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Posts posted by angieram

  1. 14 minutes ago, sage said:

    I thought it was a penalty straight away and couldn't believe it wasn't given.

    I agree with the rest.

    I haven't seen the incident again, and can't recall it from watching the game. No-one round us was worried, perhaps you were closer to it in East Stand.

    My point was about the RamsTV gang on here - not one comment about a possible penalty - that's unusual in itself.


  2. 2 hours ago, CBRammette said:

    Dont know where to start with that. Terrible first half snd start of second. Excellent free kick from Max after poor first half. Big big difference in mood and impact after the subs especially from Max - like a different player. Bradley really calmed things down. Amazing goal from Collins. Their number 6 dirtiest player have seen off ball for very long time.  Pleased that Curtis got the respectful goodby he deserved - take note Mason Bennett. 

    Now my rant. OK sibs wasnt perfect but he did well for whole match not in his position rather just 20 minutes towards the end as some did. Warne really annoyed me (for a change) in post-match interview - couldnt just say he stepped in and did well - had to have a go few times about a penalty like the time he said he was worst tackler in the squad. And some on here ask what has happened to Sibley - would say those sort of comments on a daily basis are probably what's happened. Like those little comments he used to make always about Didzy. Tommo back plays ok then back on bench. Fornah made good start at club then disappeared. Wildsmith - what's happened there? He's all about certain players like Collo, CH and plays games withe rest. I dont buy the jovial PW act - I think he plays mind games to get the best out of players but actually comes across as snarky and nasty. And will never get best out of people.  If he's like that in public..... 

    if he starts CH next match says everything about him as a manager

    I couldn't agree more with this. There was not one supporter saying that Sibley's challenge should have been a penalty on here (despite some posters constantly wanting to put the boot in on our own players) yet Warne made a big issue of it, not once but twice,  on the RD interview.

    No credit either about how much better we looked when we had a midfield - Max in that more familiar role did more in the last 30 minutes than Hourihane has done in several games now. 

    I thought Collins worked hard and was pleased he got a superb goal for the winner, because he never gives up despite the way we play. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    His precision wasn’t that good given his funds ended up in mainland Europe instead of coming straight to the UK 😉

    I know we joke about it now but how was he ever going to get away with it when the funds never even existed? Probably the worst that could have happened is the process could have been delayed even longer. He was never in a position to actually complete on the transaction. Makes you wonder why he ever did it.

    Narcissistic personality disorder imo.

  4. 2 hours ago, S8TY said:

    Sold out ….im sure we didn’t sell out last season did we get less tickets this season ? Are we taking roughly 3000?

    I see @Foreveram has already answered you, but it was very busy last season, so nearly sold out. But I did know it went to general sale.

  5. 6 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    I think you're being generous. Under anti-money laundering checks you have to ensure you know source of funds not just that someone has funds. People on here and twitter were saying it didnt stack up that that company and he had those funds available from the start. He didnt appear to be but must have been a more sophisticated fraudster than he looked to satisfy AML checks that presumably Goldman Sachs, Quantuma etc used. I think everyone was just so desperate for someone to buy us as they were so under pressure. 
    anyway never mind bullet but huge nuclear bomb dodged. I shudder when I think what position club would be in if he had somehow made those funds transfer. 

    Thanks for that, CBRamette. I am no accountant and only know from my involvement at the time that the EFL seemed very limited in what they could check. 

    When you see some of the dodgy owners elsewhere in football, I think their investigatory powers must be somewhat limited.

    As you say, he conned Goldman Sachs too!

  6. 12 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    "Now that looks like a fit and proper person if I ever saw one!"

    The EFL and Quantuma, presumably.

    I don't think he ever did pass the test? But he would have done, if he'd shown evidence of having the money.

    This is because the EFL can only check whether a potential owner has the money, not how they got hold of it.

    They aren't the Bank of England and the system is flawed.

