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Posts posted by Tamworthram

  1. 1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

    I think Clowes will see what he can manage in the division up with the extra TV income first. 

    Remember we’re owned by his business and they’re a company that make tens of millions in profit each year. 

    This leads me to believe that he’d be open to supporting us to the tune of single digit million losses per season for a short while as long as he sees a pathway to being more sustainable once the academy has fully recovered from admin. 

    Remember the huge losses incurred over the last year or 2 were hangovers from admin. If our playing wage bill is 45% of revenue we’ve got to be in a strong position to be trying to do things very differently to last time. 

    I think, as a reluctant owner, he will always be looking for a sale. BUT, as a true fan and having seen what we've been through, I strongly suspect he will be extremely cautious about who he sells to. 

  2. 1 hour ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Happy with that 

    Only make it by 1 point? A bit too squeaky bum for me. I assume @simmoram1995’s predictor has us beating Carlisle on the last day. It may pan out that way and we ought to beat them (but so should Posh have yesterday). It would make for exciting end to the season for the neutrals but going into the last game with it being so close is a scary thought.

    I know it’s a fools game predicting results just to make it look good (in fact, yesterday’s results proves predicting any kind of results is of little real value) but my fairly conservative predictor (I’ve explained my flawed rationale previously) now has us finishing 4 points ahead of Barnsley and comfortably short of Pompey but not by 11 points.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Archied said:

    A win was everything yesterday and it was warne and the players job to get that win ,,, bugger all else mattered, it was a tight first half where we edged it and got the lead ,

    second half started and boy was I frustrated for a while , said to my wife that we seemed to want to play like we are 3-0 up and game over , we gave them space to play and like everyone else I was shouting at them to wake up and press on to them but soon got the nagging feeling we were happy to let them play and have space in areas they wernt hurting us , get in our shape and not chase everything, dive in and get played round then hit them on the break , we may not like it at times , we may wrongly feel we are being massively outplayed at times but by god it was a mature performance, free from the naivety that has plagued us at times ,

    paul warne ? ,,,,like him or not ( i really like him and want him to be given the chance to see how much more he’s got) those who come on here and call him a clown , a kick and rush merchant without a clue or even a thought on tactics are very very wide of the mark ,

    warne and his team may not always get it right ( who does ) but make no mistake, there’s a lot of hard work and thought going into how to beat each team we come up against , they are not clueless kick and rush merchants, you can’t and don’t have to get it right every time , you have to get it right more often than not and enough times over a season to do well and even get promoted,

    at the end of games Paul warne is the one I have a main eye on going round the ground to applaud fans and hope he’s really enjoying it , I want to see him start the bounce if and or when we are promoted with the biggest smile on his face as I’m pretty sure he will when he feels he’s achieved something, the target promotion not a fleeting moment of a good win , that’s for us fans and the players ,he’s got a job to finish ,, you can bet he isn’t taking the players out for a wallet busting pxss up when the job is nowhere near done yet ,,, that’s what I see and like in warne and his team,

    oh and another day I really enjoyed in a season im really enjoying,,,, live in the now folks is my advise🤷🏻‍♂️

    Agreed. It wasn’t pretty but that doesn’t matter right now. Just grind out the results.

    No doubt some statto will come on saying we didn’t “deserve” to win because they had more possession (which they did) and completed loads more passes (which I assume they did) etc. but, as you say, it was a deliberate tactic to allow them to keep possession and pass it around where they couldn’t hurt us. I expect to see the same at Pompey - it’s not a game we’re likely to dominate.

    It’s not a tactic you’d want to see deployed too often (especially at home), but sometimes it’s necessary.


  4. 27 minutes ago, plymouthram said:

    Looked on the top 5 teams forum sites and it seems most expect Pompey and Derby have got the top 2 spots. Still hopeful that we can go up as Champions though. I know Pompey have a game in hand over us, but if we win at Fratton Park,  then their remaining 5 games throws up 4 of them against top half teams. But what is in their favour is that most of them are at home. After Tuesday night they have Shrewsbury (H), Bolton (A), Barnsley (H), Wigan (H) and Lincoln (A).

    Champions would be nice icing on the cake but certainly not essential. The reality is that it might be better if Pompey beat Bolton and Barnsley.

