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Posts posted by angieram

  1. 1 hour ago, The Big One said:

    For how terrible we were, I thought Reading were decent last night, god knows how they are bottom 3.  If they keep that core team together and no fire sales i think they will stay up.  Imagine they will be a force next season if rumoured Mike Ashley or GymShark buys them and some shrewd transfer business.

    They have bought/brought in players with money they haven't got. Lots have been commenting on it on the transfer threads for months. 

  2. Just now, Anag Ram said:

    It will help when Nyambe comes back and Wilson can move to RM. 

    It hasn’t helped that Collins and NML have lost form at the same time.

    I do worry that, even with our best players available,  we lack the tactical nous to beat teams with this formation, though.

    We won throw ins and corners a plenty last night, but their backline was tall and strong and we were never going to beat them with our "out wide, crosses and set-pieces" mentality. 

    The swirling wind didn't help but we didn't do enough to try to play into and round those big defenders along the grass. We were all calling out for it at the game, but it was never going to happen. 

    Look at the highlights. Apart from one header, all our good moments came when we played along the floor. Yet we wasted countless set pieces because we couldn't match them in the air. (Watching Bradley trying to get his head on some of those high balls at the end was just comical!) 

    The way Warne sets us up only works if teams come at us and give us space to play on the break. But we are good enough as a team to dominate possession most games -  despite being told to treat the ball like a hot potato. Opposition then sits in, defends the cross, we are caught disastrously over-committed in attack and we then look vulnerable on the counter-attack.

    But somehow it's all Bird's and Hourihane's fault. 🤔

  3. 9 minutes ago, Beanie said:

    Do we think the Charlton tickets will make it to general sale?

    Considering holding out so I can get one for my mate to come who is not a member but don't want to miss out all together

    Yes. And some.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    We’re trying to fit too many attacking players into our starting line up. This only really leaves two traditional midfielders and they neither demand the ball or tackle aggressively. We are always going to lose the midfield battle whilst we persist with this tactic. We have to start with three midfielders who play together, i.e. they form a partnership close together where they are better placed to contest the ball and to play the ball to each other. Bird and Hourihane are often miles apart.

    If we can’t bring in another midfielder I fear for our position in the top six.


    If you're going to make this trade-off (and Warne definitely is, that's not going to change) then your extra forward player has to absolutely make that difference. For us it all too often doesn't. 


  5. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    I’m in. The universe is definitely telling me to go. Even the nice lady in the car park let me in without having to pay for parking. The universe wants me here for a reason. Hopefully ti witness something spectacular.

    im not sure if my wife wants me here though. I’ve got radio silence from her. I’m not sure what reception I’m going to get when I rock up at 1am. 

    I feel your pain.

  6. 9 hours ago, Leicester Ram said:

    You’d think it would be in Wednesday’s best interest to help us get promoted so they don’t have to play us in League One next season tbh

    Why? We're probably their most lucrative fixture of the season. As we are for most clubs.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I don't think Sibley had the best of games, but I would say he did better than John-Jules. It was only his 1st league start since December 9th (a game he scored in)

    I'm not sure why Sibley doesn't take some of the free kicks and corners when he's on the pitch - mix it up a bit with Hourihane. 

    That way the ones that Hourihane takes later in the game when Sibley's gone off might be better, too. 

  8. 6 hours ago, CapeTownRams said:


    Shame Namibia lost to SA from his perspective…. But selfishly i hope they also lose their last match in the group stage so that we can get him back- makes a big difference to us I reckon 👍

    Really interesting article and background on Ryan. Thank you for sharing.

  9. 9 hours ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:


    Men’s toilets 0.5/10…….no windows, no water, no light……..how do they get any sort of stadium certificate?

    At least you had some! No ladies toilets, just 3 non-flushing portaloos for us.

    For 1800 supporters, probably about 400 females.

    I called over the head steward and threatened legal action, was promptly escorted over to the clean, well-lit facilities in the main stand, which were empty, of course.

    Sorry for the aside, Ellafella.

  10. There will be a lot more detail in the Derby County (Rams) accounts, which aren't due for some time, as I presume they will follow the usual football year end of 30th June. Clowes developments accounts follow a more traditional 31st March year end, hence the nine months turnover for the "new" subsidiary. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Learning or realising the spotlight is on them.

    As GoC said there is very little they can do to the owner personally without damaging the club when most of the time they are up against Company law, but at least they are trying. Did you ever feel that was the case with us.

    No, not really. But I think the way they were with Bury, us, Wigan are the main reasons that the Government recognised that change is needed.

    At least we survived, and are flourishing.

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