    Quantuma spent more time with him. Should they have smelt a rat? Yes, I suspect they did, but were a bit desperate. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Anti football??, sitting 11 men behind the ball , stopping the other team scoring with no effort to score yourself , constant fouls and time wasting, that’s anti football, we go out trying to win every game under warne and at times we leave ourselves open and if we are not on it we look poor, we don’t play anti football, we play a style YOU don’t like,

    god this forum becomes a grind at times , lose a game and it’s the manger is garbage , every other player is garbage , every thread becomes a tool to trash our manager and fav scapegoat player 🤷🏻‍♂️🥲

    I agree with you, Archied, in that we are too attacking most games, leaving ourselves too open to the counter-attack.

    It's a totally different style to Rowett's were we did sit in and score on the counter.

    I'd still like us to have a bit more control, though, even if that means taking our time on the build-up.

    Warne's style seems to work best when we play against teams who are better than us, so we can do the counter-attacking. Alas, there are few of these teams at our level, and that is our biggest problem. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

    Me trying to work out who to trust:


    Haha, but the Namibian journo may actually be there, whereas I suspect our Dom is in Derbados! 

  9. 7 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Gellaw 202 (the stadium) and The Club are both owned by Clowes Developments. The £750k is essentially moved from the left hand to the right hand. I believe a 'real rent' has to be paid for P&S purposes.

    Spot on. And that is really important because it helps us in other ways.

    Yet we still charge a quarter of what Sheffield Wednesday do for that aging dump of a ground! 

  10. 33 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Only worrying thing about that is that first sentence. It reads as gobbledygook. @thebaron was in such a rush to get his clickbait out, he forgot to spell check it. 🔔end. 

    You know when people were debating about KM's credibility on here, it's exactly this petty name-calling that makes him appear unprofessional in my eyes.

  11. 11 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    They did exacrly this on our last visit to Charlton. Each block tentatively released even though postal deadline gets ever closer & we are close to selling out. As I recall last time at Charlton, the smallest block was never opened even though everything else had virtually sold out...ended up being pay on the day which people were unlikely to risk given how close we were to selling out.

    Probably needs formally asking (SCG question?) but I'd like to see all away blocks released at the start of sales. We are very likely to sell out all of allocations anyway, it rewards most loyal away fans with their chosen seats and also gives everyone true picture of allocation & sales for that given match.

    You don't know how many times I have raised this. Always the same answer

    "We are following instructions from the home club.." 

  12. 1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I think - a bit like voters in general - the vast majority of us are somewhere in the middle, not at the extremes.... either positive or negative.

    Last night saw things that have worked suddenly not working. Cashin booting a diagonal way over Kane Wilson's head whereas the other week he tried the same pass and dropped it on the spare player's toes.

    It was bad.....but I don't think all of that can be on Warne. And he did make changes with plenty of time - another area I've been critical of him over. The performance didn't improve but hey ho...

    Well done for being a continued stalwart Angie.

    It was blowing a hooley- not the night for playing those sort of balls. We were all screaming for the guys to keep it on the deck! 

    They do panic a bit at times.

  13. 22 minutes ago, oodledoodle said:

    Derby win - people say "told you Warne is the Messiah"

    Derby lose - people say "told you Warne plays dire football and shouldn't be here"

    The duality of man.

    They don't though, do they? At least not individually. Collectively, maybe.

    But there are plenty of posters a bit undecided about the quality of football and about Warne's tactics at the games. Against Burton, against Lincoln, against Reading. Even against Oxford until we launched a storming fight back.

    I'm at nearly every game and there are a fair few of the regulars - the ones who encourage for the full 90 minutes, that stay behind and applaud the team regardless of results - that are still feeling ambivalent about Warne's style in particular and whether he is getting the best out of this set of players.

    That is telling.

    I'm not talking about the ones trooping down the stairs making obscene hand gestures at the few players who dared approach the stands to applaud us, I'm talking about the die-hards. 

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