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Posts posted by R@M

  1. 12 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I cannot see why a club would hold for 3 weeks for an additional 100-150k taking into account wages, cost in negotiation , potential injury,  a loss of a transfer target they may need cash in for.   Then come out 50-75 k better off.  Therefore, I think it entirely plausible that this tiny upgrade in offer with a minimal add on came about following our managers interview as a take it or leave it end game knowing they were in the drivers seat.

    What if the extra money was added to different budget pots re the business plan and ffp? 
    Also, if he was to get injured he’d probably stay, (insurance pay wages) then play for us (which everyone wants) and still be worth same amount at the end of his contract. 
    As for the actual value, maybe we said £2m (for example) after the £1.5 offer. They came back 100k short. We told them to take it or leave it. 
    Ultimately there are so many variables we can guess on but some people choose options to fit their agenda. 

  2. Maybe a financial loss, but at what cost to morale and team building is cutting someone out (Chester in this instance) due to illness/injury? 

    Warne is all about family and togetherness, if he says he is great around the place then ruthlessly disposes of someone how are future signings going to feel? 

    we all also herald DC (and rightly) but is his company and personal ethos one of immediate cost cutting or seeing the bigger picture? 

    Personally I’d be more worried if we started treating people like cattle  again. 

  3. Disgusting behaviour and showed their desperation. 
    The way it was done is akin to pretending to throw the ball but secretly retaining it and then running the batter out….this is against the rules. At time of release she would not have been out of her crease and I think this rule could have been enforced by the video umpire. 

  4. On 07/08/2022 at 17:25, Gee SCREAMER !! said:





    According to The Athletic, should Yaohui be found to have been the beneficial owner of shares in BSHL and Oriental Rainbow Investments – the British Virgin Islands-registered company that currently owns the 21.64 per cent stake in Birmingham City that prospective new owners Paul Richardson and Maxi Lopez want to buy initially – then both BSHL and Blues could face sanctions from the stock exchange and EFL. Those possible sanctions even include a points deduction.

    So points deduction equates to ??????? for us as compensation….precedent set and authorised as per EFL actions. 


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