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Posts posted by Tamworthram

  1. 40 minutes ago, Key clubber said:

    Abysmal was probably a tad unfair, but if we’re going to criticise CBT, Washington has to be questioned as well, for an international player to put a ball in like that which should be a straight forward pass should be addressed. 

    It wasn’t exactly a straightforward pass. Washington had literally run half the length of the pitch and crossed the ball between the defender and the keeper to CBT. OK, in an ideal world it would have been rolling along the ground but I think Washington did pretty well. If you insist on apportioning the blame I’d say it was something like 90% CBT and 10% Washington. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Key clubber said:

    I expected  Derby to win, we didn’t , doesn’t always turn out how you want it. 
    I was simply saying if you want to give someone the best chance play a ball along the ground. 
    I’ve lost count of the times a fullback gets a ball neck height from a keeper or a centre passed passed a ball at his face from 3 yards out. 
    A Famous Derby player always use to say “if you can’t pass you can’t play” this was pretty apt last night , a simple ball was all that was needed. 
    Plenty of better players than CBT have missed easy chances than that over the years.


    And been criticised for it. Doesn’t mean CBT should be criticised as well. I’m sure he’d be the first to admit he should have done better but let’s not hang him out to dry for it.

    As for Washington, I thought the cross was decent (of course, they can always be better) and I wouldn't be pinning much at all of the “blame” on the missed chance on him.


  3. 3 hours ago, Key clubber said:

    Finding it’s target doesn’t mean it’s a good pass, the pass was abysmal, it needed rolling across the floor,  CBT could have sat down had his dinner and still got up and scored if the pass was what you’d expect.
    The fact is the pass was dreadful along with an attemt at a finish. 
    All said and done you’d expect CBT to score he didn’t , and it could be costly.

    I don't think the pass was "abysmal". If it was that bad CBT wouldn't have got anywhere near to it.

    Maybe Washington could have done a little better but he had to get it between the keeper and defender and in front of CBT at a height that CBT could strike it. In that respect, Washington did pretty much as well as he could.

  4. 27 minutes ago, ap04 said:

    Yes, and yes.

    I already touched on this, the estimated difference between the two is 3 chances at best.

    Forgetting that at Portsmouth after our early-ish second goal we were equally 'awful', allowing 4 big moments and essentially creating fa.

    You reckon 3 or 4 chances to 1 (including on top of the obvious ones 2/3 killer corners in case you missed those), in one half alone, away, against a mid-table side, is not amazing and top of the league stuff? Not sure what you are expecting in order to be amazed then.

    So I repeat the question. Did you actually watch the games and, if so do you genuinely think the first half against Wycombe was “amazing”? There were a few corners that created challenges for their keeper but they were hardly “killer corners”. Amazing for me would have been to play good football and actually convert a chance or two (or at least force a save).

    I reckon, if you took a poll of every Derby fan that watched the game last night, the total that would describe our performance in the first half as amazing would amount to one.

    We weren’t awful against Pompey after our second goal from my recollection. 


  5. 9 minutes ago, TheRamOfSwad said:

    We will get automatics! and we will get promoted!!

    We have it in us to pull these remaining results off but we need to get behind the team 🐏 

    Not being hysterical at every miss kick and bad result!

    Not using ridiculous and visceral vocabulary and start praising the players you don't build player confidence and motivation by talking down about them, they are humans too! They read social media and stuff online. Maybe even this forum? think about that 

    I've cant believe how reactionary this fanbase has become! I get the performances haven't been total football but we aren't there yet! we are a work in progress, you know?

    We will deal with next season when we get there but for now, 3 games to go let's get out there and support and clap the lads on and off the pitch, comment on the socials with words of motivation and togethernes ❤ that's what's gonna bring us over the line.... plus I'm sick of looking at heaps of negativity on here 🤣

    We are 2nd , remember. Start of the season we'd have paid money to be here 🙌🏻

    and vibes are real, they'll feed of us it's all frequencies and vibrations ✌

    Come on Derby, time for promotion 💪 🐏 ️ 

    I'm not worried about players reactions to comments on social media (other than some of the stuff total muppets post which you don't generally see on this forum) - I'm sure they're well used to being criticised in such places especially after a poor performance. Maybe a few folk go a little over the top but by and large the criticisms on this site after games like last night are justified. 