  5. Just now, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    That's a previous incarnation and doesn't count.  😃.  Nearly went bankrupt it seems 5 years later.

    Nah, you're not having that, they just shortened their name.😀If they nearly went bankrupt then we're in good company.

  6. On 20/03/2024 at 12:56, sage said:

    In an ideal world we'd win at Cambridge to clinch promotion and beat Carlisle for the title.

    I think the biggest difference this year to last is we've had our fair dues from the officials over the season. Some bad luck, some good.

    The costs of last season's decisions ran into double figures.


    In an ideal world, we'd clinch promotion against Orient in front of 30,000 fans rather than just the lucky ones who manage to get a ticket for Cambridge. We'd then confirm the title at Cambridge so that the trophy can actually be presented at the Carlisle game. Unfortunately, the ideal world rarely appears but , you never know. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, DRBee said:

    Crewtons post stated that Warnes career stats as manager were better than Robbins in terms of win rate. My post suggested a different , more relevant metric. Why should Warnes failures in the Championship be ignored? But your response reminds us that Robbins was able to keep his promoted side in the Championship, and quite successfully .. 

    I didn't necessarily say you should ignore it. I'm just saying the similarities if we were to get promoted this season, are remarkable and perhaps of more value rather than how Warne did at Rotherham considering the differences in club size and the likely differences in ambition and backing between Coventry/Derby and Rotherham. Maybe Warne will keep us in the Championship and quite successfully🤷‍♂️ It wouldn't be the first time a manager has failed at one club but then gone on to be successful at another (and vice versa). I also highly doubt than anyone (you included) doing a comparison with Robbins really needed reminding of his track record. Otherwise, why make the comparison in the first place.

  8. 2 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Gayle is going to cost us about £40k per game due to injury . Will David Clowes continue to accept losing money year on year ? Our  “Crown Jewels” , or Fab 4 have been dismantled (Knight , Bird, Sibley, Cashin). Apart from Cash who has shown incredible loyalty, and lost his Ireland place. Sibley looks like walking just leaving Cashin. Not much left to sell. 

    Is he likely to be on £40k a game? Like others, I doubt it. Also, Gayle’s isn’t going to cost us £40k per game (or whatever the figure is) due to injury. The fact that he’s injured isn’t costing the club anymore - it’s just that we’re not getting any return for whatever we’re paying him. If anything, it’s the injuries to Washington, Waghorn and Collins that has cost us money (because we’ve had to bring in Gayle). 

  9. 2 hours ago, DRBee said:

    Bet Robins Championship stats are better than Warnes. 

    Robbins took over at Coventry in March 2017.

    It took him 2 seasons to get them promoted out of league one and in his first year in the Championship Coventry finished 16th (12th the following season).

    If you insist on doing a comparison then it's probably better to see how we do next season (assuming we get promoted this year) as the managers trajectories with their current clubs will be a bit more comparable: Similar sized clubs, both clubs recovering from financial difficulties, both clubs promoted from league one after two seasons (hopefully). 

  10. 1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

    My three mates left with 5 minutes of added on time remaining on Saturday as they were going to Wembley to watch England vs Brazil and they all said more football was played the the first 2 minutes at Wembley than the 100 minutes they watched at Northampton 

    Wow. Better quality football seen in a game between two highly ranked international teams than in a game between two league one teams. A truly startling revelation.

  11. 5 hours ago, DB83 said:

    I don’t know how the season will end, but I think at the start of the season nearly all of us would have taken second place at Easter. Wouldn’t we?? 🙂

    You’re 100% right. No, actually, I think there are some on this forum that still wouldn’t be happy (with PW in charge) even if we were top.

    I think the reason a lot of us are anxious/nervous/glum etc is because it feels like watching a film that you’ve seen before so you know how it ends. How many times have we been in a good position going into the last few games but failed? last season obviously, then there was the year we only needed a draw at home v lowly Reading in the final game but we lost immediately spring to mind. Add to that the injury list and the fact that we’re not playing particularly well, even when we win more often than not, and the feelings of uncertainty are understandable.

    BUT, this isn’t a film - it doesn’t have to end the same way, teams in the chasing pack have had their wobbles and most still have some stiff games ahead of them. 

