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  1. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from jono in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    The benefits of hindsight ?
    Saw this on Twitter:
    If Mel Morris had bought 5 million pounds worth of Bitcoin instead of Jacob Butterfield in 2016 we’d now have a transfer kitty of 220 million pounds for this season…
  2. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    The benefits of hindsight ?
    Saw this on Twitter:
    If Mel Morris had bought 5 million pounds worth of Bitcoin instead of Jacob Butterfield in 2016 we’d now have a transfer kitty of 220 million pounds for this season…
  3. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from CornwallRam in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    The benefits of hindsight ?
    Saw this on Twitter:
    If Mel Morris had bought 5 million pounds worth of Bitcoin instead of Jacob Butterfield in 2016 we’d now have a transfer kitty of 220 million pounds for this season…
  4. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to angieram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I think he's already past that point, tbh. I get the feeling that he just wants the debt writing off and he'll walk away. At least that's what the figures being stated a few weeks ago seemed to indicate.
  5. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to tinman in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    For the EFL, the accounts and P&S submissions are separate. It's possible that the EFL have been sent a copy and are now scrutinising it. It makes sense for the club to hold fire on the acocunts being sent to companies house until the EFL bits have been sorted otherwise we're just going round in circles.
  6. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Shaftesbury Street in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I have ran out of patience now. The piss poor communication from the club is appalling. What contingencies do we have if dont find a buyer before season start? 
  7. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Dethorn in Mighty Rams are number 1, who are your number 2?   
    Moderators, Surely that’s worthy of a ban. ?
  8. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from TF Ram in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Following a recommendation from my daughter, just watched Parasite and really enjoyed it. One of those movies I found myself rooting for the bad guys.
  9. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Wayne Rooney   
    As unlikely as it may seem, there is a third outcome: stay and succeed to an acceptable level. You never know.
  10. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Wolfie in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Not sure why it’s taken me so long but last night I watched The Devil’s Advocate for the first time. 
    8/10 Al Pacino fabulous as Satan and a young Charlize Theron, with Keanu being not quite as wooden as in some of his films
  11. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Hot weather and comfort wipes.   
    I might need some wipes for my legs. They are baked...

  12. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    I'm so entrenched in misery that didn't even occur to me!
  13. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Eaststander7 in Wayne Rooney   
    As unlikely as it may seem, there is a third outcome: stay and succeed to an acceptable level. You never know.
  14. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Philmycock in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    They've been low since the financial crash in 2008
  15. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    As unlikely as it may seem, there is a third outcome: stay and succeed to an acceptable level. You never know.
  16. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from CornwallRam in Mighty Rams are number 1, who are your number 2?   
    Moderators, Surely that’s worthy of a ban. ?
  17. Clap
    Tamworthram reacted to jono in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    So, a young guy who made a mistake, had lost a parent and was out with the team captain has no chance of redemption.? 
    he was fit to play, fit to fulfill his contract, got his head down, was contrite, scored a few goals and got on with it. 
    OK, for me Curtis has Captain written in his DNA but just maybe this is what it takes to lift Tom to another level ? 
    I’m all for giving him a chance. 
  18. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from ThePrisoner in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Crikey, someone got out of bed the wrong side today.
    My view is:
    I agree it was an odd decision but, let's judge his leadership abilities once he's had the the chance to prove them. I'm not convinced be will but, I'll give him the chance. As for being a smack in the face of fans, well that's just bizarre. It is really that important to you that you feel so offended?
    With regard the drink driving incident, obviously none of us have forgotten it but we have to move on. It can't be a millstone around his neck for ever.
    Are you really still outstanding a refund from the club? If so, fair enough you should have received it by now.
    Regarding today's game, I get the impression that you think you should be allowed to watch it for free. This has been discussed at length on the appropriate thread (I don't know why you've brought it up on this one). Whilst the prices to attend are a bit steep, I really don't have a problem with the club charging to attend or view online. Take it or leave it. 
    I'm not exactly sure what a Shinnie type owner is or where we'd find one. We can only consider offers from those making them
  19. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to TigerTedd in Pride Park Goes Cashless   
    some traders want cash - why do they want cash though if not to dodge the cash. What other reason is there? Yes you can sometimes get a better deal this way, but ultimately it’s for to be better for everyone to make sure loopholes like cash in hand get closed, and everyone is working legit with legit rights and benefits.
    technology dependent - it really isn’t that difficult at all to set up a merchant account. There’s tons of places that do it now. I set one up with pay pal here that was an absolute piece of piss to do, cost nothing, and required no extra kit bar my phone (I had to type in numbers, but it was only for over the phone payments anyway in that case) 
    if you want serving at the bar do you wave your phone rather than a tenner - I’m absolutely positive that every busy bar in the country now is very familiar with Apple Pay, contactless etc. Waving a tenner is a thing of the past, and given that there’s considerably less faffing about, I would have thought bar staff would be more likely to go to the guy waving a card than the guy waving cash. You just know it’s going to be an easier transaction all round. 
  20. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Louie watson   
    Not sure, anyone know how long he will be out for ?
  21. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    If we are being penalised for doing our best to fulfil that cup game something is seriously wrong….
  22. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Miggins in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Obviously can't read very much at all into the first pre-season game of the season but quite happy with that game.
  23. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Foreveram in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Crikey, someone got out of bed the wrong side today.
    My view is:
    I agree it was an odd decision but, let's judge his leadership abilities once he's had the the chance to prove them. I'm not convinced be will but, I'll give him the chance. As for being a smack in the face of fans, well that's just bizarre. It is really that important to you that you feel so offended?
    With regard the drink driving incident, obviously none of us have forgotten it but we have to move on. It can't be a millstone around his neck for ever.
    Are you really still outstanding a refund from the club? If so, fair enough you should have received it by now.
    Regarding today's game, I get the impression that you think you should be allowed to watch it for free. This has been discussed at length on the appropriate thread (I don't know why you've brought it up on this one). Whilst the prices to attend are a bit steep, I really don't have a problem with the club charging to attend or view online. Take it or leave it. 
    I'm not exactly sure what a Shinnie type owner is or where we'd find one. We can only consider offers from those making them
  24. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from angieram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Very happy with the first half an hour especially given it's the first pre-season friendly, it must be damn hot out there, these guys won't have played together much and whilst it's hardly United's first team, and they must have few gears to move up, there is still plenty of expensive talent on the pitch for them.
  25. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Ken Tram in Pride Park Goes Cashless   
    HSBC also do an account for people without a permanent address.
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