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    Wsm-ram reacted to JustOneBiblicalKazim in Embargo and Transfer restrictions lifted   
    Would still rather us operate mostly in the free agent market, at least at first, there’s a strange amount of quality in there this year. Lifted restrictions is ideal for loan fees and paying compensation on young players who might get offered contracts though (Roberts), hopefully we can offer some longer contracts too, brilliant news
  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Embargo and Transfer restrictions lifted   
    EDIT - managed to restart the phone in using the app. Sorry to have doubted the post! 
    What great news that is, no restrictions or embargoes in transfers and fees but sensible investment that will be monitored by the EFL accordingly. Great news!!!
  3. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Gritstone Ram in Embargo and Transfer restrictions lifted   
    Let’s get a bit of quality on the pitch 
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to B4ev6is in Embargo and Transfer restrictions lifted   
    I now end the war with efl
    Now we stand a chance at promation next season.
  5. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to hintonsboots in Free agents in the summer   
    Oh you are awful.
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Rambalin in Embargo and Transfer restrictions lifted   
    Lifted according to Dom on Radio Derby.....will not be spending loads and still under buisness plan but we can now trade in the market  again. 
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Alty_Ram in A message from David Clowes   
    I think I've got something in my eye.. 
  8. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Mucker1884 in A message from David Clowes   
    Three things spring to mind...
    1.  Despite the fact that he hinted he never intended for this to happen, and that it wasn't on his bucket list (I'm very much para-phrasing, obvs!), I get the impression that he's now starting to enjoy his new role, and may well have one eye on a longer term project than what he possibly initially planned.  Let's hope so!
    2.  The guy just oozes class.
    3.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Kernow in A message from David Clowes   
    What a breath of fresh air Mr Clowes is. Must be a dream for a manager to work under as well. 48 hours after a very disappointing end and it’s still focusing on the wider perspective of things. Have we grown/progressed this season?
    The answer has to be yes. We could’ve grown/progressed more given the way things ended, but we’ve unplugged our life support, and emerged from our coma pretty well. The key now is to build  more of a core in the club’s playing staff. More depth, more potential and continue moving forward.
    I’m glad Warne still has nothing but support, constantly chopping and changing and moving targets to fit completely different individuals is one of the reasons why we’re in this position in the first place. I think we’ll be stronger and healthier again by the time we kick off in a few short months.
  10. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ambitious in A message from David Clowes   
    Arguably the best thing he could've said - took the emotion of the defeat out and focused on the progress of the club. He will be aware that this season was treated as a free hit by a lot of us. 
    The expectations next season will be rightfully much higher. It's a busy time for Clowes in particular, he's charged with the overall operation of the club and putting the wheels in motion across the board to set us up for long-term success. It starts with the relationship with the EFL, negotiating the best possible business plan for us to work under, ensuring the player recruitment is well thought out and progressive and Warne has everything he needs to succeed.
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in A message from David Clowes   
  12. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Topram in Free agents in the summer   
    Brannigan is a great shout
  13. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Carnero in Free agents in the summer   
    Clumsy or not he does score goals at this level, the big thing we've missed this season is multiple options up top..  any true promotion needs at least 4 centre forwards competing for 2 starting spots, McGoldrick + Collins + Stockton + Bonis would be a vast improvement on what we've had with this season.
  14. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to eccles the ram in Reasons to still (hopefully) be positive...   
    Well that's another season over. It's been extremely eventful, some good times, some bad times but football will continue no matter what. I know there has been contentious issues throughout the year. Poor officials, bad decisions, missed goalmouth opportunities but it's balanced out by the sheer euphoria of seeing my beloved team playing in a stadium fit for the Premiership. Gutted we didn't get in the playoffs but, in my heart of hearts, I think we would have struggled big time in the Championship with what the EFL have still imposed on us. We have the stability at the helm for once, we have a financial structure which we still need to adhere to (for the time being) and we have a manager who WILL get us out of this league sometime soon. August can't come quick enough for me. Will get me season ticket asap, will look forward to the fixtures coming out, and will turn up to bellow my support at PP and elsewhere. I will be a year older then, creeping towards my 70th birthday, but it's what I do. Football and anything to do with Derby County, is special to me and countless other thousands of DCFC fans. Very proud to be a Rams fan. Always was,always will be.UTR!