    Four (or more) points from the next two games and I think it’s game on still. (I can see us nicking a point at Pompey)

    Two points or less (I can see the Blackpool game being a tricky one) then I think we’re no longer favourites for the auto’s (obviously dependent on what the other do).

  12. I watched “Ukraine: Enemy in the woods” last night (on BBC and available on IPlayer). It was a hard watch as it gave a small inkling as to what war must be like on the front line. It must be even worse for the Russian soldiers a lot of whom probably don’t want to be there and whose chances of survival are no doubt much lower than the Ukrainians. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, sage said:

    Don't want to sound like a 3/4 fan, but I've done Cambridge before and I'm in the 10+ category.

    I'm going to wait till after the Blackpool game. See where we are re results, performance and injuries.


    Please don’t get one. That leaves one more for us to fight over in the 5+ category. 😀

  14. 6 minutes ago, TheRamOfSwad said:

    Probably going to be about 10 players leaving, it's gonna be a different squad

    Look at the difference Adams and Nyambe have made being younger and more athletic players. I think a few more signings like that would suit Paul's style more but I think securing a mid table finish next season would be perfectly acceptable 

    But we shouldn't worry or look too far ahead as it robs you off enjoying the moment just need to moan less and get behind the lads is all I'm saying and I have seen comments like they aren't enjoying it like we are 2nd to be honest I'm enjoying being up the top end of a table regardless of some bad performances 

    Paul Warne wins 3-0 and the match thread is about 20-30 pages less than if he loses, that's telling to me that people love to f****** moan 😂😝


    I’m still in the PW in camp (just about) but sadly the good 3:0 wins are far outweighed by the poor defeats and the less than convincing wins. I also think the point you’ve made about new signings in the summer suiting Warne’s style is what is worrying a lot of people. Like I said, I think many of us are prepared the stomach the often less than entertaining football in order to get us out of this league but maybe don’t relish the prospect of the same next season. I also enjoy (most of the time) being at the top end of the league regardless of some (many I would suggest) bad performances but let’s be realistic, if we get promoted, we’re unlikely to have the luxury of being in the top six or so next season to compensate for the quality of football.

    I think the higher number of posts when we lose compared to when we win is reflective of the above rather than people not wanting us to get promoted.

    For me, I obviously want us to get promoted. Playing great football in the process would be ideal but not essential now that we’ve got so few games to go.

    If we fall short, I’ll just accept it and we go again next season with PW in charge.(I’ll still be renewing my season ticket next season). If we go up I’ll be hopeful of surviving comfortably (again with PW in charge) and seeing some decent football. I’m certainly not assuming the football will be c**p and we’ll struggle.


  15. 2 minutes ago, TheRamOfSwad said:

    I'd rather get promoted with s*** football, don't know why we'd wanna stay playing the likes of Fleetwood again next season when we could go up no matter the playing style. 

    Aint got the luxury to be picky and choosy that's for when you're already winning in the Premier league and have a significant budget to buy a squad 

    Get out of this league = more money, better fixtures, bigger attraction to be able to sign better players. Plus some achievement to celebrate 

    If Paul doesn't work next season then we can part ways, but give him a handshake and thank him for getting us up and move on it's not a big deal

    Don't know why some people don't actually want promotion, it's weird but perhaps they enjoy the suffering somewhat and " oh I knew it would happen" 

    How many people, if any, on this forum have said they don’t want promotion?

    I suspect the majority would love to see us playing entertaining football AND getting promoted but are prepared to go without the former this season provided we go up. At this stage in the season, I for one am prepared to accept us winning ugly. If we park the bus at Pompey and hold on for a point, that’s OK. If we scrape a win in all of three remaining home games, I can live with that now we’re at the sharp end of the season (although I’d obviously rather we won handsomely and avoided a nerve wrecking final few minutes). 

    BUT, what surely concerns most of us is the type of football we’re likely to see next season if we go up and if we’ll struggle to survive or not. Despite PW’s record at Championship level, I for one am prepared to defer any opinion until we see what he delivers for us.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Ilkestonian said:

    That seems a little odd, that's the same number as Northampton sent us, I wonder if it's correct or has someone forgot to update the number when using the away match ticket template?

    It is a remarkable coincidence but, according to our website, that's the same number Cambridge gave us last year.

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