working long hours on other important issues, whilst I feel somewhat in limbo, I'm more happy that we have an extra 2 defenders in the squad than missing out as they need to read through my emails.
    As for tomorrow, I am excited more than you will ever know, football is back, Derby are back, fans in the stadium, perfect.
    I'm just gutted I can't be there, but I'm doing the next best thing, taking a flight out of here so I can watch on RamsTV with a. few beers that are chilling in the fridge.
    Those that are going, regardless of your thoughts on the ownership, club, put all that to one side and get behind the team, we have a young team that doesn't deserve to play under a negative atmosphere. 
    Drop any protests, Mel chants, anti EFL or anti and sarcastic Rooney chants, focus on positive support for the team, this is when they need us the most, the atmosphere is all on us nobody else, if we crush those lads with booing and all that baalocks, we will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.
    I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I just didn't have anything to add and felt it would be best to stay offline. But please, regardless of what you think of me, the club, just read the above and take it from a fan that loves this club and wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't mean it.
  20. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from atherstoneram in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    I'm not his biggest fan, but I have to say Rooney was excellent in his press conference today. No crying and moaning about the restrictions, no excuse making, just total belief in his squad and his work on the training ground.
    The proof will be in the pudding of course, but he does at least deserve some credit for how he's dealing with this current situation.
  21. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Miggins in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    I'm not his biggest fan, but I have to say Rooney was excellent in his press conference today. No crying and moaning about the restrictions, no excuse making, just total belief in his squad and his work on the training ground.
    The proof will be in the pudding of course, but he does at least deserve some credit for how he's dealing with this current situation.
  22. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Gisby in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    I'm not his biggest fan, but I have to say Rooney was excellent in his press conference today. No crying and moaning about the restrictions, no excuse making, just total belief in his squad and his work on the training ground.
    The proof will be in the pudding of course, but he does at least deserve some credit for how he's dealing with this current situation.
  23. Like
    Carnero reacted to Longeatonram2020 in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    Hope the fans get behind Roos, scapegoated a lot. When he played last season he was pretty solid with very few errors, but with the Wembley howler I know a lot are still quick to get on his back. 
  24. Like
    Carnero reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    Not sure about a hard core but certainly a committed bunch.
    For all of my criticism of Rooney and his management,I'll be there to support the players tomorrow with my son and encouraging them on,after all it's not their fault that they have found themselves in this shambles.
  25. Like
    Carnero reacted to Eatonram in Your Football Club Needs You...   
    This. Spot on. For tomorrow at least, if you have called the club a joke/laughing stock/embarrassment over the last few months please stay away, I'd hate you to feel embarrassed about being a Rams fan.
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