  15. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Andicis in Clark Robertson - Joined FC Ashdod   
    Out of contract, previously worked with Warne at Rotherham and in a position we need to strengthen (CB). Makes a lot of sense. 
  16. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Chellaston Ram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    At least we have more time to sort out transfer dealings 
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    I’ve said a couple of times I think this is Warne’s approach. He fancies himself more as a league one Klopp than a league one Pep, that’s based on my observations rather than any personal insight to Warne. I think he’s set us up a number of times to blow teams away early doors with his fast, direct (not long ball) approach, if we’d been able to take the chances it would have worked. The limitations had then appeared to be when that’s failed and the opposition adapt we couldn’t adjust. However the recent run of games and performances have shown a change in his approach that I think does show there’s a bit more tactical nous than I was perhaps giving him credit for. 
    Accepting we’re at this level for at least another season I’m excited for the prospect (and know it’s not guaranteed) of Warne shaping the squad to play along the lines of how we ended the season with the intent to blow teams away game after game, it’s got the potential to be an exciting season (as much as it could also be dross).
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    My view is we need to stick with PW for the long term, even if we miss out next year.  Chopping and changing got us in this mess and we’re still in the process of a complete rebuild.
    My expectation at the start of the season was 7 - 10th but I didn’t expect to be this close to the play offs.  Partly because not many teams, regardless of how big, go straight back up and lots of examples have been given.  I also thought we were in a similar position to the last time we were at this level, arguably worse.  In both cases we’ve needed a completely new squad, and that takes time to gel.
    Both LR and PW did a good job.  LR to get players to come, particularly late in the window and the financial restrictions.  We can bemoan the lack of a right back, quality of striker but he probably thought he had Nathan Byrne (who would have been a good RWB) and quality strikers for free are very rare.  PW did well to get them as close as he did, given the age profile and size of the squad.  I think the blip in Feb/Mar would have happened if it was LR, PW or, heaven forbid, any of us as manager.  Other teams were able to spend in Jan, we couldn’t and free’s them are free for a reason.  I think someone said Sheff Wed used 14 more players, like it or not that makes a difference.
    And it’s not just about the first team.  We’ve had to rebuild behind the scenes, e.g. head of recruitment, and that will continue, particularly the academy.  Lets be patient, give PW the time he needs to build for the long term.
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Free agents in the summer   
    June 10th I believe. Should be able to officially start negotiating with players who have expiring contracts soon as well, though I suspect some talks with agents will already have taken place. I’d really like to see us do some business early on in the window so the majority of the team can start pre-season together and build from there for our assault on league one.
  20. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Tyler Durden in Derby County - (Ridiculously) Early Thoughts on 2023/24   
    Nothings really changed. 
    Regardless of whether we are in the Championship or League 1 we still need vital positions recruiting for in the summer - centre forward, central defence, a right back would be good, midfield etc.
    All those who are saying that we should have walked this league with the players we have need to stop glue sniffing for a while. 
  21. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Kernow in Reasons to still (hopefully) be positive...   
    I touched on part of this in the match thread, and I am gutted to miss out although I feel like I'm less disappointed because of the circumstances. It's strange, if we'd completely capitulated and looked gutless, then I'd be fuming, but because it was down to an individual error/officiating error (again), it almost feels like well what could we do... We actually played really well, given the circumstances, deserved at least a point and showed a lot of fight. For me it's a lot different to previous seasons where we've just missed out on the top 6. I don't think "bottling" it comes into play this year. We just couldn't finish our chances, we could've won a hell of a lot more points without playing any better or any worse, just by putting away our chances. I also don't care what people say about bad decisions evening themselves out over a season, I think if someone did a case study on our season, it would show that's very far from the truth...
    But other reasons to be positive:
    - We'll have our first season in a long time where we can go into the pre-season with a bit of stability and certainty. We can look to build on the squad we do have with a manager who has had long enough to decide what we need to go up a level. It's not going to be perfect because of the circumstances we find ourselves under, but I think we should be in a much stronger position come August than we were last year. At least we won't have to wait another 2 months to know if we're going to be taken over, and start from scratch then. We won't have to miss out on signings and we can get started right now.