    What is important is that we keep supporting them at the games and try not to get on their backs during the actual matches even if things aren't going quite so well. I'd much rather folk let off steam (even though I often don't agree with it) on this forum than when actually at the game. 

    So I would say, praise but only when it's due, and criticise but keep it sensible. The best policy is probably to imagine you're saying it to their face. In which case you'd probably still be saying to CBT - "you missed a sitter there and should have done better" (I'm convinced he'd agree) but you'd probably not say to Washington "it looks like you won a competition to play football" (as someone has said).

  6. 37 minutes ago, SuperDerbySuperRams said:

    We are still the favourites for second (so say the bookies!!!!)

    Keep the faith. It was never going to be straight forward. We wouldn’t love following this club as much if it was. 😀

    I guess a neutral, just looking at the remaining games, would expect us to win our last three whilst it's not unreasonable to think Bolton may drop a couple of points either Saturday or away at Posh. 

    We're perhaps a little less optimistic (having suffered some dreadful performances recently). 

  7. 51 minutes ago, ap04 said:

    There is nothing perplexing, if anything yesterday was better. Portsmouth -2.5 chances agg, Wycombe +1.5, difference between Portsmouth and Wycombe give or take 3 chances. Both amazing first halves, poor second but decent overall and bang in line with what was expected. Everything else is kneejerk, bandwagon and outcome bias.

    Did you actually watch both games? If so, are you seriously suggesting we played better against Wycombe than we did against Portsmouth?

    You seem to be obsessed with statistics and ignoring the fact that 1) Portsmouth were a much tougher proposition than Wycombe and 2) our good chances against Wycombe came quite early on but for most of the game we were pretty awful. Against Pompey, we may not have created as many chances (but then you wouldn't really expect us to away at the team sitting top of the table) but we played better than we did against Wycombe. The first half against Wycombe certainly wasn't "amazing".

  8. 54 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:



    Fair enough, looking at that still he may have been able to control it with his left then side foot it with his right but I don’t think a still picture proves anything. At full speed it doesn’t look quite as simple as you are suggesting. I’m not disagreeing that it was a bad miss but I don’t think he could or should have taken a touch first and then side footed it in. I reckon 99% of professional footballers would have done the same - tried to slide the ball into an empty net rather than risk taking a touch first.

  9. 10 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    He really did, if he's anything like a competent footballer. 

    The keeper was a good 6 feet away from him when the ball arrived at his feet

    Well we’ll have to agree to disagree. In my opinion he really didn’t. Regardless of where the keeper was, if he’d tried to take a touch and then side foot it in, it would have narrowed his angle. He would probably have had to control it with his left foot and then side footed it in with his left foot. I don’t think that would have been easy and, IMO, he made the right decision (as I believe pretty much every other player would have) to try and direct it into the goal with his first touch. He got it wrong though.

  10. 1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Agree with this that it was the touch before the cross that was poor.

    Don't agree with this, he had all the time in the world. Just a complete lack of concentration. 

    He had enough time to strike the ball better but not take a touch and then side foot it in.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Rich84 said:

    Still had time ro take a touch and then sidefoot it in, no excuses, shocking miss that set the tone for the evening 

    Just watched the incident again. He should have done better but there is no way that he had time to take a touch and then side foot it in. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Jayram said:

    He should have stroked it across the box, not fizzed it at 90mph. Washington bottled it, like he did the chance he had against Blackpool the other week. 

    Is “bottled it” the phrase of the moment now we’re nearing the end of the season? He neither bottled it nor fizzed it at 90mph. His final touch before he crossed it was poor which meant it got stuck under his feet a little and his cross therefore wasn’t as clean as it could have been.

  13. 4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Except the had three shots on target to our none. Wildsmith pulled off a very good save, you didn't notice?

    Wildsmith made a good save low down to his left but we’d all have been very disappointed if he hadn’t made it. A good save but not a worldie. I don’t think either side really looked like they were going to score last night. Wycombe were OK but didn’t create many particularly good chances. We were awful but were presented with some great chances that we couldn’t even force a save from.

  14. 8 hours ago, Sean said:

    That game turned out exactly how I thought it would and yet everyone on here is stunned. Wycombe are horrible to play against. CBT should have scored but I still think we can do enough in the last three games.

    I don’t think many of us were “stunned” especially with the result. I reckon most people thought it would be an ugly (actually Wycombe played better football than I expected) and difficult game that we’d probably have enough to win but the result wasn’t a shock. We’re (well me anyway) not stunned, just bitterly disappointed at such an inept and disjointed performance. Yes we had some great chances early on but these were largely down to breakaways aided by some poor defending. Once those opportunities had gone I don’t recall many occasions when we really looked liked scoring or putting together any sort of prolonged passage of play. It was all too frantic which I put down to tactics, formation and players individual performances.

    I don’t think either Bolton or Posh will win all of their remaining games but the question is, can we? I see Orient being a difficult game that’ll well probably just scrape over the line in. No game is easy but we probably couldn’t have asked for a much easier final game. Based on our performances against Wycombe and Northampton, the Cambridge game worries me a lot. 

  15. 30 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    I mean including the matches they’ve played.

    I really don’t get this “they deserve to go up” mullarky. Whoever goes up will deserve to simply because they have accumulated more points than at least 22 other teams in the league (or have a better goal difference). That might be because they ended the season well, started the season well or were consistent throughout. 

  16. Just now, TheTinMan said:

    Weren't good enough or didn't have the bottle? Because we were good enough against Bolton and Pompey. We got ourselves into a very healthy position. Time after time this season when they have the weight of expectation on them against a (respectfully) lesser side like Northampton or Wycombe they fold. 

    Didn't we show "bottle" against Bolton and Pompey?

    Stating the obvious, if we fail to go up it will simply because sometimes (rarely) we were good enough and showed bottle (whatever that means) but not often enough.

  17. 1 minute ago, ollycutts1982 said:

    Not a doom merchant but the game management is shocking, play with no urgency or tempo. Terrible substitutions and tactical decisions. It has been the same all season. I remember Warne saying he loves a good throw in yet we must be the worst in the league at them  

    We’re second in the league but on the whole a forgettable season with very few highlights. How many promotion worthy performances have we put in???

    So so so disappointing. To say we have a team who know what it takes to get out the league and fail to take advantage against teams like Northampton and Wycombe is inexcusable. 

    I think at times there was too much urgency and tempo. There was a distinct lack of control and composure.

    I agree with your second and third paragraphs. It's not all down to the manager though as some seem to be constantly suggesting. Very much shared responsibility as far as I'm concerned.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Mckram said:

    Bolton have to play arguably the best two sides in the league in Portsmouth and Peterborough.

    If Bolton lose on Saturday and we win, it’s back in our hands…plenty of twists and turns yet. 

    Trying to look on the bright side, even if Bolton manage a draw on Saturday and we win, it will be back in our hands again. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Have to somehow win our last 3 games and hope Bolton and Peterborough don’t win all their games. They can even draw one and if we keep our GD higher we will go up. Need a big performance Saturday. 

    If we will our last three games and they both draw one of their games goal difference won't come into it.

  20. 1 minute ago, TomTom92 said:

    If Bolton win their last 6 including Portsmouth and Peterborough they deserve to go up. That’s the only positive mind. 
    People moaning at Warne, did he ask for us to miss 3 sitters in the first half? Granted the second half was toothless but we should’ve been out of sight.

    No bottle whatsoever.

    If Bolton win their last 6 then I think we should complain to the EFL as they should only have 4 games less. 😀

    Seriously though, if they win all of their remaining game then of course they will deserve to go up. Same as if they only draw v Pompey and we win our last 3 games (not looking likely based on tonight's performance) then we'll deserve to go up.

  21. 1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    boooooo.  bottle job b*******.  Might get a goal if they have 10 days off.  I can take a defeat .  Can't stomach lack of effort and b******* twice in a month.  

    I don't think there any real lack of effort. Just a lack of control, composure, playing any decent football and getting some of the basics right.

    The consolation is my predictor only had us down for a draw. We really need a win on Saturday and for Pompey to get something at Bolton. ☹️

  22. 1 minute ago, robglosta said:

    Not great is it. No point drawing this, go for it. 

    Obviously we could do with a win but there would (literally) be a point in getting a draw. It could come down to single point.

    There just doesn’t seem to be any control or composure.

  23. 2 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Why is it whenever we play a team who come off the back of an extra cup game, who should be knackered, we make them look like world beaters?

    Slight exaggeration, but we look crap! 

    It’s not unique to teams that have come off the back of an extra cup game.

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