    - The circumstances... we'll still be under the business plan, but we'll be into our last year. There's talk it'll be 'relaxed', Nixon (yes I know) has linked us to actually spending Great British Pound Sterling on a player, whether we will or not, when was the last time we even could?
    - We're still a bigger fish in a smaller pond. I know we can't take anything for granted and big teams get 'stuck' down here. We have to take any opportunity we can to get out of this league BUT, we will be in a position where we are going to be a much bigger draw for players at this level than 90% of the opposition, and will be able to afford to pay them more too. In the Championship where we still have restrictions, I think we'd really struggle to build a squad and pick up results at the same time. I hope that just one more season at this level will set us up to have a much stronger future than a season of probably scrapping to stay up.
    - Experience at this level. The novelty will have worn off a little, for us, and for the opposition, the first trips are mostly out of the way. We can learn from naivety, errors and mistakes made this season where we've dropped silly points. Wigan, Reading and Blackpool shouldn't pose as much of a challenge, the competition this year has been fierce. Wednesday getting 96 points and only finishing 3rd is crazy, the top 3 in League 1 are far stronger than the bottom 3 in the Championship this season in my opinion.
    It's naturally disappointing to miss out however it happens, but I'm already looking forward to a busy summer and August rolling around again. It's been a long time since we've finished higher than 3rd in any division, wouldn't it be nice if this time next year that changes.
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Quite appropriate really that at the death our season has been decided by poor officiating (and that’s not to mention Barnsley should’ve had 2 penalties against Peterborough). We can go back to many big moments, Barnsley, Plymouth (twice), Ipswich, Peterborough, Ipswich, Port Vale (H), today, poor decisions at critical points in games, there have been lots of others, it doesn’t even itself out. But hey it’s a game of stats to some people!!! 
    I know we’ve heard it all before but we didn’t start recruiting until 1 week after preseason started, we only had 5 players, we have the smallest squad in the league, a mix of predominantly kids starting their careers and over 30s. No different options to change things when it’s not happening for us, can’t really rotate, January window made impossible with restrictions we’re under. This is why we didn’t quite have enough against better teams in the league away from home, this is why we didn’t win games we should have done against MK and Portsmouth, this is why ultimately we’ve fallen short. Had we got in the playoffs we have match winners, we would’ve had a chance, think Wednesday will be very glad they are not playing us next week!! 
    Thought we were excellent today and had we kept 11 on the pitch and not gone behind to that ridiculous decision we’d have got the job done. Can’t fault any of the players or Warne for how he approached the game. Lots of positive performances, im gutted for Curtis, it’s devastating for his career at Derby to potentially end like that. Unfortunately though he’s made that exact same mistake on a few occasions now and cost us goals. 
    It’s a real tough one to take today. But credit to the players and Warne and his staff for putting us in the situation to fight for playoffs on the last day. Derby and Warne HAVE NOT FAILED this season, I’d say this season is about par, next season is a different ball game. Despite our restrictions a whole preseason and recruitment prior to preseason with a settled management, promotion is the minimum requirement next season.
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jourdan in Curtis   
    An absolute class act.
    I hope he doesn’t get the Keogh or Roos treatment.
    Some players just pass through, but he has really taken the club to heart. Let’s not forget how thrilled we were to see him sign a new contract last summer. He has built up that kind of connection with the club.
    This season probably hasn’t gone as he would have expected, and today’s minute of madness probably underlined that.
    But that doesn’t diminish years of great service. I hope he stays in the fold in some capacity. If not, he goes with nothing but complete respect and well wishes.
  24. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to NottsRammy in Knight, Bird and Sibley   
    You have to be kidding me all 3 are not good enough !!.
    Wildesmith and Mcgoldrick and poss that haydon roberts i would keep all the rest can simply go . A few are just to old now Sorry curtis and craig forsyth both the latter good players but past their best .
    Mr Curtis Davies is def a future rams manager .
    But first let Mr Warne clear the garbage for next season , next season get promoted the money returns .
    A wise rams fan right now would be backing for promotion NOT autos to much of a risk with a cheap squad . But warne will sign players in midfield with bite and players that can run and players that are around their mid 20's . 
    You will look back and at today and say thank god soon enough !! . 
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